Do kids now know who Michael Jackson was?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Iam talking about kids under 17. What do you think? I have learn and watched that i see KIDS looking at MJ classics videos and tour footage still. I log in this site on library computers and i see kids watching MJ stuff and they act like its all NEW stuff.:yes:
Unfortunately, a lot of the younger kids where I live mostly know him as WJ or various other names. But they are aware of who he is.
My boys do, they love him, they are 14 and 6 my 6 yr old was doing the moonwalk at the age of 4!!! Ive been a fan since i was a child and my boys have just as much love and respect for him as i do x
Yes they do!!! I work with kids in foster care. They are all 20 and 21 years old. These young people were born around the time Bad came out. Some of them have children as old as 6 years old. (yes, I know you're wondering how that is possible but these kids have had hard lives and are troubled)

Anyway, I have been playing my entire Mike catalog in the car with many of them. All my kids AND their young children know Michael. They all ask me to turn it up and ask me questions about him. (about vitiligo or his videos or his kids) They are all interested and consider themselves fan. A 6 year old girl told me that she wanted to have a Thriller themed bday party when she turns 7. Michael is reaching an entire new generation of fans. :)
This is probably the strangest experience for me.
Since im only 18, alot of the greats have already died before my time and i can only look back and wonder what it was like to have lived when The Beatles and Marilyn Monroe were stil active in the world. Now, there are so many kids who will grow up like me wondering and thinking about what it was like to have such a huge iconic figure that was alive and still making music. I seriously feel like one of those mums who rant on about " back in her day ... "
I babysit a 4 year old girl who couldn't understand why I was glued to the tv. She'd asked me about MJ, "Who's that lady" Now she knows so much about him. She recognizes his face, if I look at a photo of him online she'll say, "Is that Michael Jackson?" She also knows that his hair was burned (I didn't tell her that of course) and that he is a singer. I'd say she is fascinated by him now.
It will be interesting to see how the next generation of kids will see him. Because they have not been conditioned by old media, and now that his legacy is ripe for us to shape, maybe he will have a much more positive image than the one we had to cope with during the 90s and 00's
One of my co-workers at work told me her 4 year old niece is obsessed with MJ. She said once she saw MJ on tv (sadly when he died) she became mesmerized. Watches all his videos, even has a little doll she calls michael. She even asked her mommy for all his cds.

I think it's adorable. It reminds me of mewhen I was little. Man thats 22 yrs ago. (I was 2 when I became obsessed with MJ).
I volunteer every weekday at a childcare center and am currently working with the summer camp kids who range in age from 5 to 11 and they all LOVE MJ. In fact, When I came in this morning there were 3 little girls debating on who had drawn a better picture of MJ, lol.

Every time we put on the radio and one of his songs comes on the kids abselutely love him. One of the kids for a while would bring in her Number Ones CD and all the others would sing along and attempt to imitate his dance moves. Some of them were pretty good actually, I saw one of them do the Thriller dance pretty spot on.

We all went on a field trip to the park the other day and one of the teachers asked if I wouldn't mind bringing some music, So I brought a set of speakers and my iPod loaded with every MJ song I have and opened a "Michael Jackson Request Line" where all of the kids requested their favorite songs. I was actually very surprised at how many they actually knew of other than just the big hits.
I think it'll be different now. No more burdeouness slander that hangs so heavily on Michaels name. I bet John lennon was seen in a completely different light when he was still alive. I think people must've seen him as being ' weird ' ' strange ' 'unconventional' for the peace bed ins, the long hair etc and now everyone is saying about how passionate and pro-active he was towards fighting for peace ( sound familiar anyone? )
Im just glad i was alive to see him still rule the world before he passed on.
If you go to you can see the most watched music videos on YouTube at the moment and still a month after his passing, MJ's videos are all within the top few. I'm sure a lot of those views came from kids. YouTube is predominantly used by kids.

The press since Michael's passing has been 90% positive and he's been mostly remembered as the greatest entertainer of all-time, the music of generations. News stories on the day of his death and weeks following were always accompanied by clips from his music videos and performances. So IMO the media has done a good job of reminding everyone, including those too young to remember him as an entertainer, who he was and why he'll always be remembered.

