Do you get along with your Boss??

Amber Dawn

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
I swear mine HATES ME!
Don't really know why I -- I'm a workaholic!

I know its their job to tell you what to do, but it would be so awesome if some bosses could respect their employees. If I was someones boss, I think that would be my route. You respect them they are more likely to work harder and be happier at work.
I have 2 bosses - they are both super cool :)

Although I have had bad ones in the past!! So I know what you mean!
I have 2 bosses as well... One of them is really nice but the other one is very demanding.
Yeh I like my boss on a personal level... except she gets paid to sit on her ass while I do all her professionally, no.
My boss has very versatile moods to put it politely lol. Some days he's lovely to work with but other days, nope. Just take it on the chin and leave work at work. :)
I work for Kmart. I have 2 bosses. The store manager and 2 assistant managers. I get along with both.
well I am a boss...:) no...:)......but..I do have a boss too....No I love my boss I have worked for her for 20 years.
I have 2 boss`s too. Once the store owner and the other ones the manager. Oh my god, they are such amazing brilliant people. I love my job and them. I have learnt alot through and with them.
This is a old thread but Im bumping cause I need to complain about my boss again lol..

I called in sick on SATURDAY and she knew I was sick too. Cause I worked friday and I looked like crap. And I was slow, Im a fast worker.. So she tells the main-main boss the reason why I called in was "cause I was mad" I couldn't beleive it!! I should just let it go but i'm thinking about asking her what gave her the conclusion that I was mad.. I wasn't mad, and what a dumb reason to call in for work over.. Because your mad.. If I was THAT mad I'd just quit my job.