Do you listen to MJ music & watch footage


ok, I thought it was time for something like this, following on from the debate about the hologram 3d concert idea.

so do you?

1. Yes, I listen to his music more now since June 25
2. Yes, I listen to his music the same amount as before June 25
3. No, I dont listen to any his music or watch any footage since June 25
4. No, I dont listen to most of his music, just a few songs

(oh crap, mods please help, I hit save without adding the poll )

3. No, I dont listen to any his music or watch any footage since June 25
I bought the TII dvds on the day of release, but I havent opened them, they are still sealed, I got a new mp3 player which has no Michael music, I havnt switched on my other MP3 player since June 24 2009, I havent watched ANY dvd since before June 24/ 25 2009, all my dvds and cds are in a box under my bed, I dont watch footage on youtube, I dont have any Michael music in my spotify playlists, I dont download stuff from MJJC, when I hear his music in shops I walk out, when I see or hear him on tv I turn the tv off. I wont go to tribute events, Thriller Live, club nights or anything "celebrating his music" like flashmobs etc. I wont even be buying any "new" albums or singles that Sony release
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2. Yes, I listen to his music the same amount as before June 25
I listen to the same amount of music and watch the same amount of footage.
1) I listen to his music more. It gives me comfort listening to his music, makes me forget temporarily that he isn't around anymore and I listen to it so much more than I did before. Other music to me has lost its essence, its like losing Michael has ripped out all the essence of the music industry. I listen to other artists but Michael I listen to all the time. In the car, walking the dog, everywhere. However I haven't been able to watch TII for months. Watched it twice at the cinema, watched the DVD when it came through the post. Then I watched the extras and the memories of Michael featurette just broke me into pieces. It brought everything crashing back and haven't been able to watch TII since. Can watch Moonwalker, any other Michael DVD, but not TII anymore. Its just too hard. I can't even put it in the player. Everything about it now makes me upset and angry. Why did this happen, he should have been performing this at the o2, why is he not here anymore, how can he be here one minute then not the next. Just fills my head with too many questions and makes me angry as I know the answer.
My answer falls somewhere between #s 2 and 3.

I still listen to the music often--but not all of it. There are certain songs that I haven't heard since before the 25th and I have no intention of listening any time soon--it's too hard.

I've watched comparatively little footage of him since the 25th. I saw TII in the theater once, watched the DVD once when it came out and haven't seen it since. I haven't really watched the other ones. I don't search very often on YouTube, and when I have downloaded something from here I usually just put it away to watch when I'm ready.
Not as much for me anymore sadly. Since June 25th I had been very faithfully listening to Michael. And watching Michael on most days. But ever since my depression has gotten worst over him. I just don't do that anymore. I haven't been able to really watch him in over 2 months now. And believe me I really do miss watching him terribly. Especially my Oprah interview the one thing from Michael that I had L.O.V.E. to watch the most. Mainly just for the theater scene which is my favorite scene from that interview. But I just can't seem to handle it anymore. And as for listening to him I can only handle listening to at the most just 3 songs of his in a day. On most days it is just one song is all I can listen to now in a single day. Where before that I could spend probably a good couple of hours or so of just listening to him. I can't seem to handle of doing that anymore. I had found that out from last Tuesday where I had spent a good 20 minutes of listening to him. And I just really broke down. Just like it is so very hard for me going in to my Michael Jackson shrine bedroom now. Where Michael is practically everywhere in that room.
2. Yes, I listen to his music the same amount as before June 25. Or maybe even a little more than then.

I couldn't imagine not listening to his music.

I find it strange that some people have actively chosen to block it out post June 25th. His music has always had the opposite effect on me. It was always a tremendous source of escapism and inspiration for me while he was alive and it's been a great solace to me since his passing (particularly the older stuff, for some reason).
For me, it's 4/3/2...

Following June 25th, I watched his footage and listened to his songs non-stop, happy to discover all of the unseen stuff. But since the new year (so January 2010) it came to a pause (mainly because of college demands and other personal demands) but now... I haven't been able to. I get teary-eyed whenever something comes up. I don't really know why it's turned out to be like this, but I am yet to even open up my Opus and take a good look through that, so you know...
1) I listen to his music more. It gives me comfort listening to his music, makes me forget temporarily that he isn't around anymore and I listen to it so much more than I did before. Other music to me has lost its essence, its like losing Michael has ripped out all the essence of the music industry. I listen to other artists but Michael I listen to all the time, everywhere. However I haven't been able to watch TII for months, watched the DVD when it came. Then I watched the extras and the memories of Michael featurette just broke me into pieces. It brought everything crashing back and haven't been able to watch TII since. Can watch Moonwalker, any other Michael DVD, but not TII anymore. Its just too hard. I can't even put it in the player. Everything about it now makes me upset and angry. Why did this happen, he should have been performing this at the o2, why is he not here anymore, how can he be here one minute then not the next. Just fills my head with too many questions and makes me angry as I know the answer.

my exact answer.
even more, and for some reason especially older stuff, because I feel he is alive through his music and will be forever.
2. Yes, I listen to his music the same amount as before June 25
But I didnt listen his songs for weeks after the 25th, now I do listen to his music and watch footage, but I avoid songs like gone too soon...
I listen to his music more than before, at home (my six year old son loves), in the car, even at work when I'm alone and my mp3 is full of his music from J5 until today - However I do not watch more videos than before, I bought a few DVDs that I have not yet opened, the last one I watched was the History Tour Munich a few months ago - TII not opened since I bought in March.
Well, I can't choose a single one of those options, I'm more complicated!

Soon after June 25th I couldn't listen to his music or watch footage of him, it was too upsetting.

