Does Michael Jackson have a young fan base?

Michael Jackson fans can be from the age of 0 to the age of 100

He's got fans of all ages
I'm 13, and I've been a fan for about 2 and a half years. :D
Im 16, and ive been.. you know.. like completely obsessed! with Michael for 3 years :p
There was always the time when i was a lil girl, and danced around but I just thought great music, who the fuck is the dude? :p But yeah. Basically I've driven my fam crazy with my love for Mike for 3 years :) :)
I'm I count?

Been a fan since I was 12.....
Michael's fan base is the most eclectic fan base, racially and age wise. I was at the O2 yesterday and I saw fans who looked no more than 14, and one fan standing next to me was interviewed and the journalist asked him his age and he said 61yrs old.

I'd say the vast majority of Michael's fans are mid 20's to late 30's, but he just keeps on getting younger generations of fans because all of todays stars try and fail to be like Michael. And nothing beats the real thing, which is why teenagers will always become Michael Jackson fans.
Of course he does. I was watching CNN yesterday and even the reporters themselves despite their idiotic, snarky remarks, said they were surprised at the amount of young people who turned up to the conference.
I'm 16 and been listening to his music since i was bout 5. Only been completely obsessed for about 3 years.
Michael Jackson has fans who are 5 years old to 80 years old. He has a huge fanbase that spans many different ages.
I'm 15, I started listening to Michael when I was like five, but really became a true fan sometime last year. And my best friend is also 15 and a huge fan :)
Turned 15 this year. Been a ''official'' fan since last year, but i've been listen to MJ since i was 9? I think. I just didn't know it was him :lol:
I'm I qualify as "young"? please don't tell me I'm old :pth: I don't like to hear that
I'm 15 and have been a fan since Halloween of 07'.

Wow, I can't believe how many fans on here are my age
I'm I qualify as "young"? please don't tell me I'm old :pth: I don't like to hear that

LOL!:rofl: I'm right behind ya. I'm 24. The funny thing is, and I've noticed a trend, that the people who were fans since back in the glory days are the ones I see talk the most trash:scratch:

"It's over, man he needs to let it go"

"It's kinda sad to watch him try to come back"

"He's not the same MJ anymore" (this one by the way makes me laugh out loud when I hear it)

The way I see it is if you guys don't want him anymore, let the youngbucks have a chance :cheeky:
I'm 22 and have been a fan for a couple years now, but if anything indicates a young fan base it would be the sales of Thriller 25. When T25 came out, I saw a few young people - like 10 years old or so - picking it up, and I heard it was the same everywhere. So I bet MJ's got a pretty solid young fan base.

Plus, not only do a lot of young stars talk about how they love MJ, but it's like the "cool" thing to do to imitate MJ. Take a look at YouTube and all the Thriller videos. How bout that Adam Sevani kid's Thriller? When these young celebs' fans see their love for MJ, I think they follow suit. And now with MJ's giant comeback, it's just a matter of time - scratch that, it's already happening! - before the whole world remembers how cool MJ is :cool:, young and old fans alike.