DIET PILLS - Xenadrine EFX


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
is a diet pill I just ordered, does anyone have any personal experience with it? Does it work?
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is a diet pill I just ordered, does anyone have any personal experience with it? Does it work?

With no disrespect intended; the diet industry is a muti Billion dollar business...please stay away from that crap.

If you watch your calories from fat intake, drink water (instead of soda). You WILL loose weight all by yourself.

Everything in moderation..! Is the Key~~~
With no disrespect intended; the diet industry is a muti Billion dollar business...please stay away from that crap.

If you watch your calories from fat intake, drink water (instead of soda). You WILL loose weight all by yourself.

Everything in moderation..! Is the Key~~~
I know what you mean, the thing is I'm able to loose weight but it takes too long unless I don't eat at all. I just want a ''painless'' method to loose some weight, like 10 to 15lbs that's it. So figure it's not bad to try these type of pills?
if you lose it slowly it will stay off, but if you lose it too fast like you would with diet pills (or so they claim) then you will just put it back on quickly once you stop taking them. also, think of all the chemicals in them... eeew. just my opinion :)
but pills are not good on the long term and not healthy either, what you need is to change your metabolism, you're probably eating too much or eating the wrong things
if you want to start losing weight for good you should drink 2 litres of water and eat raw fruits and vegetables everyday and stay away from salty foods, this thing alone is going to change you eating habits in time but you need patience. I lost 25 lbs in two years by changing my diet and now I eat two times less without any effort and never go over 110 lbs
in my early 20's I tried every diet possible and never lost a pound, but I never tried these pills I don't have experience with any type of pills, you're probably gonna be like "goo away I want a real answer" lol
If you drink soda definetly cut that out! I used to drink TONS of it and I stopped and lost around 2-3 pant sizes. I went from a 7-8 pant to a 3-4. It makes a HUGE difference, that stuff is filled with NOTHING but sugar and calories! Bad, bad, bad!! Also, just little things help a ton! Not eating when you're bored, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking instead of driving...they will all help you lose it!

Plus, IDK if you have a Wii, but I have started working out on the Wii Fit Plus and I have lost 3 pounds in a week! It's intense and an excellent work out regimen if you can stick to it! Yoga and strength training work wonders!!
Twinklee try Alli. that is actually approved by the FDA and if you do not change your diet bad sruuff will happen. but it blocks fat from being absorbed in to the body. I have heard really good things about it. The only bad is the effects to your body if you eat too much fat while taking it. (It's gross).
Diet pills don't work, if they did nobody would be fat. They mess with your heart and get you addicted. Join Weight Watchers it does work.
I lost more than 10 kilograms thanks to Michel Montignac diet. It's not even a diet because you don't have to starve. It's just a special system of eating, when some products are forbidden completely (like potato) and other are allowed but you should be careful about mixing them. For instance, you should wait for 3-4 hours after you've eated meat before you can eat fruit. It takes some time to get used to, but this system really works.
I agree, pills are horrible! After I had my baby I had 40 pounds to shed (I craved FOOD any food when I was pregnant with my youngest) and I walked two miles everyday. That and once I was able to, I started working out. I got the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shread, it was like $10 at Target. Anyways, you work out for 20 minutes a day, it's mostly cardio (jumping jacks, pull ups, push ups, jogging in place, jump rope) and all workouts last only 20 minutes. For the "diet" you just eat healthier, it's all about the portions. For breakfast I would have a cup low fat yogurt mixed with blueberries and wheat bread, then maybe half a granola bar for a snack, lunch was a small salad w/ Extra Virgin Olive Oil with sea salt and fresh ground pepper and an apple and whatever I made the family for dinner I would have half of a serving. Within a month I lost almost 15 pounds. It's not fun, but in the end, I had so much more energy and felt so much better! Also, I know people say it's a scam but I seriously believe it because it made me feel SO much better but Acai Berry Juice helped with energy instead of coffee in the morning. It was mentioned earlier, but the Wii also helped, and it was actually fun. I haven't tried Wii fit, but I think I might go pick one up
They don't work from what i've heard , if you starve yourself though ( not saying you will ) to loose weight , your body will use muscle as a energy source not fat so just take your time and loose 1 or 2 pound a week
Diet pills can be really dangerous, and just think, if they worked everybody in the world would be thin. Instead of ordering any type of 'pill' on the internet, I would see your doctor or a pharmacist.
Pills are bad. They can have terrible consequences. Loose weight the old fashioned way, with diet and exercise. I know it's not what anyone wants to hear, but it's true. If you jump start your metabolism with exercise you can actually still get away with eating what you want so long as you keep the exercise up. I don't watch what I eat per say, but I do work out and not gain weight. That works for me.
Thank you guys for all your answers and advices first of all :flowers:
I know that certain pills have side effects and that most of them don't work. But I guess I'm just desperate enough to try them out since I ordered it already, I don't really care about the side effects as long as I shed some weight lol
You should care about side effects, please be careful. I watched a program about them and it was scary how they can affect your heart and some can have serious implications they can even be fatal.
Hey There,

People have been giving you great responses but please contact me. I have lost about 90 pounds and I'm an Aerobics Teacher. Let me know if you have any questions and if there are supplements you want to take. I can recommend good all natural ones without all the extra junk and money with them. Let's talk. PM me. or I will write you more on the weekend.

God Bless,
Btw if you loose to much weight to quick then your skin will look "saggy" because it hasn't had the time to tighten

which is true but if she weight trains; she will be fine :) and just loosing 1-2 pounds per week. Some times people tend to loose more at first but it settles down to 1-2 pounds per week.

