does anyone feel the same?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i donu wat to say... since this happened, i have been coming here on and off... wishing to write so badly, but unable to... everytime i try, it seems like words fail me... i wana be with you all, wana share my pain with your pain and be embraced by you all... wana say i love you Michael...wana say i miss you, wana write to him in the rip page..wana write my condolnces letter to the Jackson family... but i just can't, and i know it helps if i could...

i know i am like hunderds of fans... we just don't know how to deal with it. i had an extra burden coz i thought i was actually with him for four years and a half and so i am getting professional help, but it's not helping.
i feel like my body is dead and my spirit is dead... i need some hours even to get a glass of water...

i miss Michael, i need to express it in words, i need to be with you, i need to speak to you...i wish i am able to do something, like help other fans and give my support to other.. wish i could do this simple thing.. but i don't have the power...
i need to thank Gary, Sperrida, Mechi and all the fans and say i love you so much and togther we are a family and i do feel like here's my family... it's just our beloved head of family has gone...

hugs to all... i wish we were all togther crying over eachother shoulders and sharing this painful times... i love you
he was a drug and you were hooked on him

are drugs good? no

maybe you can finally find freedom
Emily...HUGS...i know exactly what you mean and how you are feeling.
Since he died,i can't sleep,and my stomac hurts a give an idea,i lost 2 kilos in only a week.If i try to eat something more heavy than chicken soop,my stomac dosen't keep it.
Me to...i thought i was talking to Michael...was only 2 months i know,but this person knew so well what to say,that it was impossible not to think that i was a part of his life.
The sadest of all this,is that i miss him so much!!!Even knowing it was not him...i had this hope that one day me and the real Michael would talk.
Now all i have left is this emptyness...
Reach me if you need to talk ok dear?
when i am talking to people i forget my pain and i want to believe it is helping me.
love you sweetie.HUGS
he was a drug and you were hooked on him

are drugs good? no

maybe you can finally find freedom

i know exactly what you mean..and you are right.. but God, can u stop drugs like this... so sudden, so unexpected... and the real thing is gone.. to know that he is gone forever...

i wana do something.. wana write.. do anything.. but i cant...

freedom now... well it seems like a killing prison...

Emily...HUGS...i know exactly what you mean and how you are feeling.
Since he died,i can't sleep,and my stomac hurts a give an idea,i lost 2 kilos in only a week.If i try to eat something more heavy than chicken soop,my stomac dosen't keep it.
Me to...i thought i was talking to Michael...was only 2 months i know,but this person knew so well what to say,that it was impossible not to think that i was a part of his life.
The sadest of all this,is that i miss him so much!!!Even knowing it was not him...i had this hope that one day me and the real Michael would talk.
Now all i have left is this emptyness...
Reach me if you need to talk ok dear?
when i am talking to people i forget my pain and i want to believe it is helping me.
love you sweetie.HUGS

i know Maria...i know sweety. i often think about you an di know the pain you are going through exactly... it just seems hard for me to write. my cell was off for days... and now it's always silent coz all my ringtones were Michael... but even wen ppl call, i can't pick up the phone. just in my room... lighting a candle every night... sleepless... and often getting sick so i know wat u say about eating...
and those footages of him, his smile, his kids, that voice message............... it's beyond words Maria...

i beg you to be strong... u still have your mom and your struggle for her cud mean a life purpose, u know?...
i love you dearest Maria and i do wish you are ok and happy somehow with all my heart...

biggg huggss