Do you think MJ should remake any of his videos??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
You know, do Thriller over again - this time with the latest technology for special effects?? Re-do BAD with a cast of all young famous artists....what do you think? Think this would be a good idea or a bad one?
I think its a good idea, but I would prefer to see a thriller and bad remake with as u said new special effects and new cast (although it would be cool to get Wesley snipes again) but I would prefer to see those ideas done in a movie, maybe, Moonwalker II. Nice ideas though. :•)
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a remake of smooth criminal would be nice even though the original is perfect as it us
Nah, I'd prefer to let classics stay as classics. But hey, if he wants to....of course I'll love
No! His videos are perfect, groundbreaking and iconic the way they are. What would be the point in re-making them all over again?? It's just like the Thriller 25 remixes: they do not come close to the originals!
I would prefer if Billie Jean and Thriller would just a bit remastered. And Bad with "new" actors? Only with Chackie Chan and Chris Tucker then!!!!
But he can do new videos, no need to waste his time for old ones (which are still after all that years much better than the new videos of young artists with or without future technology).
NO, Michael shouldn't remake his past music videos they are perfect the way they are. Why does Michael need to remake Bad with a cast of young famous artist who are 3rd rate compared to Michael.
The Bad video has Michael Jackson in it, that's all it need plus it was directed by "Martin Scorsese" and that's all that needs to be said how perfect everything for the Bad video is.
maybe Man In The Mirror and have a number of different celebrities/political figures/and ordinary people lip syncing to the lyrics ...i only like this concept becuz of the state of the world today, this would be a big statement and it would show how MJs music can stand through the test of time and be even more relevant as time goes on...
Remakes would be interesting.

I don't want this to happen, because they are great as they are, but I'd love to see what Thriller 2008 would look like.. haha.
Remakes would be interesting.

I don't want this to happen, because they are great as they are, but I'd love to see what Thriller 2008 would look like.. haha.

Wouldn't that be awesome?? You know, get someone like Stephen King involved - lots of really REALLY scary special effects...
No. A video is like a movie or a painting, you don't touch it. Music is different, it's made to be played live, different ways. That's what I would love seing Michael do.