Then I began to listen to his music A LOT more often than before..everytime we went out in the car MJ would be on. I'd watch all the videos that were constantly on the music channels.

Now, since this year I've backed off from the music because I've worn it out, but I'm watching a lot more footage, I want to see anything and everything. I can't let him go.

EDIT: also to add.. watching This Is It and the extras on there where they talk about MJ is emotional..too recent.
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i listen and watch the real MJ. he may be on footage, but that's the real him. i wouldn't see a hologram the same way. but i haven't stopped listening to his music. in fact, this whole situation has reinforced what i thought about music, all along. the only music with life in it, is MJ's. i can't live without hearing his music. but i have been able to live without listening to other people's music, before june 25 of last year. june 25 simply reinforced why i feel that way. but i am talking of the music i know he was behind releasing. i don't feel the same way about whatever sony is going to do.
I watch and listen to it all more than before because sadly I was only a casual fan before. I felt like not hearing or seeing him at all would mean I would lose him forever. I would probably go crazy if I wasn't allowed to see or hear him at all. It keeps him alive for me. I still feel that way.

But it's weird because I was also deeply affected by the deaths of Steve Irwin and Heath Ledger (obviously not in the same way as MJ) but I still can't bring myself to watch their stuff. I can't watch Croc Hunter anymore. But with Michael it was just the opposite.
It was a little less after june 25th but I'm back to listening and watching as I used to.
But I am very selective in what I listen or watch.

I can watch TII but I have to skip the human nature performance, especially after the break when he has the fendora on(don't ask me why but it hurts everytime I see it).
I can listen to most of the J5 era songs, can listen to the bad album and most of the thriller album.
There are just certain songs I can't listen or watch, but as long as I skip those, I'm ok.
I pick #2. The only thing is after June 25th, I avoided his music for a while because I was just too shocked about his passing and I didn't want to get more upset. Right now, it feels good listening ot his music because you can feel like he's still around but just not on his two feet anymore. I did watch TII on my DVD player a few months ago but not the special features! I do listen to other artists too.
I've been listening to Michael a lot less than what I used to ever since June 25th listening to his Music didn't bring me the Joy it used to.
I watch his interviews from years ago and present just get hear his own words about music, life etc. Then i watch his docmentry because he embrace the world and welcome ever one in his private life,family, and how enjoying life is fun. I can't listen to his songs because I break down and be upset pissed off about his death that was a very wrong move. I have to leave this thread i am full of emotions y'all just don't understand my pain
I couldn't imagine not listening to his music.

I find it strange that some people have actively chosen to block it out post June 25th. His music has always had the opposite effect on me. It was always a tremendous source of escapism and inspiration for me while he was alive and it's been a great solace to me since his passing (particularly the older stuff, for some reason).
This is exactly how I feel, so option 2 for me as well. There is simply too much JOY for the pain to ever be able to block it out. There are too many years of LOVE contained in all those moments of music and performance that can never be taken away. It's all still there. And I still need it :heart:
I hear at least 1 MJ song each day.

And I sing many different MJ songs during the day.

I can't help it. :)
2. Yes, I listen to his music the same amount as before June 25
:yes: Oh well before the June 25th I was so happy at the time, when I first listen to Micheal Jackson he's been on my idols every since I was 3 years old. But I listen to MJ songs on the radio then wacth the music videos on Youtube. On 5:59 pm/June 25th I hear the accounment on the radio that our king of pop Micheal Jackson died I was cryin so bad that I've to go to church at that time :(

But of course even today I still listen to Micheal Jackson on the radio & even wacth his music video footage on youtube. :)
ok, I thought it was time for something like this, following on from the debate about the hologram 3d concert idea.

so do you?

1. Yes, I listen to his music more now since June 25
2. Yes, I listen to his music the same amount as before June 25
3. No, I dont listen to any his music or watch any footage since June 25
4. No, I dont listen to most of his music, just a few songs

(oh crap, mods please help, I hit save without adding the poll )

3. No, I dont listen to any his music or watch any footage since June 25
I bought the TII dvds on the day of release, but I havent opened them, they are still sealed, I got a new mp3 player which has no Michael music, I havnt switched on my other MP3 player since June 24 2009, I havent watched ANY dvd since before June 24/ 25 2009, all my dvds and cds are in a box under my bed, I dont watch footage on youtube, I dont have any Michael music in my spotify playlists, I dont download stuff from MJJC, when I hear his music in shops I walk out, when I see or hear him on tv I turn the tv off. I wont go to tribute events, Thriller Live, club nights or anything "celebrating his music" like flashmobs etc. I wont even be buying any "new" albums or singles that Sony release
aaw moonstreet i really feel for you,i did listen alot before the 25th to mjs music and watch videos,but i think i watch them more now,like someone already said it gives me comfort,it kind of makes me feel like mjs still here,if you can understand that,at first it was really hard without crying,but now it helps me,
No, I dont listen to any his music or watch any footage since June 25

the above. other than seeing TII at the cinema i cant bare to listen or watch videos. ive watched gen videos of him on u tube etc but nothing music releated. its to painful and just makes everything more confusing. hearing his voice etc. i worked at a scouting for girls concert the other week and when they sang "elvis isnt dead cause i heard him on the radio" oh boy did that hit a cord. thats what its like i never thought id find the day when if i hear his music i go running from the shop or whatever else it is. its horrendous. its like not only have i lost the human being that i loved ive lost the music and everything else aswell.maybe i should try and listen and it will help with the loss of the human but im kinda to scared to.becasue even though im not in denial most of the time u just have this weird feeling and u think did it really i just messing with myself. so if i can his hear his voice its gonna confuse me even more and hearing his voice knowing its gone is just so upsetting
I would never be able to not listen to his music.