I know that for years people have wondered if when MJ dies he'll be remembered for his music or his scandals. I think it's pretty clear he's being remembered for his music. So even a child born today, when they grow up will hear about how back in the 20th century there was this entertainer called Michael Jackson who revolutionised music and music videos, who opened the doors for black entertainers like himself, who influenced pop music from that point on. They wont even know about all the silly controversies the media at the time tried to create.
I think alot of kids know of him through billie jean, thriller, beat it...etc
but as for actually knowing who he REALLY is i think there is a small margin of kids who really know/appreciate who he really is past thriller...
Yesterday I saw this 8/9 year old boy doing the moonwalk and some MJ poses and dancing at my work....sooo adorable! :eek:
I gave him a big smile and then he even tried harder. He did really well!
I almost cried seeing that, haha.
I have already said this in another thread: Michael's music is timeless and the proof for that is that now that the radios and TV stations started to play him again, and not just talk about him as a freak, it's today's kids who discover him for themselves! It's not just a nostalgia wave, he is gaining new fans rapidly from the young generation! I have seen many comments on YouTube by surprised teenagers like: "Wow, this is Michael Jackson? I never knew he was this great, this is so cool."
I have a 10 year old niece that I wasnt really raised around. I had already left home when she was born. I really JUST spent some real time with her last summer. She came and stayed with me. Lil 9 year old. I threw on some MJ and she was singing along to EVERYTHING. I'm talking from old school Jackson 5 hits to songs from Invincible and Blood on the Dancefloor. She was even saying that she loved him. Was IN love with him, and that she was planning on marrying and having 20 children with him LoL. (couldnt really blame her on that I would say the same thing especially at her age) I was extremely confused as where she got this from , but apparently she says she discovered a song on the radio or tv and took it from there. Had her mom buy her anything MJ.
Now shes my mini me MJ sidekick.
Last month during his passing she was devasted. Still quite is. I brought her to the memorial at the Apollo and poor thing was in tears sobbing hysterically. We just held on to each other and cried.
Anyway I guess my point for posting is. Yeh, the young ones keep comin' :)

Check her out

And this was her signing the wall at the Apollo Theater

I have a 3 (almost 4) year old who already knows who Michael is because of my love for him. She tries to do the moonwalk, and walks around telling people "Michael Jackson is amazing!" and "Michael Jackson is the greatest!" because she hears me say every time I watch his videos. haha. She also LOVES his music as much as I do. She is constantly asking me to play his music...her favorites are Thriller and Ghosts. Music part aside though, she also knows he is just a good person. Since I myself am mostly amazed by Michael the MAN - she has come to know and will continue to know him as a "beautiful soul".
He sounds like he will have a very positive legacy. One that is void of his scandals and the skidmarks that the media have lashed onto him. The youth of tomorrow will see him differently.
A few of my younger cousins do because well, when you ride with or stay with me, you listen to what I listen to :lol: so they definitely know who MJ is and a few other older acts and they like it. Of course they still like their bubblegum music too but hopefully when they get older they'll appreciate the likes of Michael and REAL music :)
I have a son who is 6 1/2.
He loves to listen to my Michael albums.
He tries so hard to dance with it. He enjoys watching all the short films too.
He also doesn't see the vitiligo. I've shown him all the pictures I have of Michael through the yrs. I ask him whats different, he always says it just the clothes.
I ask him how he can tell it's Michael "He's got black hair and brown eyes. Duh"
I love my son.
I have two grand nephews who are 7 and 10 and they have just fallen in love with Michael. The 10 year old adores the Earth Song video as he is an avid animal lover. He asks to see it every time he comes over. The 7 year old has his favorites too. Even the 3 year old stays glued to the screen when the "monster" comes on in Thriller. John, the 10 year old has seen the video Number Ones about a couple of times and he has a lot of Mikes dance moves down. He is by no means a dancer (his original dance teacher was the Napoleon Dynamite movie, lawd) and when he does Mikes moves, I have tears in my eyes from cracking up laughing!:rofl:
no doubt, my little cousins aged 7 & 9 are over here visiting from ghana and the other day the 7 yr old was trying to teach her big sis how to moonwalk, mind you she can't even do it herself lol.

my brother also he's 16 and we've talked a lot about michael since his passing, without lowering the tone of this thread i'll just say he's a staunch supporter, doesn't believe any of the wild stories and like me wishes the press would stop being disrespectful.

i think michael jackson's legacy is in safe hands.