Do you think there will be voiceover commentary on the film?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
My brother who just talking to me about the film and asked if there would be voiceover.

I told him I don't really know.

What do you guys think? I think there will be, after all it is a documentary.
I actually don't..I thnk it will literally be a fly onthe wall with everyone speaking with each other and not needing voiceovers..They will have people talking to camera but maybe someone asks the questions or their answers won't need a question as it will be self explanatory..who knows?
I reckon we'll hear a bit of Kenny Ortega doing voiceover, maybe even just as a bookend type thing. I imagine we'll hear voiceover at least over the introduction, maybe some talking heads with the cast and crew of the show throughout as well.
Guess not, I'm very much expecting there to be bits of interviews from the bandmembers, dancers. Or they could first show the person being interviewed and than switch over in scenes where you see Michael performing but still hearing the interview. That kind of stuff.
Voice-overs would not fit in the type of movie. I'm doing a study with parts about movies so could say it with quite some confidence. :yes:
I think they will have clips of everyone involved talking before each song. Then they will show the performance. Then more people talking and then another performance.
All i can say that they better not talk over any of the performances