Didi Yall see WHAT MAtt Fiddes said??? what a Duchbag


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Matt Fiddes Talked to Sky News and said that Michael used to take lots of pills and that Uri was very worried about him. and that it was hard to wake Michael in the mornings and Uri used to make sure he was coherant if there was a public appearence that day.

Part 1

Part 2

Isnt this the same guy that called the papaz in London when the family arrived at the air port. on "Jacksons in Devon"? and he was instructed that NO papaz be told. And he had a fude with Tito and he quit the bodyguarding job 4 the family. He's Nothing but an effin' Cheat and lier. And I cant believe I'm crying over this. They're Still Playing with Michael's life when he's gone. I cant believe that he's saying this.!!!

oh and btw. he's the one that said Michael had a "secret woman"

God will show us the truth soon enough but I'm really upset by this "man".
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I do think that Uri has been very respectful to Michaels memory since his passing, he has been saying great things on uk TV.
He had good intentions when suggesting Bashir to Michael, as the diana interview was very positive...he mustnt have known what a asshole Bashir would be to Michael.

I dont understand what Fiddes thinks hes doing, he is being so disrespectful, rather dont say anything, but yet again Sky news are talking to the wrong people, or maybe what they see as the right people because they want bullshit slander and drama
As for Fiddes...he
I had to hold myself back until I had a clear mind and understanding about this Fiddes.LEECH. I know that everyone is coming out of the woodwork now and telling stories about Michael when Michael is not here to say HELL NO,IT"S ALL A LIE.I am still angry about what Uri Gellar did to Michael when Gellar Knew what type of Reporter Big Butt Bashir was and Now Gellar is sorry for what he did to him. WOW !!And That Piddle and Pellar had to try to stop Michael from whatever. Yeah Right.Where was all his friends when Michael really needed the help. Instead of saying yes to him ,there had to be someone to say NO. If I was his friend I would have tried to help Michael and Tell him NO don't ,Or else.Friendships is very important in people's lives but for Michael,He had leeches and enabler surrounding him and no one with common sense to say,I think you shouldn't do that.Think of your Children,Think of Your life in general.Think of your Mother. OH YEAH, if this story is true ,Where the Hell was this Secret Girlfriend when He needed her the Most. He really needed someone to tell him No and not wait for the end results. This makes me more angry.GLDD.Poor Michael, He got hosed.
I know I should take things with a grain of salt but the salt is in my wounds and it hurts like hell.I wish Michael was here to say to us all these reports are Lies ,They are all Lies.Not through a so called spokesman/woman. Him, himself. Now he is gone from us forever and thanks to people like Gellar,Bashir ect.... Michael memory will always be tarnished.Like I said before,who could Michael trust. He really took a page out of Howard Hughes' life and others for the lifestyle he last lived.he did try to go places from time to time but the more he did it the more creeps came to lach on to him and everything else I've been hearing about,I wish he could have straighten things out and live for his kids.I'm still broken up about this for forgive my rant.
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Matt Fiddes is a weasle who do anything to make money of MJ's name, his head is so far up his own behind that hes eating his own Poo for dinner