Does anything in real life makes other people to notice you're an MJ fan?


Proud Member
Jan 25, 2009
Certainly not for me. I think most wouldn't expect that I'm an MJ fan. I don't even have any MJ posters in my room. All that would remind of MJ a bit is just one black fedora that I have. All my stuff is in computer. What about you? :)
I also have just a blacK fedora hanging on my wall next to my PC. But I use to display everything
I took it down becuase I want to protect it from my smoking :( In real life anyone who knows me
knows I am a MJ fan becuase I insert him in any topic they are speaking of :lol: becuase he is
relevant in any topic or discusson. Something always reminds me of Michael.
Not anymore. As i kind i had posters on the walls, t-shirts and buttons. my parents were telling everyone that i'm huge fan of him. they were kind of proud of that :)
Now many look kind of wondered when i say i was a fan. I know alot of people who like his music, but are not fans.
You can see it everywhere. I got my own MJ-room in my house, i often wear t-shirts with MJ and I got a tattoo. My mobile got Michael on.. I got him everywhere. Everybody who knows me, knows I'm one of the greatest fan of him. But I'm not one of these fans who impersonate him. I don't wear white socks in black shoes or wear military jackets.
I need Michael on my side. So I feel protected. Sounds silly, I know...
I just counted 26 pages from my printer hanging on the walls of my apartment. These are not only a personal choice of Michael pictures (no posters), but also quotes, handwritings, pics of Neverland, Forest Lawn, etc…
My home became kind of a gallery, where people start to read, comment, ask questions and get involved into a dialogue about Michael. That's what I want.
I don’t wear t-shirts but sometimes a button or a necklace.
They usually see my t-shirts, or the back window of my car has an MJ decal on it so they notice that too.
Oh people definitely know since i have MJ on his toes silhouette sticker on both my car and truck. My bag has an MJ image and its been a conversation starter which i enjoy.
The area above my piano is a "no holds barred" worship zone. Self printed poster and even blown up macros are gracing the wall. Next thing they walk over to my bookshelves- if they haven't gotten scared yet, they will be running by now. Just kidding, but there are a few areas that indicate that MJ is a regular topic in this household.
If I deem someone friendly (who wants their heart broken without reason???), I'll insert him into a topic- but only if I don't have to field the usual cruel stuff, I don't need to hear that.

And if someone is a willing victim- well HELLO, I will talk your ear off. My pleasure. Every once in a while I get frisky and put the hoodie on that's in my avatar- it usually means being stalked by little old ladies into the detergent isle at Target so that they can profess their eternal fellow love for Michael. :wild::D
And one time a girl in the check out line got very serious and told me (and I was already steadying myself...) : "I think he did nothing wrong."
Yes, considering I have 12 MJ shirts, MJ-style military jackets, a black fedora, mirrored aviators, etc. I also have a BAD cap, and a sleeping mask with the "Dangerous" eyes. And then there's the matter of all my MJ posters, snippets clipped from magazines, etc. And I have him on the cover of my binder. So they'd have to be blind to NOT know.

Oh I also have a small Michael doll I made. :3

Then again, whenever I'm in love, you can always tell. It's very obvious. Shamefully obvious. I'll want him everywhere.
Errrmmmm, ya I'd say to my friends and family it's pretty obviously....cuz I talk about it.
To my co-workers...not at all. It'll come out one day but at the moment they probably don't suspect it at all.
Well I have 2 MJ rooms in my house. One that I am always in. Most of my MJ items are in video form and I keep them in the closet. Some of my other MJ items I have unfortunately put them in a big green container. I said unfortunately because I used to always leave my MJ stuff out. But now it just got to be too much of a painful reminder now.:sad: And I used to so L.O.V.E. leave my stuff out. Especially my black fedora and my rhinestone glove. That I always had that glove on top of my hat. My other MJ room is my bedroom or what I like to call a shrine. My room is almost totally covered with pictures and posters of Michael. Not just pictures and posters of Michael. Michael is almost practically everywhere in my room. On my nightstand I have my beloved MJ doll and my MJ Opus book on it. And I didn't think that big huge book could fit on that nightstand. On my bed is a MJ blanket along with 3 MJ pillow cases on my pillows. That I sleep with every single night. On my one chair in my room has my 3 MJ cloth posters on it. In my closet I have probably about 3 dozens MJ t-shirts. My MJ Beat It outfit for my doll. And I also keep a MJ record player on my one closet shelf. And when I am out in public it is mostly a MJ t-shirt that I wear. Along with my 3 MJ necklaces that practically never comes off of me. Though almost most of the time no one takes notice of what I am wearing. And my computers always has a MJ background on it. Right now it is a picture of Michael taken from the making of the Stranger In Moscow video. And my Firefox persona is always a Michael one.
Probably not unless they saw my room, which has MJ posters or heard me listening to his music, or if he came up as a topic of conversation sometimes I'll say something. My family knew I was a fan when I started buying a bunch of MJ stuff. I usually don't talk about Michael though and still hide my obsession with him. I don't really trust people too much not to say something crappy about him because I've had that experience, and I just don't want to get upset. I even have MJ shirts, but I don't wear them all that much especially if I know I'm going to be around certain people. I wish I could be more open, but oh well. Anyway, I think part of it is also because I prefer loving and enjoying Michael all to myself in private. I've always been that way with things I'm interested in though, not just Michael. I still enjoy talking with fans though online, but I haven't really met any in person. I still think I would be pretty quiet anyway since I'm a quiet person.
I am not a teenager but I have his posters and pictures in almost every room in my house. Living room is filled with Michael.
And kitchen , too. And my daughters room.
Of course , everybody that ever knew me - knew how much I love him and allways will.
He is in my life every day. We talk about stuff and what is happening today in this world and very often Michael"s name and his wiews come to conversation.
He is a part of me.
love to read about so much :heart: for Michael...

