Do you have a fear of success??

no, i'm no bottler.

funnily enough, they also fear failure just as much as the rest of us. well, maybe except ataraxia sufferers.
I wonder why we do this?? Why do we continually beat up on ourselves?? Could it stem from unresolved childhood issues?? That somehow, even though our parents loved us, we didn't feel worthy of their love? Or childhood trauma? Freud seems to think so. But then again Freud came from that sexually repressed Victorian era, and related everything to sexual identity issues...especially involving both Oedipal and Electra complexes...
Can't say I've ever knowingly had that problem. My score was 2/13. "Congratulations! You're basically OK."

My greatest fear is catastrophic weather events; been through 2 major earthquake disasters in So.Calif and 2 monstrous tornadoes in Ohio over the years. I've tried to just say what will be will be, but I go into severe panic mode when I see damaging winds/tornado warning alerts come across my television screen on every station.
Can't say I've ever knowingly had that problem. My score was 2/13. "Congratulations! You're basically OK."

My greatest fear is catastrophic weather events; been through 2 major earthquake disasters in So.Calif and 2 monstrous tornadoes in Ohio over the years. I've tried to just say what will be will be, but I go into severe panic mode when I see damaging winds/tornado warning alerts come across my television screen on every station.

That's good. Not good about the catastrophic events, but then again I guess you have to "Let Go and Let God" in those situations, but make sure you seek safe cover...

Back to the subject - you are in a minority - according to research, a majority of people suffer from this - whether they'd like to openly admit it or not...
it's funny how rhadi is only seemingly apologetic about his religious's like he's almost fearful to talk about it. he knows ahead of time, not everyone will want to hear it, but, then he was, if they don't wanna hear it, they can simply turn off to it. but i don't think he needs to fear giving his advice if he is asked for it. and i still don't know why he says he said words that are..'not Christlike'..if he means cussing..i don't see anything in the Bible that says you can't do that..and i do it...when i get mad. so..he sounds like he's still in the midst of some fears... don't have a fear of failure or success...why should i...i've tried many things..and fell down, many times..and i'm still driven.
what the heck, ill go ahead and be open about this :)

I got 7/13. doesnt surprise me. its a good thing I know where it comes from though. durring the 4th grade i was picked on by my ENTIRE class. It carried on a bit in 5th grade, and as i entered middle school, it graduly went away. but i was left feeling like well...this is just how i am. im destined to be an outcast...thats just how things are. when ppl started talking to me, subconciously it was like...well why would they want to talk to me? I just dont get the girl that gets picked on...even long after it ended into high school and it still messes with my self esteem now!

I had 3 ppl i would consider friends in middle school. in high school i dont think i had any friends until my Junior year. it felt sooo great to in!

now, the "why would they want to talk to me? im the girl that gets picked on!" still hangs onto me semi- and even subconciously, and it just wont let go. it tells me if i try to do something good, if i succeed at something i will only be dissappointed by the judgement and scrutiny that would follow. "why did this girl even bother to TRY? shes an idiot!" i think thats where of the fear of success comes from for everyone who has it, really from a fear of failure. b/c in the end, you wouldnt succeed, but end up..failing.

this instinct of reacting this way and thinking this way is so deeply burried within me and controls my means of escape and defences that i barley even notice anymore when it happens.

I just want it gone, and ive been thinking of doing hypnosis. Ive also heard its possible to hypnotise yourself...heck works like you can do it! over and over would help. whats stopping me? that fear of building up hope and having it shattered when i worked so hard at something just to recieve dissappointment and fingers pointed at me. so instead i fall back into my daydreams and means of escape.

...I wish I could pay for theropy. this is pretty much EXACTLY what i would say to a theropist. but its true, a LOT of peaple have a fear of success and just the same fear of failure.

I appreciate you posting this. Thank you! :)
the timing of this thread is amazing. lol...if you are a follower of baseball, it's most famous or infamous player, right now, has confessed to use of steroids..and his reasoning? a fear of failure. the press' reasoning? the biggest contract in baseball history. everyone in the press says he's a guy that needs to be liked by everyone. now, he is being caught in his story, as they keep poking holes in it, and now he doesn't want to comment on it. and he plays for the New York Yankees. this season upcoming, looks like a doozy.

i tell you, many people can relate to Alex Rodriguez. and polls say that people want to forgive him.
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Not at all, i live for success.

Your final score:
-1 out of 13

"Fear of success is a terrible problem in this culture," says Brian Schwartz, a psychologist and consultant in Greenwich, Connecticut. "The vast majority of people I see are afflicted with it." Are you one of them?

Congratulations! You're basically OK
Your final score:
4 out of 13

"Fear of success is a terrible problem in this culture," says Brian Schwartz, a psychologist and consultant in Greenwich, Connecticut. "The vast majority of people I see are afflicted with it." Are you one of them?

