did you think it would be different


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The service was beautiful...perfect in a way...but before it happened I had day dreamed about it like I did with many of Michaels up coming projects...What I would do, how I would direct it...I know a lot of you must do the same

I was suprised there werent more stars, like big stars..Like Liz and Liza, Like Brittney Justin, Whitney, Madonna, Slash ...I was suprised Miko Brando did not speak. I was suprised Michael's Mother did not speak. I wish she had, I wished she had talked about the evil in the world that tried to hurt her son. I wish Diana Ross was there. I wish they had driven the motorcade past a part of the city where the fans could have paid there respects and throw flowers as he went by, like PRincess Diana...I am still disappointed in a way they did not do that it would have been beautiful.

I thought that if Michael was alive he would have leaked news that they were gonna drive by Neverland...Then he would have broken the rules and had his driver drive past with thousands upon thousands of fans throwing flowers ..the police chasing them in frustration...hahah, what fun he would have had doing that.

oh well, I just cant help it...he inspires my mind to imagine things.

I think in the end the memorial was nice the way it was...because it reminded us that he was a human, a child of God, which is far better than a celebrity.

I miss you Michael.

I would have liked a recording of Man in the Mirror to have been played at the end with Michael singing rather than the band playing instrumental.

Im thinking it was rather hastily put together. A tribute concert might be more of a major event.

Yes i wished his mum would speak out
It was pretty much what I expected and hoped for. It was perfect.

Im glad there werent too many celebrities. I didnt want it to be a "star studded" type thing. To me, Michael was an extraordinarily kind, loving man who happened to be the King of Pop. So I thought the family did a great job balancing both aspects of him.
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