Do you wear Crocs?

I have a pair of light blue ones.. They don't look fashionable or anything like that but they are so comfy!! One day i also want baby pink ones. But only when they are on sale.. I find 40€ to much for such kind of shoe
No, thanks. I hate that! Ok, it's comfortable... but it's too ugly. :/
We have fake ones at home :D But I don't like them that much.
Don't worry LiveonBoca, ur not the only one. I love them! I'm attached to mine, their green :D they're so comfortable. My friends take the mickey out of me though, their like " ur not wearing those outside with us"
I personally think they are the most asexual item of clothing a person can chose to wear :mello: lol.

Just my opinion :agree::)
No I don't! I think that they look silly personally, but have tried them on before (I used to work in a shoe store) and they are SO COMFORTABLE!! I think that they are wayy to expensive for what they are though...they are just plasticy-foam...LOL if they were like $10-$15 a pair I would consider it...the ones that are molded to be like mary janes are actually kind of cute...

The first time I saw someone wearing Crocs I was working at the shoe store and I thought that they were wearing in cheap garden shoes. I remember pointing them out the girl I was working with and we laughed. I had no idea they woudl becomet he next big craze! LOL But these were like ultra bright blue...they really stuck out...most of the reason they were so
Hell no. I stay well clear of ugly shoes with holes in them. I don't even dare go near the stands. And I'd NEVER try them on -- I hear they're very comfortable, I might just start to like them! :lol: