do you think a musician is ever good enough to go on a rant, like Buddy RIch did?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
After all, Michael never did, as far as we know. But you would think we would have captured one, by now, since Buddy Rich is from years ago, with lesser techonology...

so..should a musician practice tact, no matter how legendary he or she is, or, is there a time, when, if the musician is good and legendary enough, he or she has a right to a rant,(if the musician feels like his or her employees aren't doing a good enough job) like the example i am about to post, here: (be warned...a lot of verbal bombs are being dropped, know..what's commonly regarded as foul language)
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No way, if you feel they aren't doing good enough you talk to them one and one IMO. Let them know specifics and if it still doesn't get to the way you want, then there may need to be a change in people.

If you rant against them(especially like this) that won't accomplish anything except make them pissed off at you. It's one thing to give them criticism , it's another thing to go this far which is too much.
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It's been said that James Brown treated his band members harshly. In one case in the early 70's, his whole band (the one with Bootsy Collins) quit on him before a show. JB's bands were tight for a reason, they didn't want to get fined, and James constantly rehearsed them. If they flubbed a line onstage, James would look at the offender or say "I Gotcha". The audience wouldn't notice it and think James was just singing, lol. If a member had a wrinked outfit, unshined shoes, or missed a dance step, James would fine them for that also.