Do you remember your lives?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
I'm just wondering. How many memories do you guys have? Do you remember a lot of your childhood? Detailed events? Detailed days? Do you remember your school teachers' names? Do you remember walks to school or days in kindergarten? Do you remember 5th grade?

I just would like to know. Because I have a hard time remembering my life. I remember some VERY FEW memories of my past. I'm just interested to know if I'm the only one.

By the way, mention your age... I am 26 years old.
I'm 25 and I generally remember everything. I can remember quite far back into my childhood (age 3 or 4) so every now and then I shock my parents by recalling something they thought I couldn't possibly remember lol. I remember places, people (in some cases even what they were wearing), conversations and just information in general. It can be a bit frustrating at times when I remember something someone did or said in passing, but they don't!
Do you remember your lives? I can only remember this life at the moment :p

But yes I can remember right back to my days in kindergarten :lol: I tend to remember unsual things. I do however have poor memory when it comes to people and names. I can remember a face but not their name.
^ :lol:

Well, I remember some occasions from my childhood.. but not very much.. From first school years I remember more.
But from our trips to other countries, I don't remember anything until our trip to Tenerife in 2001 :bugeyed
Not really. I don't even remember how I was when I was in 6th grade :mello: yea, shocking. I'm 14.
I remember everything from the age of two and up...though the event I remember from when I was two is a bad or traumatic one. But I generally remember everything...most of what people have said, layouts, decorations, details, etc. of houses, everything, lol
I'm 23, and my earliest memory was my first haircut when I was one year old...not too many details other than how I felt and how much I hated it. Other than that, or at least in terms of if I have any detailed memories, I think that the earliest detailed memory I have is when I was about 3 years old.
im 23 and i remember quite a lot of my childhood especially Christmases as we have them all videotaped (and some on youtube)
I am 46...I remember alot of things during my childhood, adolesence, teenage, and adulthood...

For whatever reason (s) sometimes we as human beings tend to supress memories of the past...:angel:
I remember a lot. I'm 17, and I have memories that date back to when I was only 3 or 4, although they aren't very detailed. I do remember the more traumatic things that happened at that age very clearly, though, like when I was 3 and almost took my eye out on a pole on the play-tent my grandma bought for me. A lot of times I'll also remember things I had forgotten by looking at old pictures or hearing a song or something.
I can remember back to when I was 5yrs old.. never ever detail of everthing.. just specific events.. the house we lived in at the time.. stuff like that.. I'm 37..
I sometimes forget sometimes remember - Im good at remembering people or faces - even if i saw them only once - but often i cant remember where i saw them for first time...
OMG that is so annoying!
I usually remember where I've seen people though, but lately I've seen one guy in the town and I swear I've seen him somewhere but I just can't get it to my mind where! It's very frustrating.