Do u fast? WHY?

do u fast?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 12 54.5%

  • Total voters
Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
its Ramathan, do u fast?

and generally, no matter what ur religeon is, do u believe in fasting?
whats ur motive? is it just because Islam has told u so? or ......?

me personally dont. i guess have fased 2-3 times in my entire life.
because 1st i cant, i cant put up with being hungry. it makes me grouchy. and prevents me from performing well during day and its just spoils my day.

and 2nd i have no motive and cant understand why I MUST as a muslim.

ive talked to many people who do but their reasons could never convince me why fasting is good.

i wanna know why u fast?
well put it like this, when you fast u make a choice and you take what ever ahppens (the hunger and the grouchyness) for the purpose to make you to realise that your lucky that you can live like that for 30 days (by choice) because some people are living that way necause they do not have a choice, its purpose therefore is to be greatful for allah for providing for you and to also achieve some level of unity to people by promoting empathy (is that the right word) for the people are not so lucky

thats my take on it anyway

and it also teaches (or challenges) us to practice more self discipline and restraint, 2 values we could all use to improve ourselves as people I reckon
With NO disrespected ever intended...

Fasting IS NOT if's, ands, or buts about it...!

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
I do fast between carnival and Easter holidays just to celebrate my belief.
It's not we're not allowed to eat, generally we do have a choice to decide ourselves what we do not eat during that time.
It's more a thing to challenge yourself and really sacrifice something you usually love to do... or to test and prove to yourself that you're still able to live without it.
For example fasting in our church can also mean that you limit your time you spend at the computer for better spending time with your family or friends. (Maybe you'll start to like the last even more and it will change your life for good??? *giggle*)
Or you just don't in a pub during this time and instead spend some more time with your kids.
That you just resist all junk food or candy or alcohol for those days.

Also possible you do something you generally don't like to just sacrifice your time for something good
- helping in a home for elderlies
- helping your younger brother/sister with the homework
- helping mom in the household
- cleaning floors for your granny
- helping a neighbour in the backyard
etc. etc. etc. countless possibilities!

In no way that's risking health normally! lol :cheeky:
Well in a religious context it's a removal from indulgence and materialism and a return to discipline, faith and focus. When you fast, the challenge of removing what is "of the body" is supposed to force you to turn to God first for strength, not earthly things.

I fast, but it has more meaning to me to fast on something other than food. I fast with things that I rely a lot on, or something that may be hindering me from spiritual life. One time I gave up internet (except for school purposes) for Lent.

BTW I'm christian. You can fast and not be Muslim.
Last edited: it's not a fast for 30 days of no food. it's from sunup to sundown

it's a fast by choice...noting that the whole day you're craving food but at the end of the day, u can eat. there are millions of people in this world who don't have that luxury of knowing when their next meal is.

if u don't fast, you're supposed to pay for someone to eat for 30 days. i haven't fasted in three yrs so this is my first time back since being ill. i was sick for two yrs and then last yr i was im glad to fast.

u think ur super hungry but at the end when it's time to break ur fast, u just drink a lot of liquid...not eat very much.

try reading the qu'ran and it'll tell u why u need to fast. im so confused as to y something that's a big part of the religion is something u don't like doing....

it's not fasting that makes u grouchy....shaita'n isn't able to influence u during ramadaan. the angel mikael supposedly keeps him in hell so he cannot influence anyone. so they way u act during ramadaan is how u normally are. can't blame the devil for anything u do during that time.

do u abstain from pork or is that an issue as well?
we can't drink alcohol for 40 days before ramadaan and then the thirty days of....

That's much longer than our time of fasting wheeew.
Well pregnancy is still longer without alcohol uh?! ;)
I know Muslims don't have the choice about what to chose when it's about fasting... but we chose to... we're just supposed to chose something we usually love if we give up something for the time of fasting.
yeah they r not allowed to ahave during the whole year!!!!!!

and it also teaches (or challenges) us to practice more self discipline and restraint, 2 values we could all use to improve ourselves as people I reckon

its good to practice more self discipline and restraint but why preventing ourself from food?
we can do that by commitign ourself not to do other things. such as commiting sin.
thats more reasonable and harder.
by not eating, i believe we cant practice more self discipline.
does it truely help u?

i know people who fasts all 30 days every year but thyy r very weak people. they cant restrain themselves against sin.
we can do that by commitign ourself not to do other things. such as commiting sin.
You're supposed to, or at least try to restrain yourself from sin all year long.
Plus, staying away from sin removes the purpose and moral of Ramadan. The point of Ramadan is to feel what people 3rd world countries have to go through day in and day out.

