Do you listen to DVD audio commentary's?

i'd automatically assume they're all boring but i've only ever listened to Werner Herzog giving commentary on Aguirre: Wrath of God. recommended.
I pretty much always do. If I like the movie of course.
I listen to commentaries of movies I like. I find them interesting. The commentaries of comedy movies are sometimes really funny. I like listening to the Apatow crew talk crap on commentaries for movies like 40-Year-Old Virgin, Superbad and Knocked Up.
Yep I do too.... audio commentaries often help me decide on whether I buy the DVD or not!
quite a few of them and they have often been more interesting than the actual films at times.
I do too.

My absolute fave is the commentary on the LOTR Platinum Series. I found them to be inspiring.
i love listening to the sinmpsons audio commentaries, and also the odd documentary