Disney's Black History Music Video Totally Rips-Off MJ


Proud Member
Sep 11, 2009
Our TV was turned to Disney (as always, siblings) a few minutes ago and a music video themed for Black History Month started playing. I was sitting aside in the room using my laptop while they were watching. I decided to look up for a bit and the video caught my attention. Brothers and sisters are always having the TV playing in the background, but I think this is the first thing on Disney that has actually pissed me off.

The guy in the video names many black Americans in the song who have left an impact on others, everyone from Michael Jordan to Barack Obama. What ticks me off is that in the video, he's obviously stealing MJ's style and dance moves (comments under the video definitely agree)...but he's NOT mentioning his NAME in the song!! WHAT THE HECK?! Anyone else see something wrong with this? I mean I'm not African American, but I just found this a little insulting to Michael, considering all of the things that he has contributed to this world...the man was the KING OF POP for crying out loud...how can they just ignore that?

But still disrespectful toward Michael Jackson and his legacy. Without Michael Jackson, there will be no black artist shining on MTV and awards show.
The man paved the way for minorities in USA in music industry, lets give him credit when its due.
The least they could do, after completely butchering his technique, is give him a mention of sort. Then again, do we really want the Disney channel to even go anywhere near him? They've fallen far and fast in less than a decade. Disney as we knew and loved it is pretty much dead, in any case.

Still, there's the argument to be made, if you're going to poorly imitate someone's technique, the least you could do is mention their influence, as it is completely evident that it exists--you're copying it right now!
I didnt find anything wrong with it:no:

What's wrong with it is that they completely omitted one of the biggest, if not the biggest, influence in modern music--and the first person to break colour barriers in regards to music videos. That's a monumental achievement, of cultural importance not only to this country, but to the world at large. Without Michael Jackson, none of the African-American artists we know and love today would be known, or would reach the level of audiences they are presently reaching--regardless of their talent. It was he who shattered that barrier, and that is more worthy of notice than, say, Michael Jordan--who, yes, is a source of pride...but hasn't done anywhere near as much as Michael did for the African-American community.

Not only that, but the irony is in that, without Michael breaking the colour barrier with Billie Jean... we wouldn't be watching/talking about this video right now, would we? The argument could be made that it would not even exist. Therefore, he is of pivotal importance not only to the technicality of this video itself, but to the very fabric of our culture--and should be recognized as such.
But still disrespectful toward Michael Jackson and his legacy. Without Michael Jackson, there will be no black artist shining on MTV and awards show.
The man paved the way for minorities in USA in music industry, lets give him credit when its due.

I agree. Music is not the same after Michael. Michael changed the industry forever. You must be quite ignorant to fail recognizing it.
Shame on the stupid video then. Is this the way history is written?
What a shame?
if you want you can also blame vitiligo, who knows.
This kind of thing happened a lot to MJ. When his influence it's so obvious but they fail to even name him.
The least they could do, after completely butchering his technique, is give him a mention of sort. Then again, do we really want the Disney channel to even go anywhere near him? They've fallen far and fast in less than a decade. Disney as we knew and loved it is pretty much dead, in any case.

Totally. The Disney chanel is just simply unwatchable nowadays, cringe-worthy is an understatement to describe all the talentless air-heads and the programs they're playing in. .. Not being mean, just stating the facts. They're really unwatchable.
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The last good thing the disney channel had in my opinion was Kim Possible