Do you think he died happy


One of the thoughts that I cant stop thinking is did Michael die happy?
To try and make myself feel better I keep thinking thoughts like Michael knew his fans were behind him and loved him he had proof with how his tickets sold.He was'nt lonely as he had his children which he loved and was loved in return.

I also had bad thoughts that since 2003 he was upset,sad but after looking on you tube etc at video's of him after 2005 maybe he was'nt.Like I said before he had his children and some good friends and family.
Another thought is that he has gone nothing more can hurt him its just us left behind that are devasted I can't even begin to understand how his children family must be feeling now and my heart goes out to them.

Can some more fans help me out by telling me if you thought he was happy at the end and do you believe his last few years were happy aswell.
Im realy trying to believe this to help heal my heart and soul. x
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2004-2005 im sure he was not happy. Last years he looked good. And this year he looked at his best. Cant judge how he felt by the look so i dont know. His whole last years could have been hell, I wait for the autospy to know the truth.
there's no doubt he was happy being a dad, we know that

its bothering me all the time too thinking did he die happy. so difficult to come to terms with, no matter what
I think the concerts selling out would have cheered him up and no doubt he was looking forward to performing for his friends once again but there is still something at the back of my mind.
I dont like the thought. But MJ died for his fans. Why did he have to tour again, if we only knew what was ahead. But we cant blame us, and he probably wanted to tour and show his kids how good he was too.
I think he died so suddenly that it would've been a total shock to himself aswell!! I think he was happy at his last hours....I'm still in denial its so sad.. I keep waiting for the 16th to arrive and then I remember...
I think he died so suddenly that it would've been a total shock to himself aswell!! I think he was happy at his last hours....I'm still in denial its so sad.. I keep waiting for the 16th to arrive and then I remember...

i feel like that..........just cannot believe it happened :no::no::no::no:
I think he died happy, its just sad knowing that he did not know what was going to happen.......
I dont like the thought. But MJ died for his fans. Why did he have to tour again, if we only knew what was ahead. But we cant blame us, and he probably wanted to tour and show his kids how good he was too.

Not true.

Michael died because of the media and all those Vampires who hunted him all this years...
They killled him slowly...

That's what I believe.
he wouldn't of known anything. No pain, no way of kwowing he would die, no way of knownig he died. Thats what I think anywa (i'm an atheist btw). It's hard to even comprehend nothingness, non existence. Michael is gone :'(
let's hope so .

the most important thing now is to make him happy where he is,,,i'll keep praying for him and for his children till the last day in my life,,, i 'll buy his music and spread his message .he is the only messeah i met and believe.
I believe he was the happiest he had been in years, he had the proof that he was loved and respected as a performer, he must have been excited and anticipating the glory of it all, and if he was fed a drug he would not have know that he was dying.

Just fell asleep and it all happened without him knowing. Tragic for his family and for us, but I do believe he was happy before he fell asleep.
Happy as a parent? Absolutely. Happy in general? I honestly don't know :(
I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think he died a happy man, he was hated by the media, government and most of the world's public.

Only his fans ever supported him, nobdy else did, otherwise he would still be here with us.
If he was a loved person by all, it would have never got to this.
its just hitting me all over again

whys he gone????? whys he not here?????

the last few months have been a frenzy of excitement for us fans. ive been on ticketmaster and viaogo 24/7.... and now this.. and to think i have blood on my hands through buying tickets.. i just wanted MJ to be happy more than any of this... i cant cope :(