do you believe in psychics?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have recently become aware of my psychic abilities, not just psychic as being able to see the future, but receiving messages from spirits, to pass on to people. A lot of people believe in what i do, but a lot of people do not believe in my ability. I was just curious as to who on here believes?
Yes, I think some people pay more attention to messages they may receive, vibes, dreams, or are observant or in tune spiritually with things that surround them or happen throughout their daily life. I believe we all have a gift whether it be just strong intuition or the ability to connect with something greater through extrasensory perception. :)
I do believe that some people have this gift.
Some yes. You have to experience it yourself to truly know though. Take these television personalities with a giant pinch of salt. Its entertainment... but you will know if they are real if they get some information on you that wouldn't be easy for them to read with your body language or general assumption.
Yes, I do believe a lot. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake ones and cold readers that give the few real ones a bad name. I used to be a non-believer and an atheist for many years, as it made my life a lot easier, meaning I didn't have to wonder about anything anymore; it made me feel I knew all of the answers... LOL! But not anymore... Scepticism is healthy, and I still remain sceptic for various things, but I now like to keep an open mind for everything.
We don't see radiowaves or x-rays etc either and we didn't know of their existence until relatively recently, but that doesn't mean they don't exist... right...? lol
I would never 110% rule it out, but generally speaking, I don't give it alot of credance.

There are times when I can unexplainably feel something. Don't know what it's about, and therefore I am uncomfortable thinking in such a direction. While I can't quite buy negative forces in our life, I certainly don't choose to mess with it.

Hope that makes sense to someone?
What I meant by not seeing anyone do it was I've never seen anyone do it and not have it debunked. I've seen it done, always a rational explanation...

Cold reading is an art form, not something magical.

so would you go for a reading? what i do is not cold reading, it is me passing on messages from spirits, its a genuine ability that i am very proud of.
I definitely believe in psychics and all that kind of stuff. I should seeing how I had predicted things that had came true. Like my aunt's death I had predicted the exact date and time she was going to die on. Months before it even happen. And you know what she had died on the exact date and time I had predicted.
So, if it works why has it *never* been proven?

How can it be proved? Its peoples word and thats it. And don't base your faith in things on science alone, how many times has science got things wrong and said something was impossible when its not?

It all depends on the way you look at life as well. Yes there is no scientific proof that it is possible but there is also no scientific data to say that it is not possible. I choose to believe what my heart, mind and soul tell me, not just the mind...

Yes I believe in psychics. People contacting the dead...not to sure as I don't really believe in a "heaven". I have never had a reading or any personal experience with it. I do however know people who have. But I also believe there are a lot more fakes than there are genuinely gifted people. I have studied a lot about this sort of thing (i'm pagan), and believe in the idea of the fact that everything in the world is made up of energy so there is no reason why things like this arn't possible.
So, if it works why has it *never* been proven?

You don't need to prove something for it to be real, my faith and ability, as with other mediums, is enough for us and the believers. there are certain aspects of it that have been proved by scientists, like orbs and spirits in the air. there are pictures and recordings of spirits and orbs all over the world, they chose to speak to me. I know lots of people who didn't believe in psychics and mediums until i gave them readings.
You don't need to prove something for it to be real, my faith and ability, as with other mediums, is enough for us and the believers. there are certain aspects of it that have been proved by scientists, like orbs and spirits in the air. there are pictures and recordings of spirits and orbs all over the world, they chose to speak to me. I know lots of people who didn't believe in psychics and mediums until i gave them readings.

Have you ever had any messages about the afterlife? is god real?
Proving something does not have to have anything to do with science.

The burden of proof is on the person to prove it, not the other way round.

Having said all that, there is proof that it does nothing. People just choose to ignore the reality.

How can it be proved? Its peoples word and thats it. And don't base your faith in things on science alone, how many times has science got things wrong and said something was impossible when its not?

It all depends on the way you look at life as well. Yes there is no scientific proof that it is possible but there is also no scientific data to say that it is not possible. I choose to believe what my heart, mind and soul tell me, not just the mind...

Yes I believe in psychics. People contacting the dead...not to sure as I don't really believe in a "heaven". I have never had a reading or any personal experience with it. I do however know people who have. But I also believe there are a lot more fakes than there are genuinely gifted people. I have studied a lot about this sort of thing (i'm pagan), and believe in the idea of the fact that everything in the world is made up of energy so there is no reason why things like this arn't possible.
You don't need to prove something for it to be real, my faith and ability, as with other mediums, is enough for us and the believers. there are certain aspects of it that have been proved by scientists, like orbs and spirits in the air. there are pictures and recordings of spirits and orbs all over the world, they chose to speak to me. I know lots of people who didn't believe in psychics and mediums until i gave them readings.

Show me a link for one such proven 'spirit' and I'll believe you. Hell, I'll go to a reading right now if I see proof of that...
I have recently become aware of my psychic abilities, not just psychic as being able to see the future, but receiving messages from spirits, to pass on to people. A lot of people believe in what i do, but a lot of people do not believe in my ability. I was just curious as to who on here believes?

In short, no.
I believe in it.. Because I want to, I want to believe that there is a Heaven and that my family is near me and watching over me.

I've been to have a reading before and she was fairly good.. She said something which would have been completely and utterly random to most people, but meant something to me and my parents. I'm not saying that she was 100% correct in everything, but she 'guessed' a lot of things correctly. Other things didn't make sense until I got home and then started to really analyse what she had said.. But then you're just MAKING things fit to what they've said.

Either way, I choose to believe.
I believe in it.. Because I want to, I want to believe that there is a Heaven and that my family is near me and watching over me.

I've been to have a reading before and she was fairly good.. She said something which would have been completely and utterly random to most people, but meant something to me and my parents. I'm not saying that she was 100% correct in everything, but she 'guessed' a lot of things correctly. Other things didn't make sense until I got home and then started to really analyse what she had said.. But then you're just MAKING things fit to what they've said.

Either way, I choose to believe.

a lot of people that have readings from me, that is how it happens. they may not realize that it makes sense until later on, it may be hours, days or even weeks later. some of what i say isn't true at the time, but will happen when it's supposed to be.

I love when they have the round table discussions on Larry King Live and have the psychics on the show and people who are skeptics join in via sattelite or telephone and they psychics beat around the bush and do everything but answer direct questions. They always give some crap story about how they helped police at some point in the past but never have any evidence or anything, and when asked to help with something current they.... can't.

Then there's that Sylvia Browne who was always on Montel and got debunked more times than she was on the show I think.