Do you think Michael will be memorialized at the Grammy's?

whens the Grammys!?!?

Sometime between Feburary and March.They use to have it sometime around mid to late Feburary for many years and it was always broadcasted in NYC:) but now it's between Feburary and March. They needed to come back to NYC where it belongs instead of Cali to telecast.Everysince Bloomberg took over as Mayor,The Grammys Moved everything to Cali never for NYC to collect any money from visitors coming just to see the Grammys.:(
Well, considering Michael won eight grammy's in one night, it would just make sense to honour him...
Oh I think they will - and agree - they should get it right.
I have had Jan 31st circled on my calendar for a while.
Would be very disappointing if they didn't.
Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't do anything. The AMA's sure proved that.
Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't do anything. The AMA's sure proved that.

YOu are right :(

MJ made HIStory once again that night and you see, it was like nothing important to them.
I hope Grammys will have more class and better memory.

People could say many stupid things about MJ, but when it comes to his talent... all should simply keep silence and stare at his mastery.
I couldn't believe the AMAs didn't do anything for Michael. The VMAs, the MOBOs, and EMA's all had tributes to Michael. He is the most honoured artist by the AMAs and not a tribute to him? He's influenced so many people and they couldn't even bother to honour a legend who paved the way for so many people.
im assuming so....he won those Grammys, the Grammys are the Oscars for music, the only music show that counts that i look forward to. the rest of the music shows are slapped together for teen's imo.
If they do not give him a tribute,It would be an injustice to Michael and his legacy and to fans around the world.

I second that.

However, I think they will do something. They better do something for Michael. If anybody, he deserves it most.
They should do a tribute for Michael....The AMA's just stunk...Michael made history again..and again not much recognition....He is atleast owed a tribute...after he was and STILL IS THE KING OF POP!!!......Nobody can ever take that away from him..
my mother who doesnt like Jermaine anyway- said that Jermaine spent too much time speaking ; like hes the "new MJ" now or something. And he brought his kids onstage?? Its like Jermaine wants his 15 minutes of fame...

According to my mother
I hope so but I honestly I am not getting my hopes up. I am still waiting for a proper tribute here. Something that really captures Michael. The only real tribute to me so far is This is It and that's thanks to Michael himself. I want something that shows his journey from the 5 year old to now. Many people would not be doing what they have been if it wasn't for Michael. When he died people were saying what a loss it is but it's like nobody wants to give him the respect he really deserves. It feels that way to me. They need to really look at what he did in his career and stop focusing on his personal life.
Yes, he will. An audio engineer that works with Jimmy Jam said "our (Grammys) tribute is going to be better then the others!" Not exact quotation but something of that nature.
Yes, he will. An audio engineer that works with Jimmy Jam said "our (Grammys) tribute is going to be better then the others!" Not exact quotation but something of that nature.

thank's for that :)

I think the ama's decided not to do a tribute once they realized he would win 4 out of 5 awards, they probably figured it was a tribute in itself.
Notice how each time he won, those presenting the awards held a short speech for mj before announcing the nominees.
I don't think they could ignore him and get away with it.

I just hope their tribute to MJ is better than their tribute was to James Brown.

(That said, they asked MJ to take part in the JB tribute, I think, and he said no.)

But their tribute to JB was rubbish.
I think it would be disrespectful not to do a proper, touching (Michael cared about making the world better) and DESERVED TRIBUTE, they are preparing one for sure, this is a serious award show. Its about music...Michael was all about music, he escaped the whole you all know crazy circus around him, he was never into it like others do nowadays, he was ALL ABOUT MUSIC, he was AN ARTIST he hated so much all the press around him not focusing on his artistical life...Michael was musician, a music man...Grammy's is for music, and Michael did a hell of a lot... everybody knows it...

Michael not only was a master on what he did but he touched peoples life and changed many with messages in his songs like Heal The World, Eath Song and many more like Man In The Mirror.

Earth Song should be re-realized cause it has such a big meaning now, it had it back in 1996 and now is like, in mean, our planet is in big danger...

Michael make me( yes me, and i know many of you) take responsability on what really happens in the world, may be some other would talk but i wouldnt listen as much as when Michael did it... Michael changed me through his music, he took the resposabilty of making the young ones take care of the planet, he was all about it, he always named the children cause they ARE the future of this planet, they are, all he said in his music has a meaning

The Grammy Awards are going to make a proper deserved tribute to Michael, i mean this is MICHAEL JACKSON... he is in this business since he was 5 years old and profesionally since he was 10, so, it would be really a fault on them, they are the most meaningful awards in music, of course they will make the best tribute, they are responsible people. They are not one of those awards that are about the fake tabloid press...
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Well Michael won 4 AMA's so I think that there is one Grammy with his name on it.

.....I know that Jermaine can be annoying but Janet never even mentioned her deceased brother at the AMA's.......she was more interested in reviving her own career.......something that Michael helped create!!!!!!!!!
Well Michael won 4 AMA's so I think that there is one Grammy with his name on it.

.....I know that Jermaine can be annoying but Janet never even mentioned her deceased brother at the AMA's.......she was more interested in reviving her own career.......something that Michael helped create!!!!!!!!!

Okay...some of u are way to hard on Janet...maybe she just doesn't like to talk about her deceased brother that she was EXTREMELY close too...hell did she even TALK at the AMAs at all!?!?!?! She performed together again And that we know was for MJ..

Hate to say this but some of you are not only being unrealistic but also selfish and it's pretty childish if u ask me
I hope so because I have been disappointed with the tributes I have seen so far. Maybe my expectations are too high but Michael deserves something big and really respects his music and his contributions. He did so much and people need to be reminded of that.
Can I just point out, everyone here is giving the Grammies the Oscar status of music. It only has that because there isn't another big international music awards show. The Grammies have always been a farce, they give awards based on what they feel people will agree with, so really its about popularity and not music. The ratings have been in the toilet for years, and considering they snubbed Michael for many awards he clearly deserved, I wouldn't depend on them for "class." I do think they will address Michael's passing, hopefully with a tribute performance and maybe even a special award (the latter I doubt).

I know I won't be watching either way; theres hundreds of pointless awards given out for hours, plus the Mj section (if any) will be on Youtube before the show ends! :)
I would love to see a tribute...


Sadly, I am not expecting much.

I am really disappointed with the music industry. This man had done so much for them yet not one of them stated his influence and impact in music. NOT MTV, BET nor AMAs.. heck even Soul Train...