Do any of you run a business?

Amber Dawn

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
I'd like to.. And I don't know where to start! I really want to make something of myself. First I got to figure out what kind of business I'd like to run. Maybe a nursery (flowers not babies) or a video store perhaps.

Something I could have fun with.. But I really don't know where to go from there. I know that you got to shell out the money before you make the money. Been working for others since I was a teenager I've been doing a lot of PR/Marketing in the past 7 years and I've learned a lot about that kind of stuff. I'm really good with money too but I don't understand the thing with Tax and the government at ALL..

Any advise would be awesome!
I'd love to run my own business. I've been thinking of it lately wondering what I'd like to start up. But I don't know anything about how to get started and such. I'm going to read into it more soon and hopefully I can have my own business one day. I'm 22 now so I think I have plenty of time yet!
I run my own business! I do web and graphic design...been doing it as an official business for 4 years now...started when I was 20. I'm not sure I have much advice on getting set up...because it really depends on what business you'll be going into I think. Like with my business, I had a natural knack for it (self taught, no school) so I just made up a website and posted my services online at where I had a bunch of people who followed me there. Then badda-bing badda-boom business started rolling in.

I can say though, that the biggest thing that will make the greatest difference - is your MINDSET. Don't look at anything as impossible. Know that everything is possible. Know that you will succeed...look at yourself as already succeeding! That's the key to becoming successful at really is. I see my work directly affected all the how I'm thinking about it. Believe in the project and yourself. Good luck!
I run my own business.
Bakery and lunchroom ( for 25 guests) and a bakery shop where i ( and my 8 employees) sell the products.

Ow wel..
What would you like to know?
Well I know you don't need a college degree to run a business (but it helps) I'm really curious about what forms you need to get through the government you can't open up a place (and sell stuff) without going through the government somehow right?
First of all.
What we did is writing down a business plan on paper and then we went to the local bank for the money.
That,s the first step too take.
We also needed own money ( 15 000 euro,s) to start before the bank was allowing us to credit the rest by them.
Ask your bank for the conditions to get a loan.
I run my own business! and it doesnt always help to have qualifications... I have a basic high school education, no college or university, and have been running my music promotion company since I was 18 (i wont tell you how many years that is!!)

I only run it part time and it is completly Not for Profit - 25% of all profits go to an orphanage in uganda and the 75% to local youth projects. If i ran it full time I could make a comfortable living, but as I want it to be not for profit, I run it alongside my day job which pays the bills.

thanfully, this industry does not have many overheads... and I get most venue hire and entertainment for free because proceeds go to charity, but any advice you need about setting up/promotion and marketing/accounts/staff management fire your questions at me... I also have some knowledge in how to get funding Grants for your business if you are UK based.
I run a business. :) (though it's currently on hold right now until 2010). I created my own collector non-sports trading card company. (comic book character related cards for avid card collectors)

First thing you need, 1. a decent game plan. 2. Money. Opening up a store, etc, requires money. You might be able to get a small loan...not sure how easy that is these days. BUT, whatever you need to get started. Unless you have money already saved for such an occassion. If you run into a mom and pop outlet, you might get lucky and slide without having to pay much at all.

Then you come up with your business name and if you want to make it official for tax and copyright purposes, you go and get your company name registered, then you immediately hop over to get a business license to make it official and trademark it. Then you officially do whatever it is you have to do to get your business going. Talk to outlet owners to try and rent a space to set up your business (ie video/record shop etc).

I believe a business license is mandatory. So look into that.

If you want to start small and "under the counter", it may be a good way to start for a short while before you have to make it official. Or the IRS will come knocking on your door. The business license will grant you freedom to sell products, similar to a marketing license. Its real easy though. A few papers to sign, and bam! Ready to rock.

Sometimes its good to have help as well. I have a producer/investor who helps with all the numbers and paper work while i handle the rest. :yes:

It really depends on how you approach it. But its not that hard. Paper work is just paperwork. You pay attention to what you're signing, then move on with the rest.

Its not as easy as it was in the 80s due to all the lawsuits being tossed around in america, (the american way to make money is by suing people lol ..jk), but if you get those licenses in the pocket, you should be all set to go. :cheeky:

Hope this perspective helps. :)
I run a business. :) (though it's currently on hold right now until 2010). I created my own collector non-sports trading card company. (comic book character related cards for avid card collectors)

First thing you need, 1. a decent game plan. 2. Money. Opening up a store, etc, requires money. You might be able to get a small loan...not sure how easy that is these days. BUT, whatever you need to get started. Unless you have money already saved for such an occassion. If you run into a mom and pop outlet, you might get lucky and slide without having to pay much at all.

Then you come up with your business name and if you want to make it official for tax and copyright purposes, you go and get your company name registered, then you immediately hop over to get a business license to make it official and trademark it. Then you officially do whatever it is you have to do to get your business going. Talk to outlet owners to try and rent a space to set up your business (ie video/record shop etc).

I believe a business license is mandatory. So look into that.