Hell yeah, friends call and say 'can I come to get my MJ vitamins? ' as its a real SHRINE thingy with me...
I got Michael everywhere... on my mailbox, my front door, my walls are filled with Michael...
Okay, I kept one room FREE from Michael's energy and I call it the 'creepy' room :tease:

Anyway, when I'm out you will always see I'm a Michael's child too... I always wear my black pants and white socks... I still wear my MJ T-shirts and I'm usually quiet :smilerolleyes: but one word about Michael and I'll talk your ears off too ;)

I always have Michael's voice in my ear too through my MP3 player when I'm out... It makes me save...

I mean the day begins and ends with Michael... He's my heart, my soul, my rock, my inspiration...
Michael is PART of me...
I usually have Michael's picture as my laptop background, so it's pretty obvious to everyone.
About a year ago I was using a picture from Bad tour concert that didn't look much like Michael and my supervisor asked me who it was and was quite surprised when I told him ;) Then he let me listen to a rehearsal audio of him and his group performing Beat It, which was quite a surprise for me, as they play totaly different style of music. I think I still have it somewhere on my harddrive.
Besides my laptop, which is full of Michael audio, video and pictures, I have just one poster which was a present from my brother, a white fedora which also was a present and CDs.
My MJ albums and official This Is It poster from cinema. I have it in my room. I don't have any MJ shirts or anything so those are only ones.
No... not really. My facebook page has Michael Jackson as my only "music choice" but other than that not much about me shows I'm a big MJ fan. However, everyone around me who have known me longer than one year know it.... one way or another Mj always comes up and I will be there talking about him always.
:lol: Love all the comments. As for me, I think it kinda gave it away when I gave my co-workers/friends the Invicible CD last year as a and Christmas present :lol: Ohh and my laptop is a dead giveaway…also my car, pins (i wear on some of my bags) :p T-shirt and bracelet… :)


Just from the MJ related things I post on Facebook that my "friends" and family see (and which mostly go ignored sadly). I only speak in person about MJ to certain people who I know like him too and won't say anything offensive (and that's only a few people). I don't have a lot of MJ stuff around my apartment other than a magnet on my fridge and a pin I keep on the bulletin board in my bedroom. Oh, and my first edition Moonwalk book that I display proudly for all to see in my book shelf.
Well, I don't have any MJ t-shirts or any other item of clothing (when I was little, I used to have a military-style vest with MJ's name on the buttons). In my new house, people that come from outside my circle (my boyfriend's friends, for ex) can see my whole collection of Cds, Dvds, etc and they are very surprised when asking "Who is the Michael Jackson fan?". I also have a picture of MJ on the fridge door, but I don't think anyone can recognize him in it, although...just next to it, there is a pic of me impersonating him :D
Other than that, my friends, family and acquaintances all know that I'm a big fan.
When they come to my house and see my book and cd collection they can get the idea. Other then that I've never heard it from anyone. I don't bring him up in conversations a lot. Only when others do. At work they almost kinda guesed today actually. This radio station was playing the actual recording of Vincent Price his rap after playing Thriller (the version from the Thriller special edition cd). The dj said he was very famous in the horror movie scene and on. Someone at work asked who is that. Automatically I immediatly responded: Vincent Price. And he said how do you know that? Well uhm I'm a big MJ fan. I often get very negative responses to that, but he thought it was the coolest thing ever hahahaha.