Does Anyone Like My Dave Character?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Just asking for any opinions on him from MJJC Community..... Is he a good character to anyone here? I appreciate any input on this question.....:)
Just asking for any opinions on him from MJJC Community..... Is he a good character to anyone here? I appreciate any input on this question.....:)

I think your character Dave is a cool character, a gay teenage boy, but your character is not JUST about being gay. He actually has a life outside of being gay, which is awesome, but the Dave Stories are overkill.... You have about 6 Dave stories.......... And, you post them very quickly between each other...... The story you are currently writing now, called The Jerk, is good because Paul is a unique, new character of yours. :) Dave probably would not write the stories so close to each other. Like one time, iIthink you were writing two Dave stories within three days..... :O It's better to write a Dave story like once a month. :)