Discover the genius of Tori Amos.


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Ooooo I love her :)

I think there's already a thread about her though :S
I really like most of her music. I espeically enjoy From the Choirgirl Hotel.
I love Tori. She was my first concert. What's favorite album?

I love them all. But my two favourites would have to be Choirgirl (her masterpiece) and The Beekeeper (just beautiful songs).

I'm really digging Midwinter Grace's at the minute though. Have you heard it?
The Beekeepker? A lot of people don't like that one. Shame it has some good songs. I was a Pele fan for a while then Under The Link, then ADP, Scalets Walk and bits from Chiorgirl. Haven't heard Midwinter Graces yet. I still got to give AATS a few more spins... I haven't listened to it much.
I know The Beekeeper isn't popular among her hardcores, but it's always been one of my favourites. It shows a different side to Tori.
I used to listen to Tori a lot, not doing it as much these days though, but most of her music is still great though... My fave song by her is Winter :)
C'mon non-fans... watch these clips and tell me what you think.