Do you remember this story? What a great person Michael was....

Wow-- I've never seen this before. What a fantastic person he was. I wonder how little Michael is doing today...
Michael was one of a kind. He truly made this world a better place...
I had never heard or seen this before. Michael was so magical. I miss him so much.
Wow...thanks for sharing! What a giving heart! We all know how deeply caring Michael was, but it just never ceases to amaze me! :wub:
I never heard this story before. God, this is so sad:( Thank you for sharing. He was amazing :heart:
Thank you so much for posting...I had never heard of this story before actually.. Michael is so amazing! what a great great man!
..I get so very angry hearing stories like this..some people should not have children :cry:
:cry: This story made me cry.. I agree with Lilly above, some people should not have children. I can't believe this cruelty.
Michael was an angel with a pure heart. I love this man so much. :(
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Indra for posting! I had never heard about this before. So very sad story. But once again shows how truly beautiful Michael´s heart and soul were. :heart:
I feel the love, thanks guys.
We're all doing it for L.O.V.E and Michael =)
yeah. MJ is the king of pure hearts. and the media not paying attention to something happening in it's most popular state, california(until Michael came along), validates me never believing them, when they set out to do 'charitable' things.
I had not seen that before...Michael was always such a caring person. HE certainly was one in a million. The world is sad without him....but Heaven is rejoicing..:angel:
never heard of this story... how can anyone do such a horrible thing like that?! :no:

Michael really was an angel walking the earth...thank god for him :angel:
This is why i keep saying Michael was one of a kind and can not be replaced or compensated by others including his surviving relatives. Michael was one of kind. Michael was bigger than all of us. Bless Michael
Stories like this really make me sad too, I pray for the family.
Thank God we had Michael and he was such a pure person.
Thanks for reminding us this, Indra.

:heart: :angel:
Such a beautiful story. Michael is one of a kind. So loveing and so so so beautiful. No one had such a beautiful soul as much as Michael.
Such a beautiful story. Michael is one of a kind. So loveing and so so so beautiful. No one had such a beautiful soul as much as Michael.

i agree. that's precisely what i was going to post. and his pure heart matches.