How is staying away from sin supposed to connect you to and have empathy for those less fortunate than you are?

... And fasting during Ramadan doesn't make you weak. According to recent studies, people who fast during the month of Ramadan gain more weight b/c of the intake of high-carb foods such as rice during the nighttime.

Ramadan is only for a month. I don't see why some have a problem with it.
if ur looking for an excuse not to fast then one is that you shouldn't bother unless u want to sincerely
u got it wrong.
i am looking for a excuse to fast!

How is staying away from sin supposed to connect you to and have empathy for those less fortunate than you are?
i didn't say u can do that by staying away from sin.
but whats the use of knowing it while WE DO NOTHING to improve it.

i mean what the use of knowing how horrible is to not have nothing to eat. i think everyone knows but r we trying to solve it? no

if sb who fasts and skips one of his meals, gives the amount of meal that he was uppose to eat to a needy person, i think that fast will be a useful thing to do. :) i thinks that can be a reason why people must fast.
but how many people does that?!!
u got it wrong.
i am looking for a excuse to fast!

i didn't say u can do that by staying away from sin.
but whats the use of knowing it while WE DO NOTHING to improve it.

i mean what the use of knowing how horrible is to not have nothing to eat. i think everyone knows but r we trying to solve it? no

if sb who fasts and skips one of his meals, gives the amount of meal that he was uppose to eat to a needy person, i think that fast will be a useful thing to do. :) i thinks that can be a reason why people must fast.
but how many people does that?!!
That still doesn't answer my question, lol.

Well, we're going to keep going around in circles here; if you don't want to fast b/c you don't feel it's right, then by all means don't. It's pointless to participate in Ramadan if deep down you don't want to.
I do fast sometimes, but it has nothing to do with religion. (I'm christian). If I have eaten a LOT, especially a lot of junk food and candy, I sometimes fast on the next day...just to keep myself from gaining too much weight. So my fasting is a way to control my weight, and nothing religious.
giving food to the needy is what ur supposed to do if u DON'T fast. pay for someone else to eat for 30 days.

and yes, we're not allowed to drink but it does say in the qu'ran that if we do, just make sure to abstain at least 40 days before and the 30 days of ramadaan.

i don't see how u're looking for an excuse to fast when you're blowing off everything we write.
giving food to the needy is what ur supposed to do if u DON'T fast. pay for someone else to eat for 30 days.

and yes, we're not allowed to drink but it does say in the qu'ran that if we do, just make sure to abstain at least 40 days before and the 30 days of ramadaan.

i don't see how u're looking for an excuse to fast when you're blowing off everything we write.

First time I've heard that, as far as I know drinking is strictly prohibited, cause its an intoxicant and it stops people from doing their prayers (five daily compulsory ones). I've heard about what you're saying but that applies to things such as, caffeine, smoking etc. cause you get withdrawal symptoms, but not alcohol which is forbidden regardless of whether it's Ramadan or not.

Which Imaam do you follow?
no, i dont starve myself regularly for no good reason.
u can make up your prayers and at the rate alcohol burns off, u could drink a beer in between prayers and it'd be out of ur system before th enext one....

as for the make women have to do it for when our girl it's not hard to do. and it's prohibited but sorry....hash was avail. in moroc. for the longest andthat's more intoxicating than a beer or two
I'm catholic and I dont usually fast but i see the meaning of it, i dont think if i have enough self-discipline to just not eat anything, also i cant not eat anything for too long, my blood pressure gets really low and i tend to faint...
But I am thinking of fasting during the time between carnival and easter, maybe not eating meat or junk food or in the sense that Mechi described, doing a little sacrifice to improve myself and to be thankful for everything...
I have already done a promise of not eating meat for a month (and its really hard for me since i love meat) as a way of saying thank u to God for making a dream come true...I also read the bible and prayed a lot during that period...