Do something radically different?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
From what I hear, Michael has said before that he wishes he could perform songs differently, but can't due to having to do what fans expect (for example Billie Jean's repetitive routine).

Michael's birthday is August 29th. There's a concert on the 28th and 30th. I think he should take those two days (or more), and completely change the concert, and do anything he wants. Perform any song, any moves, and routines, whatever. It'd be like a present to himself, and he can do whatever he pleases. Plus I know many fans would enjoy it, regardless of change.

Anyone else think it'd be a good idea?
id love that. I will be at the 28th concert and was wondering if they would honour his birthday in some way?
During the billie jean routine the stage floor should light up like the music video

That would indeed be very very cool.

BUT it would be difficult for the audience to see it.
I reckon you could get round that by putting an arial view shot up on the screens as people on the floor can glance at those and will still get a view. Anyway, the people seated on the floor will be standing up - it'll be fine for anyone over about 5'5 i reckon!
I'd love to see him do different things like that! Although I understand what he's saying. The Billie Jean performance is classic, and I'd like to see him do it live I suppose.

Excuse me while I freak out with excitement as it hits me once again I'm going to a Michael Jackson concert!! :wild: