Do You Think It Will Be Hard To Forgive Me? :/


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was a Major Troll on another messageboard, so bad, that even when I apologized and started serious threads, I was told that I would never be taken seriously and would always be looked at as a Joke.

I created another account, one that was a normal poster, named Adrian, an 18 year old car washer from New York, and she was welcomed with open arms at first with no suspicions, until one poster got suspicious, and asked Adrian, "Do you love The Get Him To The Greek movie?"

I(Karice) LOVE that movie. I as Adrian completely trashed the movie, calling it lame, unfunny, and idiotic, and said, "Only idiots who need to have their heads examined would like the GHTTG movie. Karice cursed out Adrian for dissing the movie and Adrian
cursed Karice back out. God, this thing between me and me gets better, doesn't it? :lmao:

More and more people got suspicious that we weren't separate people, and "we" both vehemently denied being the same person. One of the suspicions was that we both used Smileys in our posts and threads, even though Smileys are common all over messageboards across the web.

People were responding to "Adrian's" threads by calling her Karice. It was clear that they were on to us, and I STILL denied being Adrian.

I deleted Adrian's account and finally decided to indirectly imply that the rumors were true that I was Adrian by saying something like, "I just wanted redemption. A chance to start over as a new poster and not be seen as a Troll."

Do you think they'll forgive me? :(
they shouldn't hold that against you, everybody makes makes mistakes sometime in their lives
I think they will:yes: it gave you away when you used the same smileys and terms. I have done it on a different site, so i know what you mean:toofunny:
Update: The posters there told me they didn't care about the "Adrian" thing. I guess that's a good thing. :D
Why do i get the feeling your trolling now?

In the words of Michael JAMONE!!!
It should not matter but the thing is so many people get hung up over what goes on on the internet these days.
Why would you do it in the first place? What was the point? And for that matter, why let something as silly as that upset you? It's just the internet.