If you want to start small and "under the counter", it may be a good way to start for a short while before you have to make it official. Or the IRS will come knocking on your door. The business license will grant you freedom to sell products, similar to a marketing license. Its real easy though. A few papers to sign, and bam! Ready to rock.

Sometimes its good to have help as well. I have a producer/investor who helps with all the numbers and paper work while i handle the rest. :yes:

It really depends on how you approach it. But its not that hard. Paper work is just paperwork. You pay attention to what you're signing, then move on with the rest.

Its not as easy as it was in the 80s due to all the lawsuits being tossed around in america, (the american way to make money is by suing people lol ..jk), but if you get those licenses in the pocket, you should be all set to go. :cheeky:

Hope this perspective helps. :)

Thanks this helped..

Your sure right about the "american way" though LOL..
I run a business. :) (though it's currently on hold right now until 2010). I created my own collector non-sports trading card company. (comic book character related cards for avid card collectors)

First thing you need, 1. a decent game plan. 2. Money. Opening up a store, etc, requires money. You might be able to get a small loan...not sure how easy that is these days. BUT, whatever you need to get started. Unless you have money already saved for such an occassion. If you run into a mom and pop outlet, you might get lucky and slide without having to pay much at all.

Then you come up with your business name and if you want to make it official for tax and copyright purposes, you go and get your company name registered, then you immediately hop over to get a business license to make it official and trademark it. Then you officially do whatever it is you have to do to get your business going. Talk to outlet owners to try and rent a space to set up your business (ie video/record shop etc).

I believe a business license is mandatory. So look into that.

If you want to start small and "under the counter", it may be a good way to start for a short while before you have to make it official. Or the IRS will come knocking on your door. The business license will grant you freedom to sell products, similar to a marketing license. Its real easy though. A few papers to sign, and bam! Ready to rock.

Sometimes its good to have help as well. I have a producer/investor who helps with all the numbers and paper work while i handle the rest. :yes:

It really depends on how you approach it. But its not that hard. Paper work is just paperwork. You pay attention to what you're signing, then move on with the rest.

Its not as easy as it was in the 80s due to all the lawsuits being tossed around in america, (the american way to make money is by suing people lol ..jk), but if you get those licenses in the pocket, you should be all set to go. :cheeky:

Hope this perspective helps. :)

Great advice, Nar! :D
I run my own business! and it doesnt always help to have qualifications... I have a basic high school education, no college or university, and have been running my music promotion company since I was 18 (i wont tell you how many years that is!!)

I only run it part time and it is completly Not for Profit - 25% of all profits go to an orphanage in uganda and the 75% to local youth projects. If i ran it full time I could make a comfortable living, but as I want it to be not for profit,
I run it alongside my day job which pays the bills.

thankfully, this industry does not have many overheads... and I get most venue hire and entertainment for free because proceeds go to charity, but any advice you need about setting up/promotion and marketing/accounts/staff management fire your questions at me... I also have some knowledge in how to get funding Grants for your business if you are UK based.


:angel:Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
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I'd like to.. And I don't know where to start! I really want to make something of myself. First I got to figure out what kind of business I'd like to run. Maybe a nursery (flowers not babies) or a video store perhaps.

Something I could have fun with.. But I really don't know where to go from there. I know that you got to shell out the money before you make the money. Been working for others since I was a teenager I've been doing a lot of PR/Marketing in the past 7 years and I've learned a lot about that kind of stuff. I'm really good with money too but I don't understand the thing with Tax and the government at ALL..

Any advise would be awesome!

Business Management over 20 plus years...went to the school of hard knox (self taught/experience) originally...

The best advise that I can give anyone wanting to start their own business is to "ALWAYS DO YOUR HOMEWORK...FIRST AND FOREMOST...!"

Go to the Library (Reference Librarian) and or Book Stores like Barnes & Nobel, and or Borders Books (Reference Desk) research/learn "all you can about the basics" of owning your own business, setting up a business plan, what are the tax laws etc...ect...

If you can, try and find a more up to date (closer to 2009) version...

Something on the order of this...

The McGraw-Hill Guide to Starting Your Own Business : A Step-By-Step Blueprint for the First-Time Entrepreneur by Stephen C. Harper, Fred DeLuca (Foreword by)

"One (s) can NEVER go wrong by Knowledge...Education IS and shall always be the Key~~~" (c) 1995

:angel:Heal The World
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This is a very good thread.:D

Lately I've been wanting to start my own business, a pet sitting service. I don't know how many people I've called to ask if they have positions available and it just got very discouraging. I've been pet sitting for years and I have a strong love for animals which is why I want to work in the field.
I went through a 13 month training program for Medical Assisting and hated it. I asked to do something with animals but they said nothing was available. So now I'm stuck with college loans to pay off and no job since the economy is horrible.
My only problem is I don't have any credentials like Pet first aid or any professional training but I keep getting asked back to take care of other people's animals so I think I could make something come up it. I just don't know how.

Some pet stores around here said they had pet grooming classes but when I called they said it was only for people in college. Which is not in my plans. I don't want to go back to school and honestly don't have the money for it.