Do you think it's right for people to talk about private conversations in public?

Well. If the conversation is way too private, then no the public shouldn't hear about it. I'm a very private person.
In my opinion I guess it would depend on the context in which the info is posted and whether is would be a betrayal or not. It could be wrong in some cases and could also just be informative or helpful in others. I would say to betray a friends to others would be wrong. Outside that it depends on motive/reason the info is being discusses. Is it to help bring clarity to a situation or just to cause harm. Plus its just hearsay - You cant prove what someone else told you. We would have to have trust in the person who is relaying the info. Its best direct from the horses mouth.

Mod note
I will also state MJJC doesnt allow members to post or quote from PM's they recieve publically on the board.
That is a breach of someones privacy.