Do we know anything about the album Michael was working on?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Austin, TX
Hi all,
I know in the few months preceding June, there was a lot of discussion around a new album that Michael was working on, the one with possible artists such as Akon, Will I Am etc.

I've been reading a lot of the current threads but have read nothing specific about this latest album. I seem to remember it was almost finished, and we weren't sure when Michael was going to release it...before/during/after TII.

Is there any more information about this latest album? Who has rights to it? Are the songs on this now part of the 60 or so unreleased songs that have been alluded to?

Thanks in advance for any information. :)
OK, I don't know if this is true or not, but somebody on the MJ gearslutz thread had posted that Bruce Swedien (amongst other engineers that MJ has worked with in the past) has been working on completing and putting the finishing touches on Michael's last studio album.

This may be all rumors though, but I hope that there is some truth to it!
oh yay! i hope so too! i'll pre order it or something because the lines are going to be huge!........ Ugh, i wish HE came with my pre-order =( lol
This is just a rumor, but when TII was first announced, I heard we'd be getting his album around when the shows came out in either June or July of this summer. Obviously that didn't happen, but if there's any truth to that rumor, I would assume it was near completion. If Bruce is working on it, that's awesome, I just hope they don't rush it out. We all know how much of a perfectionist Michael was, and I don't want his final album to be anything less than what he would have considered perfect ;)
I hope he had many finished songs he himself liked very much, but hasn't been released yet.

Billie Jean was almost NOT released - think if he has more songs like that. Earth Song wasn't released on Dangerous, but came on HIStory - I think he has MANY great songs finished ready to be released.

Songs he loved, but maybe they didn't fit into the album he was working on.

We ain't seen nothing yet - I hope!
Hi all,
I know in the few months preceding June, there was a lot of discussion around a new album that Michael was working on, the one with possible artists such as Akon, Will I Am etc.

I've been reading a lot of the current threads but have read nothing specific about this latest album. I seem to remember it was almost finished, and we weren't sure when Michael was going to release it...before/during/after TII.

Is there any more information about this latest album? Who has rights to it? Are the songs on this now part of the 60 or so unreleased songs that have been alluded to?

Thanks in advance for any information. :)
good qussion i ask myself i know the album was to be called
KING OF POP-past prestent or future
this was just a romour michael was recording with black eye peas?
about 2 or 3 weeks after michael died a nice song come out only about 30secs of it
the new signel is called (take me to) a place without a no name
i hope a album comes out sometime in 2009
from we know the album is record on sony/BMG records
This makes me so sad that Michael never got to see his album be released and show us his new songs... oh im so sad :cry:
Man, I NEED a new album.
I need closure. Michael died so suddenly without a proper goodbye. I think he at least deserved to be able to wow his fans one last time with the 'This Is It' performances and new music. I don't know about you guys but I feel like I've been robbed. It seems like everything MJ tried to get done after Invincible somehow got sabotaged. What the hell.
Oh well, if we do get any new material, I hope it's the stuff he was recently working on with, Akon, and Ne-Yo and not his unreleased work from the 80's/90's.
he was working on it for so long - there has to be at least enough completed songs to be released. I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing left is the mixing.
I don't think the album was ready. A few weeks after the press conference in March a producer (I forgot his name) said that Mike had called him excited about the success of the TII ticket sales and said he wanted to work together on the new album. He said then that Mike would either finish the album during the break (October 09 to December 09) or after the concerts had finished next year. I presumed that the album could make an appearance summer next year.

there were rumours of a new single being release to coincide with TII, but to be honest there was never any proof. A release date never appeared anywhere in music industry literature. It never appeared on stores purchasing lists. I think it was just a baseless rumour. Of course, the best time would be to release a new single and album during TII, but it wasn't going to happen because Mike hadn't finished the music. Another example of bad planning.

Akon has admitted that they never really finished anything except WBSS08 and Hold My Hand. The rest were 'just ideas'. Whether any useable recorded vocals exist or not, I'm not sure. Ne yo and Mike never made it into the studio to record anything, so the only thing that exists between them is Ne yo's demos he sent to Mike. As far as anybody knows, Mike never recorded the songs. seems to have done the most work with Mike. They didn't complete many songs, but they had quite a few that were nearly there. Mike kept the vocal tracks on his hard drives and Will kept the music. Will said he would like to put the two together and finish the songs but didn't want to approach the Jacksons too soon.

Despite the rumours circulating since 2005 (and before) about Mike working hard on an album, I don't believe that was the case. I think he was just dabbling in music and not putting his full effort into it.

I had heard from somebody who said they knew for a fact that Mike submitted a new album to Sony a couple of years ago but Sony rejected it. I think Mike had lost faith in himself and his popularity. He lost motivation and was scared how a new album was received. The success of TII sales showed him he still had a fan base and he was excited to get going again (hence his call to the producer in April), but of course it was all too late by then.

