Do you think michael had a diary? ( or maybe more)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When i saw some clips of that new dvd , going into neverland footage , i noticed alot of books.Knowing also he is a man who is known to read ALOT and be knowledgable of all aspects of the world.
He may not have spoken as fluently as other people who were immersed in creativity on similar levels, like Orson Welles..but that in no way means he wasn't as intellectual.This was an incredibly emotional man, very aware of concepts of the past, present and futute who probably had a view of or knowledge about ALOT of things in this world we all live on.

So is it so inconceivable that he wrote down his thoughts in a journal??
Maybe for immortality and be forever in history , like his music dance etc..I'm not saying they'd be realeased or even acknowledged by those close to Michael to maybe know if he did or not.BUT i'd say he is the type of person who would have a diary.Only an assumption of course but what anyone think?
When i saw some clips of that new dvd , going into neverland footage , i noticed alot of books.Knowing also he is a man who is known to read ALOT and be knowledgable of all aspects of the world.
He may not have spoken as fluently as other people who were immersed in creativity on similar levels, like Orson Welles..but that in no way means he wasn't as intellectual.This was an incredibly emotional man, very aware of concepts of the past, present and futute who probably had a view of or knowledge about ALOT of things in this world we all live on.

So is it so inconceivable that he wrote down his thoughts in a journal??
Maybe for immortality and be forever in history , like his music dance etc..I'm not saying they'd be realeased or even acknowledged by those close to Michael to maybe know if he did or not.BUT i'd say he is the type of person who would have a diary.Only an assumption of course but what anyone think?

It would be cool if he had. And if his will is people to read some. He was so misunderstood, so by releasing them somehow, he would be more understood, I think.
I'm sure we're gonna find way too many documents where he scribbled down his thoughts. If not in the form of a diary maybe in various different notebooks etc. I'm sure they will be priceless.
Yep , I mean there is so so much in the category of michael jackson possessions.Not just all the things he bought but all the things he THOUGHT from songs, dance ideas,world ideas,life feelings, personal feelings, inventions..who actually knows!

This man will be in the same realm as mentioning da vinci as decades go on in life..he was that important!! and the more that gets released to the WHOLE world..the more his name and legacy will be even more full than it already is...I just think Michael had so many thoughts on such a different level going in so many tangents ! damn...if the amount we got so far was around 50/60 percent of what he had and did...imagine what the rest is !
What difference does that make? If he did, it's private, not for the public. It's not like an Anne Frank kind of thing.
Yep , I mean there is so so much in the category of michael jackson possessions.Not just all the things he bought but all the things he THOUGHT from songs, dance ideas,world ideas,life feelings, personal feelings, inventions..who actually knows!

This man will be in the same realm as mentioning da vinci as decades go on in life..he was that important!! and the more that gets released to the WHOLE world..the more his name and legacy will be even more full than it already is...I just think Michael had so many thoughts on such a different level going in so many tangents ! damn...if the amount we got so far was around 50/60 percent of what he had and did...imagine what the rest is !
Da vinci is a good example I think. MJ will also be recognised for his less-known talents too. Think of his amazing paintings and all those poems and stories...
Well no, the difference with Anne Frank is she wrote her diray in a time where none of this idea of superstars, music and its massive effect, the list goes on obvoiulsy was as promenent as 2009.She wrote her diary with no thought that it would be published and in years studied in History and on tv.She just wrote a diary, not knowing how special she was or would be.Michael on the other hand found that out very quickly and was someone who communicated to the whole world in many different forms in many differnet ways.

What i'm saying is he is exactly the type of person who would want to write a diary for it to be seen for the whole world and another way to communicate with human beings in every corner of this earth.To spread his word and so spread him as a genius.
Michael is private. He doesn't talk about himself. If you read Moonwalk, there's nothing in it. He wouldn't have written a diary for the purpose of being published.
Yes Yes ! The poems , the visions, paintings, methods, ideologies and formation of so many things make him truely unique and on a somewhat unattainable pedistool..His dancing was a diary in itself, His lyrics writing, His style, His stage performance, His interaction with the world, the list literally goes on for a longggg time if you think about it..So many little avenues to that man's mind.

Fans obvioulsy realise it but the longer life goes on , the more everyone will see it all for what it truely is.He was literally as important if not more than every other people in the creative worlds down the hundreds and thousands of years..pick da vinci, sinatra, presley, brando, van gogh, anyone you like in a creative field...(obv for different reasons and maybe more complex)But he started and pionerred so many things and in so many fields of his work and life....

NEVER be surpassed.Just 1 example,we as human beings will never buy as many copys of a album in its entirety in some many ways as Thriller because of the Internet etc.Can't be surpassed , It is like 1 percent likley..if that..that is quite incredible if you think about it.