Congratulations! You're basically OK. "

I am extremely shy and was often teased and picked on at school (from elementary school until nursing school...) both by fellow students and certain teachers. ButI can't really say I'd have a fear of failure. I will do my best and if that is not enough...nothing I can do about it. And even though I am VERY shy, I know that one can't like everyone and that way not everyone will like me and that's okay too. One doesn't have to like everyone but you should treat everyone with respect anyhow.

I think that mobbing can have a huge effect on one's performance. If people around you keep telling you you're nothing and you can't do anything right and say that even when you did everything right, you can very easily become insecure. And if it goes on like that you can become so insecure that you get so nervous that you actually START making mistakes because you put yourself under so much pressure yourself. I think it's important to protect oneself from that and leave from that kind of situation before it destroys you. It's not easy, but I think it's necessary. I've luckily had bosses that were supportive and have had a pretty good work environment so I've been able to devolp my skills in peace. It's good to know that no one expects you to know EVERYTHING and that you can ask for help when ever you're in doubt. That really helps. I think if it wasn't like that at my job, one would easily start fearing failure. If you were not allowed to ask for advice or for help...that would be awful.

So in conclusion, what my take on it is....I think if you are left with no "safety net", meaning that you are expected to do things all by yourself and there is no room for being "human" (everyone has days that are not so good), you're put under a lot of pressure and that's when you start to really fear failure.

JMO. :)
It is an interesting topic dont you think? How some of us still carry that old baggage around like some comfortable old robe....even though the robe may have hurt us previously. We need to get rid of the old robe, and get a new one. Seriously. I relate to the "picked on" story so much because that is what my life was like till I found the courage to assert myself. But it still bothers me....and I do have to let the old Linda go, and let the new Linda succeed....and I did that tonight. Passed my catheter certification..and it was the last chance too. Now I have to pass the Intermittent IV Med cert. And I can do that one as well. All I kept saying to myself before was "Si Se Puede" (yes, I can) and "Let go and Let God".

Yep, time for me to shed that old Linda and get the world ready for Nurse Linda!! LOL!!


PS; I thought I may have had to put in a male catheter on a patient for real this week, but never got called upon to do that...Whew.
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"You're moderately at risk for self-sabotaging behavior."

You don't say?? lol
Why do I bother taking a test, when already I know the result?
Let's ponder this mystery a while :scratch:
It is an interesting topic dont you think? How some of us still carry that old baggage around like some comfortable old robe....even though the robe may have hurt us previously. We need to get rid of the old robe, and get a new one. Seriously. I relate to the "picked on" story so much because that is what my life was like till I found the courage to assert myself. But it still bothers me....and I do have to let the old Linda go, and let the new Linda succeed....and I did that tonight. Passed my catheter certification..and it was the last chance too. Now I have to pass the Intermittent IV Med cert. And I can do that one as well. All I kept saying to myself before was "Si Se Puede" (yes, I can) and "Let go and Let God".

Yep, time for me to shed that old Linda and get the world ready for Nurse Linda!! LOL!!


PS; I thought I may have had to put in a male catheter on a patient for real this week, but never got called upon to do that...Whew.

wow thats wonderful Linda! :) Inspiring for me too. When ive tried to shed my robe id get intimidated and crawl back in my shell. thats why i really want theropy. there are many ppl out there i think who really need theorpy and are crying out for help without really relizing they are doing so and it is sad.

repeating positive phrases in your head like you did is VERY helpful. its like how Michael said if you hear something over and over again youre bound to believe it. same thing. if you tell yourself over anf over again you will succeed, you believe it.

i remember when i was trying out for regional choir. when i walked in i was so scared. i wanted to run away. but after i calmed my breathing town and said "i will do well" over and over i walked in confident and did it.

i know it can happen i guess the thing stopping me is...fear of success and in the end fear of loosing that success and being dissappointed.
wow thats wonderful Linda! :) Inspiring for me too. When ive tried to shed my robe id get intimidated and crawl back in my shell. thats why i really want theropy. there are many ppl out there i think who really need theorpy and are crying out for help without really relizing they are doing so and it is sad.

repeating positive phrases in your head like you did is VERY helpful. its like how Michael said if you hear something over and over again youre bound to believe it. same thing. if you tell yourself over anf over again you will succeed, you believe it.

i remember when i was trying out for regional choir. when i walked in i was so scared. i wanted to run away. but after i calmed my breathing town and said "i will do well" over and over i walked in confident and did it.

i know it can happen i guess the thing stopping me is...fear of success and in the end fear of loosing that success and being dissappointed.

Well, if it's any consolation to you - I did shed that robe and passed that certification!!! Now it's on to my first test, and I am going to pass that one too. There is nothing holding me back now. ..and I am not going to let it hold me back any longer either.

Time for both of us to sell that shell at a yard sale - whaddya say?
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What really needs to happen is for you to take that old personality, put it in a balloon, and let it go. Let it go and float up to the aren't that old person anymore. It's time to shed that image of yourself, and wake up to a new you!