Do you talk to other people with 'obsessions'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
uk, macroland
I'm not sure if this is in the right place? PLease move it if it isnt :)

I was wondering if you talk to other people who are madly in love with, crazy over other celebs as well? Because my best friend is obsessed with Rob Pattinson and even though she doesn't love Michael and I don't love Rob we can both understand how each other are feeling so when other people tell us to shut up when we talk about them we listen to each other and its nice to know what someone who isn't necessarily a fan of Michael can actually begin to understand why I love him so much when hes a celebrity.
So do you talk to anyone else? And who are they fans of? :)
No, but my friend used to be obsessed with Emma Watson. :lol:
No i meant like people who are fans of other people.. not Michael.. like I wouldn't go on a Rob Pattz forum ;)
I hate people who dis Michael and don't understand how someone can listen him.

Earlier today one boy, aged something like 12 or so, posted me on facebook wall that "michael jackson is crap". He became fan of Justin Bieber...
I love talking to people who are really passionate about anything (well, almost anything... not really negative things of course!). Passion is wonderful! I relate to people who love things really deeply. :)
I hate people who dis Michael and don't understand how someone can listen him.

Earlier today one boy, aged something like 12 or so, posted me on facebook wall that "michael jackson is crap". He became fan of Justin Bieber...

That ruins all the chances he had of arguing his case (not that he had one).
Yeah. I have friends that are obsessed with other celebrities or artists.
Like, I have a friend who LOVES Adam Lambert and My Chemical Romance.

It doesn't really bother me, lol. As long as they don't talk about them 24/7. Even if I DO like them as well.
Obsessed people freak me out I try and avoid them like the plague being on a MJ fan site it is kinda impossible not to but I've made some good friends with some level headed MJ Fans lol!