I heard there was also a new album just about complete in 2003 before the allegations but that project was halted due to the court case. So perhaps that album is sitting around in a complete state.

Mike was so secretive about his work and paranoid about others getting hold of it, that it could be difficult for anybody to find or access it now he's gone. I hope this is not the case and I hope that we will hear his most recent work soon before it gets too dated. The stuff with is already 3 years(!) old, so without some rework from Will it could already sound old.
The stuff with is already 3 years(!) old, so without some rework from Will it could already sound old.

I wouldnt want any rework without Michaels input because it then becomes a song. Besides we havent even heard anything so we cant judge it. For all we know the songs may sound timeless. Michael was concentrating more on melody.
ive only heard bits and pieces, the stuff with and that michael wanted the album to be cutting edge. im sure it would have been great but im convinced it will eventually come out in some form or another.
He was working with alot of recording artists and producers like Will I Am and Pharrell and Akon.. :) I have the pictures of him in the studio with them.. :D
Please do post them! :D

All I know is that I'll only be able to like Hold My Hand over anything else that is released now. Because as far as I'm aware that was the last completed song (unless some were finished but just not released). Anything that didn't have Michael's input in some way wouldn't be up to standard.
Yeah I hope we get to hear the stuff he was working on... even if it's just the instrumental... I want it. :-((( I miss Mike.
I don't think the album was ready. A few weeks after the press conference in March a producer (I forgot his name) said that Mike had called him excited about the success of the TII ticket sales and said he wanted to work together on the new album. He said then that Mike would either finish the album during the break (October 09 to December 09) or after the concerts had finished next year. I presumed that the album could make an appearance summer next year.

there were rumours of a new single being release to coincide with TII, but to be honest there was never any proof. A release date never appeared anywhere in music industry literature. It never appeared on stores purchasing lists. I think it was just a baseless rumour. Of course, the best time would be to release a new single and album during TII, but it wasn't going to happen because Mike hadn't finished the music. Another example of bad planning.

Akon has admitted that they never really finished anything except WBSS08 and Hold My Hand. The rest were 'just ideas'. Whether any useable recorded vocals exist or not, I'm not sure. Ne yo and Mike never made it into the studio to record anything, so the only thing that exists between them is Ne yo's demos he sent to Mike. As far as anybody knows, Mike never recorded the songs. seems to have done the most work with Mike. They didn't complete many songs, but they had quite a few that were nearly there. Mike kept the vocal tracks on his hard drives and Will kept the music. Will said he would like to put the two together and finish the songs but didn't want to approach the Jacksons too soon.

Despite the rumours circulating since 2005 (and before) about Mike working hard on an album, I don't believe that was the case. I think he was just dabbling in music and not putting his full effort into it.

I had heard from somebody who said they knew for a fact that Mike submitted a new album to Sony a couple of years ago but Sony rejected it. I think Mike had lost faith in himself and his popularity. He lost motivation and was scared how a new album was received. The success of TII sales showed him he still had a fan base and he was excited to get going again (hence his call to the producer in April), but of course it was all too late by then.

I heard there was also a new album just about complete in 2003 before the allegations but that project was halted due to the court case. So perhaps that album is sitting around in a complete state.

Mike was so secretive about his work and paranoid about others getting hold of it, that it could be difficult for anybody to find or access it now he's gone. I hope this is not the case and I hope that we will hear his most recent work soon before it gets too dated. The stuff with is already 3 years(!) old, so without some rework from Will it could already sound old.
thankyoufor the news
He was working with alot of recording artists and producers like Will I Am and Pharrell and Akon.. :) I have the pictures of him in the studio with them.. :D

Maybe the poster Billie-Jean is referring to the numerous photos/video clips we had already seen on will i am etc, and not original photos. we all saw pictures.

thanks for your post too. From all the things I read prior to june it sounded like the album was close to being done. Just a fan's hopes i guess. I remember there was a thread too that someone had started and it was 'facts' about this album, like who exactly Michael had recorded with etc.
But you're right when you say that many artists said they had done some recording, or sent Mike some material, but really didn't know what had happened with any of that stuff.

Oh well...i'll be patient. I am sure that songs will be released at some point, i guess it's a matter of time.

I'd really like him to be buried soon...
OK, I don't know if this is true or not, but somebody on the MJ gearslutz thread had posted that Bruce Swedien (amongst other engineers that MJ has worked with in the past) has been working on completing and putting the finishing touches on Michael's last studio album.

This may be all rumors though, but I hope that there is some truth to it!

i hope this is true...someone that knows Michael and knows his style should finish this album!
last time I heard Latoya had everything, all of Michael's work was on his computer hard drives and she took them with her when they took stuff out of the house