It's important to follow a high protein/low carb meal plan. Will give energy & Strength for the Cardio/weight training workouts and create lean muscle mass. (Don't worry; you will not look like a And you will not starve but rather eat 5-6 meals per day to keep metabolism up! But that's 3 main meals and 3 mini meals. Everything consisting of a Protein, Carbs(the good ones), and Fiber.

God Bless
which is true but if she weight trains; she will be fine :) and just loosing 1-2 pounds per week. Some times people tend to loose more at first but it settles down to 1-2 pounds per week.

It's important to follow a high protein/low carb meal plan. Will give energy & Strength for the Cardio/weight training workouts and create lean muscle mass. (Don't worry; you will not look like a And you will not starve but rather eat 5-6 meals per day to keep metabolism up! But that's 3 main meals and 3 mini meals. Everything consisting of a Protein, Carbs(the good ones), and Fiber.

God Bless

Seeing as you seem to know lot about exercise i might aswell ask , How do you get really strong muscles but not big , like bruce lee
Is it low weight high rep or does what you eat have a part to play
i was on diet pills since i was 15, nothing really works unless you do exercise and watch what you eat, i guess.

yea and no soda lol. though i have a habit of drinking diet drinks.
i don't eat meat and lots of fruits/veggies will do.

and i dance around. though i have built a dependency on caffeine pills lol.

though naturally i lost weight because i can't eat anymore, ever since june 25th i hate food, i can't keep nothing down. so yea...
Body types

Seeing as you seem to know lot about exercise i might aswell ask , How do you get really strong muscles but not big , like bruce lee
Is it low weight high rep or does what you eat have a part to play
That has more to do with your body type, not how much weight you lift. There's endomorph (tendency for higher bodyfat, large bones), ectomorph (small bones, lean, thin), and mesomorph (muscular). People generally are a combo of two different types. Bruce would be a meso- & ecto- morph. Bruce was also athletic and ate healthy foods. Muscle uses more energy than fat, so whatever he was eating burned off easily.
Re: Body types

That has more to do with your body type, not how much weight you lift. There's endomorph (tendency for higher bodyfat, large bones), ectomorph (small bones, lean, thin), and mesomorph (muscular). People generally are a combo of two different types. Bruce would be a meso- & ecto- morph. Bruce was also athletic and ate healthy foods. Muscle uses more energy than fat, so whatever he was eating burned off easily.

Lol , i see bruce in your sig :)

Thanks for answering , my body is similair to MJs on the History tour but i suppose im in the middle/average
Seeing as you seem to know lot about exercise i might aswell ask , How do you get really strong muscles but not big , like bruce lee
Is it low weight high rep or does what you eat have a part to play

LOL! I only know what I have learned through the years and am no expert. Are you a guy or a girl? But generally speaking; you are right.

Keep your protein moderate to preserve lean mass but not enough to build size.

To build lean muscle or “tone” as it is often called is done through lifting lighter weight using higher reps and sets.

For example if you wanted to bulk up – you should left heavy weights – 3 sets of 6 repetitions.

If you want to tone (or build lean muscle) aim for 4 sets of 12 repetitions.building lean muscle will increase your metabolism.

(But not all the time this is the case..sometimes lifting a bit heavier can help you out. You will only really increase muscle when u hit that protein and lift weights to "Failure". (Meaning you can't lift anymore..muscles fibers tear and they heal..therefore creating muscles..but you still have to be doing a lot of heavy lifting and protein intake to look like "body builder" lol.

Make sure to also eat a "Clean" diet. Just google "Clean Eating". lol.

Cardio that engages your whole body! Dance, Pilates, running/jogging and swimming.

Make sure you enough of the right things because if your body thinks it's starving it will hold on to fat and don't feed it enough then you have nothing for it too grow:cheeky:

and Rest! Don't over work your body. It needs a days off in between work out's to recover and grow. Like if you work upper body one night; take a break during the next or train a different muscle group.

(I also over trained my body and have muscle catabolism). Calories were too low and my body starting feeding off the mass I put on..:no:).

Hope this helps a little..:)

I know expert though...but I help if I can:D
Re: Body types

That has more to do with your body type, not how much weight you lift. There's endomorph (tendency for higher bodyfat, large bones), ectomorph (small bones, lean, thin), and mesomorph (muscular). People generally are a combo of two different types. Bruce would be a meso- & ecto- morph. Bruce was also athletic and ate healthy foods. Muscle uses more energy than fat, so whatever he was eating burned off easily.

He's also super right! I just did not get into all of it! lol!

I have higher body fat in my lower alot of women but my upper body is cut! Especially my back is ripped! and my waist it small. I'm a mesomorph with an "hour glass" shape! booooooooooo! hehe! I say booooo cause of my thigh's! hehe!

but he's right. I always tell ladies in my class..don't try to look like a ruler when you are a pear. You have to go along and workout what's best for your body shape and get the size 0 out your head. If your body shape is not designed that way. It's not gonna happen. At least not healthy.
When I looked at the title of this thread, I thought it was spam. I am in full agreement with those who urge the "diet and exercise" route. Good luck, OP.:)

P.S. I'm trying to add muscle. Is creatine safe?
For example if you wanted to bulk up – you should left heavy weights – 3 sets of 6 repetitions.
Lifting heavy weights in itself doesn't build muscle per se. I've seen skinny powerlifters. Many of the rest are just obese. But a powerlifter is just trying to lift as much weight as possible and trains different from someone who is trying to be muscular.