

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How did you make me so dirty?
All my life, I worked so hard,
to stay out of your dirt.
But now I'm covered in it,
and it's ruining my life.
I never knew that dirt could hurt.
I've got little pieces in my eyes,
from when I read your horrid words.
And I've got pieces in my brain,
from all the negativity I've heard.
I tried to be a good man.
I tried to do what's right.
But I suppose in my profession,
no one stays a stunning white.
They'll cover you in dirt.
Their cold and heartless words.
The press, the tabloids, and the media,
and they don't care how much it hurts.
-Casey Marie, August 5th, 2009.

Just another thing I wrote...maybe this is how Michael felt, 'dirty' at the awful things he read about himself that were untrue...
mmmmmm interesting Casey-Marie. Not sure what to say to this really?
Michael did sing ''someone's kicking dirt in my eye''....... in his black or white song, so perhaps this does have some place to be considered!?
However I don't believe that Michael himself felt dirty as a result of media or all the filth that was so cruelly thrown at him......:-(
He must have felt extremely saddened by it all but not 'dirty' as such. :-(
Diana.......now she's the dirty one!!! :)

Thanks anyways Casey for sharing......every word thats written out of love for MJ is always read and replied to with sensitivity to the author........
That's what I do anyway! :)
How did you make me so dirty?
All my life, I worked so hard,
to stay out of your dirt.
But now I'm covered in it,
and it's ruining my life.
I never knew that dirt could hurt.
I've got little pieces in my eyes,
from when I read your horrid words.
And I've got pieces in my brain,
from all the negativity I've heard.
I tried to be a good man.
I tried to do what's right.
But I suppose in my profession,
no one stays a stunning white.
They'll cover you in dirt.
Their cold and heartless words.
The press, the tabloids, and the media,
and they don't care how much it hurts.
-Casey Marie, August 5th, 2009.

Just another thing I wrote...maybe this is how Michael felt, 'dirty' at the awful things he read about himself that were untrue...
its one many great poams i read in the last days (snice michael went to heaven)
aw thanks everybody =]

and just some clarification, i wasnt saying that michael felt dirty, like...he was disgusted with himself. more like he was disgusted with how the press was trying to make him 'look' dirty. just some clarification incase you got it misinterpreted!