Do you think there will be a Part II for TII at the movies?

No can't see it happening, the DVD will be the last of the footage released to the public and then over the years more will leak over the net.
Yeah I'd love that but Michael would call us cheeky lol.
I dont think so but I wish if they wud have made it little more longer like 3-4 HRS.I liked it but in the end I really thought that they didnt use the whole footage that they had.I hope they would release some more extended footage on DVD.
There absolutely won't be a part two, the most we'll get is more footage leaking over time.
I would LOVE for the rest to come out.. over 100 hours! I mean what happens to that? Are they just going to delete it? Will it be left in storage for all time?
I think that there won't be a TII part II, but I'm pretty sure that the movie will be extended for another two weeks, due to the huge success in tickets selling. As any other movie, it'll stay on the movie theaters as long as people keep on buying the tickets.
lol, true...

... they would have to call it "This now really is it"...

Wow, deleting the footage, what a waste that would be. But sometimes such stuff really happens. One time I asked a TV station whether they would sell the whole footage they made at a Bryan Adams concert... they replied they showed the 2 min. clip and erased (!) everything else!
That won't happen with MJ of course...
If it comes it will come directly on DVD and Blu-Ray!

The genral puplic will NOT go to the cinema and see another movie made with the same rehearsal stuff.

I would love a second BR release!
If it comes it will come directly on DVD and Blu-Ray!

The genral puplic will NOT go to the cinema and see another movie made with the same rehearsal stuff.

I would love a second BR release!

I had gone and seen Part 2 of TII :cheeky::(
Maybe a director's cut!!! It would be just awesome from 112 min to 180 min movie!!! We'll have to wait and see...
$ony Picture$ presents:

"This Is, er Also It."

Hang onto your hats folks! Several seconds of new footage of what may or may not be a shoe that belonged to Michael during rehearsals. And if that wasn't enough, watch several minutes of a toilet being cleaned which Michael may also have used during rehearsals.*

Home release scheduled for 2014 featuring Kenny Ortega commentary on the new scenes, and a backstage look at a man scratching himself before Michael arrived.

*We regret to inform viewers the toilet in question is actually the one in the editing room of $ony Picture$ Inc. and was only manufactured on October 11th... ahem.
I don't think there will be a Part Two but Kenny did mention the possibility of the film being re-released in theatres with the vignettes being in 3D like they were intended for the concerts.
someone said someting about 'the making of TII the movie' what... KO and others sat in a room editing down all the hours of footage?
Yeah I'd love that but Michael would call us cheeky lol.

it would be fun if we can see it again in the theatre....or maybe the estate can release Moonwak...Ghost 3D version maybe?lol
ok! cheeky.....but i cant get enough of Michael ^^

well maybe they should release the complete version in dvd
At best they'll edit a live album for release and add more footage to the DVD/Blu-Ray. Maybe in like, a few years time they'll re-release the video with even more footage, but I wouldn't count on a full-blown sequel.