Do you have a fave Beatles album?

BIG Beatles fan here. It took me a while to find Michael because I didn't listen to anything but oldies radio growing up. =P I was very wrapped up in the Beatles. =/ I'm a Rubber Soul girl, allll the way. Followed closely by White Album.
BIG Beatles fan here. It took me a while to find Michael because I didn't listen to anything but oldies radio growing up. =P I was very wrapped up in the Beatles. =/ I'm a Rubber Soul girl, allll the way. Followed closely by White Album.

BIG Beatles fan?!?!? Then I love you, cause I'm a HUGE Beatles fan, along with a couple of other people on here!!!! :D :D :D
I grew up listening to Michael, Beatles, Queen and Bruce Springsteen lol!
I can remember being about 6yrs old and putting on my mums old LPs and daning around the living room to HELP!
And for that memory - although so so so so hard to choose - That is my vote...


Revolver and A Hard Day's Night. They're all exceptional though.
Tony Sheridan & The Beat Brothers. Pete forever, Ringo never :tease:
I wouldn't say I'm a big Beatles fan, but I do like them. I'd say Revolver for me, simply because back when I was a kid in the 80's I found an old, old cassette tape in a box out in the garage. It was Revolver. On tape, lol (I wonder from when?). I listened and fell in total love with Good Day Sunshine, Eleanor Rigby and Tomorrow Never Knows. From there on out I was interested in the Beatles. My mom one day wondered how the heck I knew Eleanor Rigby (guess I was singing it around the house) and I told her. She said, "Well it sure as heck wasn't my tape! Must've been my brother's. I can't stand the Beatles! Never liked them!" LOL. Well, her loss.
I'd probably say the "Revolver" or "White Album" is the best, but I like "Introducing The Beatles". The British version is called "Meet The Beatles", but a couple of the songs are different on the Vee Jay version released in the US.
Probably Revolver. The White Album has its gems, but a majority of the songs suck in my opinion.
Rubber Soul, I played the tape (good old cassette tape) to death when I was growing up... :) And Sergeant Pepper...
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