[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

Id prefer not another era of successes and then failures. It'd be nice to squash this for all time.

Yes, but if Robson & Safechuck would win the trial had it been before the biopic then I assume most the positive effects from the biopic would risk being negated etc, thats why I think the safest way is to have it well after the biopic. And it seems that its the way its going to play out. Unless there is some conspiracy to rush this trial in a way of sabotaging the biopic.

With the way some of these rulings have been made the last year or so I am starting lose faith in this being a fair process!
1/7 - Update from @andjustice4some (plus a repeat of some info posted by @Annita last week):
"A detailed analysis/explanation of the issues that will be heard in court tomorrow. A must read, and this is why you should be following @MJJRepository . The absolute expert on court proceedings."

The layout of info from TSCM makes it a bit easier for me to read and understand:

"The Wade/James court hearing tomorrow centers on three agenda items:
1. Trial readiness and tentative scheduling
2. Motion to enforce professional conduct by Wade's attorney(s)
3. Motion to quash four subpoenas to LAPD/SBSO/LADA/SBDA"

The context behind each is as follows:

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2/7 - @MJJRepository

"RE: Trial ReadinessThe defense proposed a trial date of August 17, 2026 to allow 18 months for discovery, depositions, other calendar commitments and pre-trial motions. The plaintiffs did not object.If honored, both sides will have until fall 2025 to finish major prep work."

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3/7 - @MJJRepository

"Earlier this year, the media claimed the estate was delaying due to the biopic and to "silence" WR/JS and that Carpenter wanted a trial by April '25. But in legal filings Carpenter agreed with the defense that discovery "is in infancy" and a 2026 trial date is fully reasonable."


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4/7 - @MJJRepository

"In fact, prior to the former dismissal of the cases in 2020, it was Wade/James' side that was pushing most strongly for extensive timelines of discovery.At that time, Finaldi implied he would need up to two years to conduct discovery in James' case, vs. the estate's 10 months."


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5/7 - @MJJRepository

"One discrepancy Carpenter will likely argue in court relates to the defense's proposed cutoff deadlines for discovery and motions. In particular, Carpenter seeks to allow at least six months of a gap between a pretrial conference and the actual trial to allow more response time."

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6/7 - @MJJRepository

"Another trial readiness detail the media—full of Dan & Carpenter quotes—omits: Wade & James express a willingness for private mediation and pretrial settlement to "go on with their lives."The estate "has no interest in settling given the allegations are unequivocally false."


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7/7 - More commentary from @MJJRepository with a useful recap of what's been happening with this case:

a) RE: Professional Conduct
The defense outlined the continual media tours by Carpenter at each motion and hearing, including chats with TMZ and many others.

But it isn't a matter of Carpenter relaying public record, but rather falsifying material facts in a true "trial by media."

b) Carpenter widely spread categorically false claims of MJ possessing child porn while insisting—without foundation—that the defense was concealing unknown evidence proving such.

They have nothing more than Sneddon had in 1993-2005, which Zonen & FBI agreed was not CP nor illegal.

c) In light of the non-stop plaintiff-fed media stories with Carpenter and Dan seemingly on speed-dial by many major outlets (including LN & LN2 promos), the defense are asking the judge to help mitigate this continued spreading of untrue, untried claims to the media in this motion.

d) RE: Subpoenas

Carpenter sent subpoenas to LAPD, SBSO & DAs seeking a sweeping amount of materials—notably the body search photos.

This makes the 3rd attempt at obtaining such materials, with the first rejected by LAPD/SBSO in 2014. In 2018 the judge quashed Finaldi's requests.

e) These photos are protected by a 1993 court order that has never been challenged by Wade's attorneys. That protective order remained standing as of June 05 following MJ's acquittal.

The defense calls this repeat request a "grotesque violation of privacy...particularly egregious."

f) Carpenter went as far as to accuse the defense as concealing items of incriminating nature, and when the defense assured him they have nothing left that hasn't been turned over Carpenter suggests that may not be true—based only on a total lack of incriminating evidence found.

g) These motions represent the first material case matters that the new judge is ruling on since taking over.

Be sure to follow @andjustice4some who may provide more real-time developments from contacts attending the hearing.

The formal decisions may take more time to publish.

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An interesting question from @MJTRUTHMARATHON plus reply from @andjustice4some:

"How far back will they go for discovery? Do they start after case remanded back to trial court? I’m curious if the documentary and all subsequent interviews where we prove they’re lying will be part of this ..."

"The discovery process starts all over. In the court filings, Estate attorneys have stated they have literally no discovery on Safechuck (because the case was dismissed on demurrer.). They've also explained that they want a lot of discovery from LN, Reed and HBO. Wade has to take another mental capacity test. So to me, it looks like they're going all the way back to 2013.
@MJJRepository may have further discussion to add to this."

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Notes from @andjustice4some:

1 - The court hearing takes place at 8.30am, US Pacific time (= 4.30pm, GMT).
"Court hearing for these 3 issues will held tomorrow at 8:30 am. Our friends will be in court to report back on the judge's decision on the issues."

2 - Plus, a useful reminder:
"Remember, that these are just hearings, not the trial. The judge will decide the trial date hopefully, and will rule on the Estate's request to #1, get Robson/Safechuck attorney to stop talking about the case in the media, and #2, to stop requesting the body search images from 1993."

3 - And, finally, a reminder of how hard people work on behalf of Michael:
"Our friend @MJJRepository is one of the most dedicated advocates I have met here. I'm sure most of you are following her, but if not, please do. We should all be applauding her for her stellar work for Michael and his fans/advocates."

Big shout out, also, to @andjustice4some and also @JuliaBerkowitz1 both of whom also do great work. Apologies if I've missed anyone out.
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"Court updates: 1. Motion to enforce professional conduct: Judge says the court doesn't have the power, but should. No sanctions but judge advised Carpenter to be mindful. Allegedly, Carpenter told estate attorneys if they had a problem with him, to report it to the State Bar."

"Court update: 2. No trial date set. Judge admitted that PARTS of the case fall under the Complex Litigation Program, and is asking for both sides to file Management Case Orders. Next hearing is October 22. Trial date should be set then."
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Correction from @andjustice4some:

"I pride myself on accurate information. I misread someone else's claims in court, so this is my fault, and I apologize. "Update: Clarity on this six months issue…it is currently taking six months to get to trial as the case cannot be reassigned until to “long cause” until both parties are ready. This can, however, change as the trial won’t be for at least two years."
