Do you think Michael would have written another autobiographical book if he was alive?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We got moonwalk which I consider was a really good autobiographical book about him up til that point that touched on different subjects such as his childhood, music, family, outlook in life, minor controversies etc. Then we have dancing the dream thatÂ’s really just a book with poems and song lyrics (which I enjoyed for what it was). Now my question to yÂ’all is do you think Michael would have tackled another autobiography if he was alive today? He had gone through so much ever since the moonwalk days and I, for one, would have loved to read another one. He was also older and much more mature and forthcoming than he was back then, at least I think, so it would have been nice to hear him talk about everything from a different perspective.

I donÂ’t know if he would have done it though. Maybe he wasnÂ’t too keen on opening up those wounds again. I could see him writing a different kind of book kinda like dancing the dream but not another autobiographical one.

What do you think?
Michael Jackson most likely would not have tackled another autobiography if he was alive today.

The main reason is the unavoidable sad topics of the child sexual abuse allegations against him (1993, 2003).

The singer was an emotional and physical wreck after the Arvizo trial, and it would have been extremely distressful for him to begin writing about these issues on an autobiographical book.

Also, after the release of his ‘Moonwalk’ book, he had two marriages with an unhappy ending, which was an additional reason for him to avoid writing a second autobiographical book.

Moreover, a possible second autobiographical would have entailed revealing more information about his art (conception of songs, songs’ themes, lyrics’ meanings, etc,) but the singer did not like to reveal many details about such things and instead to remain rather cryptic.

Remember also that Michael Jackson generally liked to be viewed as an enigmatic figure, which means that the chances of writing a second autobiographical book were slim to none.
Good question my friend
I know he agreed to do another biography in the 2seas records contract. I doubt he even started it though

It would be an interesting insight into, fatherhood, marriage and his creative process. But I think Michael was at a point in his life were he was trying to look forward instead of back. It would have been nice to read him looking back on his career but I fear it probably would have been dominated by him defending himself against the allegations, understandably.

I really enjoyed his book Moonwalk, it was really interesting reading how he saw his life so far, especially given he was such a private person. I'd love to hear the full Moonwalk tapes, that a snippet leaked from years ago. That would be a fascinating listen
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I'd love to hear the full Moonwalk tapes, that a snippet leaked from years ago. That would be a fascinating listen
There's tapes of Michael's Moonwalk?? That a snippet leaked from years ago???? Um what?????

I would've LOVED LOVED L O V E D another autobiography from Michael...or like an updated Moonwalk with him talking about fatherhood, marriage and all that. That would've been nice if he would've done it.
I doubt it. I think he was more comfortable telling his stories through his music.
There's tapes of Michael's Moonwalk?? That a snippet leaked from years ago???? Um what?????

I would've LOVED LOVED L O V E D another autobiography from Michael...or like an updated Moonwalk with him talking about fatherhood, marriage and all that. That would've been nice if he would've done it.

I believe this was an interview he did for the book, but I'm not sure. When the tapes were leaked in 2009, I remember the Daily Mirror claiming "the tapes were recorded between 1984-87 for the Moonwalk autobiography"

Mike's voice does sound like it's from the mid 80's in my opinion here

I believe this was an interview he did for the book, but I'm not sure. When the tapes were leaked in 2009, I remember the Daily Mirror claiming "the tapes were recorded between 1984-87 for the Moonwalk autobiography"

Mike's voice does sound like it's from the mid 80's in my opinion here

Thanks for this! I've never seen this video before.
It certainly sounds like an interview from the mid 80s and he even says ''but please don't write that'' which could mean that it was indeed an interview for the book.
Thanks for this! I've never seen this video before.
It certainly sounds like an interview from the mid 80s and he even says ''but please don't write that'' which could mean that it was indeed an interview for the book.

You're welcome, I thought that might be a clue as well. I'd love to hear more of those tapes if they're out there
I do NOT think MJ would ever make another autobiographical book.

Too much bad would have to be addressed - and he would never do that.
It would turn into a disaste where MJ claimed to be innocence if he wrote about - and it would be a disaster if he wrote about his life without mentioning these trials.

So I think it would be a loose-loose to write such a book.

What he could do was to write a book ONLY about his songs, the creative proces, background stories etc. - but I doubt he would ever do that either.

I believe this was an interview he did for the book, but I'm not sure. When the tapes were leaked in 2009, I remember the Daily Mirror claiming "the tapes were recorded between 1984-87 for the Moonwalk autobiography"

Mike's voice does sound like it's from the mid 80's in my opinion here

OMG!!! Thanks for the link! :)
I do NOT think MJ would ever make another autobiographical book.

Too much bad would have to be addressed - and he would never do that.
It would turn into a disaste where MJ claimed to be innocence if he wrote about - and it would be a disaster if he wrote about his life without mentioning these trials.

So I think it would be a loose-loose to write such a book.

What he could do was to write a book ONLY about his songs, the creative proces, background stories etc. - but I doubt he would ever do that either.

I think he said all he wanted to say on the HIStory album.
I think he said all he wanted to say on the HIStory album.

Agreed. As someone wrote above - MJ would most likely have commented the injustice and what he felt thru his music. - Like on HIStory, but also the song Xscape, Privacy etc. - I think that was MJ's way to get some steam out. But I do not think he would ever make another book.
Now my question to yÂ’all is do you think Michael would have tackled another autobiography if he was alive today?
I would say definitely not.
He had too many things he wanted to do that were a higher priority.

His book was actually written by a ghostwriter (Stephen Davis), which probably says a lot about his passion for writing.
Of course it would always be a ghostwriter who would make his biographi - MJ was not a writer. MJ would propably sit down in 10 sessions of each maybe 5 hours and talk with the ghostwriter and then MJ would read the book an make changes and finally approve it. That's mostly how autobiographies are made.

I think MJ would make a book at the age of 65-70 had he lived that long. It would be a great way for him to get out his version. No bias. And it sure would give him a lot of money.

I would hope MJ himself would speak it as an audio book.

Do you think Michael would have written another autobiographical book if he was alive?​

Title: Money
Of course, they all do. Michael wanted to be in the press, no better way to do it than write a book with spicy details about family members, prince etc
I'm not sure. Maybe another type of book poems, prose. Something away from his personal life. maybe a classical / creative audio book .