Do we want to see Michael Jackson again?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The answer is a resounding Yes. I believe that Michael Jackson is in Heaven. Guys if we all love him that badly I believe that Heaven should be our next Destination. How do we get to work our was there when we die ? Michael preached L.O.V.E . Jesus said that we should love our Neighbours as ourselves. We are doing quite well with Michael Jackson and his family by supporting and praying for them but do we extend the same measure of love to everyone else in our Family? Do not worry I am speaking to myself as well.

Thank God for giving us Michael Jackson he was a Divine Gift. We are so blessed for living at the same time as him. I am not going to plant a Tree for Michael I am going to start doing little Deeds a day sponsoring a Child donating things to the poor. This is the greatest less publicised part of Michael Jackson we know. He had a big heart and a big purse he was always giving to the needy. Lets continue his Legacy... it got him into Heaven and it can get us there as well.

Despite all the pain he went through he still had empathy for others he did much good. The Bible says that if you give to the poor you lend until the Lord.

The greatest legacy that we should leave for Michael is to give as he did in our own little ways.. the homeless man on the street, the old man who needs help with his shopping, the sick and infirm who need cheering up these things are too numerous to mention.......!

"The Media may have taken away his joy on Earth but they could not stop him from getting into Heaven. The Bible says to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord....that is where Michael Jackson is...."

May God bless you for reading this please do put it to thought....

"Michael Jackson I will love you till my Sunsets.. then I will see you again in the presence of the Lord."
nicely says
i feel the same way
what dr murrey who accidenly murder michael?
speaking of lord and who he forgives
going back jesus day's if murder someone
you get stoned to death or worse just get nailed to a cross while still alive
i kind went of topi but SAINT-michael was incent/he did nothing wrong
his own punishment was the day michael become a SAINT on the day he was buried alive
back to our days
now im not if history will repeat itself
if dr murrey is guilty of murder he get like about 14 years in jail
and michael went to heaven becourse someone accidently murder him
i kind of went of topic about regian/jesus days
but we know know that michael is happy in heaven watching over us

yes we can still keep michael's lagecy alive by
doing doing new things in our lives
eg giving money/time to chertiys
as me for i like lighting candles for michael
ask SAINT michael to help deal with my pain of losting michael
I feel the same and if anything I learned that time goes by really fast. I feel one day we shall all be together again. At least I'd like to hope so. In my time here on earth I hope to continue to uphold Michaels legacy as much as I am able and make him proud :angel:

I absolutely want to see Michael again. I know I will. I know we'll all get a chance to be reunited, as the Bible says.

I'm certain Michael knows we love him. I'm so comforted by that thought.

I know he lives on in spirit. That thought keeps me going on. This goodbye is only for a little while. (Even if it seems like forever! :cry:)

Personally, I want to meet him for an epic water balloon/Super Soaker fight. :woohoo: It will be AWESOME. :yes: