Does anyone else have this problem when watching This is It DVD?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have watched the dvd like 3 times now since I got it and I can only watch up to when Michael finishes Billie Jean. I just can't seem to want to watch after that because I know it's the end so I keep watching what was before or the special features. Anyone else find it hard to watch certain things? I guess when Man in the Mirror starts you know it's going to be over and it makes me sad.
Yeah. The first time I watched it I skipped Man in the Mirror and anything involving June 24th. The second time I forced myself to watch. I felt a little better afterwards.
yes, definitely difficult to watch MITM...I have watched it though...not easy
When I brought the dvd that was my first time seeing the film , it's not a film that I can see over and over *shrugs*
man in the mirror it too bittersweet.
i wish we got to see the whole thing by michael though and not seeing Judith Hill warm up her vocals and the others.
the ending of man in the mirror when it freezes on him with his arms open just tears me apart :cry: i just wanna run and give him a hug there
I bought it but I have not been able to watch it. I did see it in the movie theater 6 times but at home in the quiet confines of my home, I don't think I can handle it yet.
man in the mirror it too bittersweet.
i wish we got to see the whole thing by michael though and not seeing Judith Hill warm up her vocals and the others.
the ending of man in the mirror when it freezes on him with his arms open just tears me apart :cry: i just wanna run and give him a hug there

yes, that's the part that's the most difficult....:cry:
I find it hard. When you watch the other parts it's like he is still here but then the end you know he is not here anymore.
The press conference part at the beginning always makes me feel sad; Especially when he says "See you in July" :(
The press conference part at the beginning always makes me feel sad; Especially when he says "See you in July" :(

yeah that part is Reallllyy sad.....also when he sings..I'll be there'......God I still cry.....:cry:

I havent been able to watch the whole movie though...I put it in from time to time and skip to different parts...then I get dad and take it out.
During the movie i forget that his actually gone and i love watching him. He looks soo alive. But as soon the movie is nearing to an end "man in the mirror" i turn it off before he even starts it. I dont even watch that lill funny part either where his doing those stewardess moves. Because its heart breaking to see 1958-2009. In the theatre it took all my strength not to cry at the end, and i watched it 5 times in theatre. So i would always get up and walk away before it ends. I havent seen the movie end, i dont think i ever will.
I haven't been able to watch it. For me it is really hard to do, watch how he was going to fulfill his last performance and knowing he couldn't make it. I just still can't believe Michael is gone. I just can't get over it! This is terrible. I'm sure I sound like a broken record but I don't care. He should be here and it is a crime, literally that he is not. I am very angry. I know we have to accept what has happened but it is very hard. I can't believe it. :weeping:
I watched it again yesterday and I cried at the following parts:
1) LOVE lives forever
2) Ending Message: Heal the World-I love you-Michael Jackson
I can't watch MITM either. it was like that in the theater. Everytime it got to that song, i knew it was going to be the end ...forever. That was hard to take. I don't like that part. He is ever present during the whole movie. But MITM just seems so final.
For me, it was much more emotional for me to watch at home, than at the theater. At the theater, for me, it was kind of like being at an MJ concert for the first time. I got tears in my eyes in the theater, but did not cry, because I had so much fun.

But when I watched the DVD at home this past Saturday night, my heart just broke, and I cried. I watched it alone, so it made it much more emotional. In the theater, my mom and I left after the song "This Is It" in the credits, so we did not see the dedication to Paris, Prince and Blanket at the end, but I seen it on the DVD. That was it for me....I wept.

When I do watch the DVD again, I think I can make it through. Michael had put so much hard work into the show, and I enjoy every moment of it. But “Man in the Mirror” is heartbreaking to watch, I agree.

MJ was such a beautiful soul. His kindness was never an act. He had such a good heart, and that just radiates in this movie.