Does anyone else feel the same...?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newcastle upon Tyne
Im not sure if this makes sense but when I listen to Micheal Jackson's music now, his songs, lyrics and vocals sound more powerful than ever. Its like each songs has a new meaning and i'm interpreting them differently now to lets say 2 weeks ago. Kinda hard to explain. Its like im finally understanding his music and its message. I think it tells the story of his amazing life...the up's and the down's. I'm hearing and seeing everything MJ ever created in a whole new light

I Hope this make sense..?

Does anyone else feel the same way?
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I agree wholeheartedly. Today was the first day I was able to listen to his music without crying, and I swear everything was just resonating more. I listened to Smile, Keep the Faith, Gone Too Soon, and mainly all of Off The Wall. And I just found myself more into the songs than usual and more into the basslines and instrumentation. It was a nice experience.
yes, I catch every single word from his songs and every single note is different and it's so clear... unbelievable, I miss him so much, God I would give my life to make him live again... he's EVERYTHING