does anybody knows what is happening with NEVERLAND???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Will it be turn into an a theme park dedicated to Michael???

I will go... im sure thousands will

It is my dream to know Michael's Neverland :)
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Re: does anyone knows what is happening to NEVERLAND???

no one knows. nothing has been said. colony who co own filed papers to turn the whole thing into some sort of retreat ala graceland but papers were pulled pretty quick. i dont think its a priority. its not going anywhere and its not a seller market at the mo so it it gets sold off i presume they will wait for the end of the recession
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no one knows. nothing has been said. coloney who co own filed papers to turn the whole thing into some sort of retreat ala graceland but papers were pulled pretty quick. i dont think its a priority. its not going anywhere and its not a seller market at the mo so it it gets sold off i presume they will wait for the end of the recession
Well i think it would be great business, Michael is INTERNATIONAL, that would be like Disneyland, even Disney could join forces and do something.

This is Michael Jackson we're talking about... he is bigger than Elvis (no mean to offend any Elvis fan)
yes it would be but theres alot of issues. but yeap theres to much to be made out of the place so something will happen one way or the other
I read here a while ago there was a movement from the Santa Ynez community in taking legal action from preventing the property turned into a museum/theme park. They said the area/roads aren't equipped to handle a large volume of tourists, and that it would lose the quiet nature that attracted Michael to it in the 1st place. Anyway I'm just going off memory here, so I could be mistaken, and I don't know what's happened since. . . . I think Gary Indiana is kicking around the idea of recreating aspects of Neverland for a Michael/'Graceland' experience, including using either the 2300 Jackson St house or a replica of it.
Its very difficult as Neverland is literally in the middle of nowhere. If they were to do something with it they'd have to address the traffic issue as the neighbours are really against it happening so who knows.
I think that the entire neighborhood may have to be fit for it. Difference from Graceland and Neverland is that Graceland is in a major city (Memphis) whereas Neverland is in a small town where there may be traffic problem (I have never seen Neverland or roads that lead there) and I really don't think they could handle it being turned into a tourist attraction. Maybe it should be a small museum or something. Unfortunately it probably would stay empty until some rich person buys it and not let the public see his/her home.

^^; I shouldn't type while tired.
Something will happen with Neverland eventually, there is way way to much money to be made from it for them to let it go or just have it sit there. But yes the roads will have to be attended, and also permission from the community before it gets opened up to the public..

And as to where it is located, Neverland is easier to get to than Graceland, if I'm right Neverland is only about an hour out of LA, the amount of people that fly into LA, what fan wouldn't stop for a day to head out to Neverland, I know I would.

Alot more people fly to LA than Memphis..
at this point i dont think anyone knows whats going to become of Neverland. Its up to tha family and the executors of the estate. There is way too much money to be made off of Neverland so it would be pretty stupid to let it just sit there and become just another memory. I would like to see it become a museum. It would break my heart to see Neverland just sit there. Im sure in the near furture something will be done.
I think they are going to turn it into a national landmark just like Graceland..but it's going to be a while..
Its very difficult as Neverland is literally in the middle of nowhere. If they were to do something with it they'd have to address the traffic issue as the neighbours are really against it happening so who knows.
Well, what i know is that neighbors were happy that Neverland was there cause it means more cash flow, you know, music lovers would rent places to stay near Neverland and then visit there, they would eat in their restaurants is GOOD business for many there... and who knows what other things... is good good business.

Its so sad to think of it just empty :(
Yes, it is my dream to know MJ's Neverland, i dont want to see it empty either :(

Something will happen with Neverland eventually, there is way way to much money to be made from it for them to let it go or just have it sit there. But yes the roads will have to be attended, and also permission from the community before it gets opened up to the public..

And as to where it is located, Neverland is easier to get to than Graceland, if I'm right Neverland is only about an hour out of LA, the amount of people that fly into LA, what fan wouldn't stop for a day to head out to Neverland, I know I would.

Alot more people fly to LA than Memphis..
very right, you're entire post
I don't like seeing it empty either, but I hope that no one else buys it and just turn it into a place where nobody is allowed to go on. And get rid of the things that say neverland and make the area private.

Is there a google map that will tell me where Neverland ranch is.
I don't like seeing it empty either, but I hope that no one else buys it and just turn it into a place where nobody is allowed to go on. And get rid of the things that say neverland and make the area private.

Is there a google map that will tell me where Neverland ranch is.
Oh no, that cannot happen, please dont say it again, that would be... just aweful

I think it will eventually become both a museum and a Michael Jackson themed park, soon i hope :timer:

A Michael Jackson theme park that would be sensational... :yes: