Does Anyone Like BAD?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I love Bad(full version)
I like the Darryl character! He is so captivating and cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michael was a great actor at playing Darryl!
I love the full version especially the short story at the beginning.
Shame he didn't do a little more acting in more movies :(
One of my faveourite Michael videos its really good and great stroyline and acting
I don't like Bad, I LOVE Bad!!!!!!

Though is a bit long, it's very entertaining and the dancing is superb...
The original idea for this video was to have MJ and Prince be the leaders of rival gangs, but since Prince changed his mind about doing the song, that plot was dropped.
so what if it's long, that makes it better and special. cuz can nobody do it like MIKE!

bad is awesome. underrated IMO.
It's one of Michael's best videos, both story line wise, acting wise and dance wise. Just a fantastic piece. It truly is a short film, not a video. And it's very clever in that, the entire musical sequence, if one pays attention they will notice, is a figment of Darryl's imagination. It's what he imagines himself doing, and then it cuts back to reality in the end and it shows his friends simply walking away and leaving him alone in the subway station.
BAD is awesome, it was my 1st favourite song too! when i was like 9 lol
his acting is great and i love the dance routine, brilliant story line too! :D
Did you know that BAD was based on a true story? Edmund Perry was a 17-year old Honor student, who tried to mug a policeman and got shot to death by the cop.. Michael jackson played a character named Darryl, based on Eddie Perry, except he didn't get shot to death and danced when he found himself in trouble.....:lol:
You know, I never really paid much attention to the beginning credits until the 2nd or 3rd time I watched it, and I had no idea that Martin Scorcese(i dont know how to spell his friggin last name!) directed it.

He is a very talented director as far as I know. Im not much of a movie buff! But I know he's supposed to be pretty good. Does anyone else find that kind of cool? I wish Mr. Scorcese would back that up a little bit more, just, you know, mentioning every once in a while that he directed an MJ video. Because I always thought it was directed well.
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Is it just me, or did wesley look like he was trying to break Michael's arm? :O In the end, Wesley fiercely grabs Michael's arm and twists it! OW! :O
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I love Bad! It's a very good video. The storyline, the choreography, the beats, the song itself! I just love it! I think Michael is great at acting.

Haha, did you guys saw the Bad parody of Weird Al Yankovic xD ''DING DONG, DING DONG'' it cracks me up everytime I watch it xDDDDDD
i love that video the long version is so awsome i just love it when he says you wanna see whose come on i will show you whose bad lol thats just a classin in its own right
I Like the video, I think it's a strange mix of drama and fun. But I'd love to know what way MJ was involved in its making.
I love Bad! It's a very good video. The storyline, the choreography, the beats, the song itself! I just love it! I think Michael is great at acting.

Haha, did you guys saw the Bad parody of Weird Al Yankovic xD ''DING DONG, DING DONG'' it cracks me up everytime I watch it xDDDDDD

yeah i love it :lol: i think its funnier then "eat it", which was good too but "fat" is the best :lmao:
Is it just me, or does the "Darryl" character seem like a "rookie" character? To me,, he seems to be a good role for someone just getting into acting, like someone who just got out of acting school or theater school. I don't know if Michael was the right choice for this character. Darryl seems more fitted for a rising star, not a Mega Superstar like Michael was(is)..... :mello:
BEST SHORT FILM EVER!!!!!!!!!1 It's so perfect, MJ looks sooooooooo hot! The dancing is great!!! The song is great!! I LOVE THE OUTFIT. GAHHH. Perfect.
he was amazingggggggggggggggggggggggg Martin scorcess must give him a chance at cinéma.