Did you see the costume designs Zaldy made for Michael??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In the Special Features of the DVD you can watch Zaldy talk about what costumes he designed for Michael for This Is It..

I thought they were all really nice looking, especially the Billie Jean one.. that one would've looked so cool and seeing him in it would've been even better..

Which costume was your favorite??
of course we saw the costumes!! r u kidding?! haha

but foreals.. i really wanted to see MJ in that 1st outfit.. the one he wears when he comes out of Lightman on stage... wouldve been epic..

Yeah, true I shouldn't have even asked!! =P
I should've already known lol
I thought they were all really cool....I actually really loved the one he was gonna wear for the J5 Medley....I love him in sexy suits like that...
My favourite costume was the J5 suit-I love Michael in suits, sooooo sexy!!! Plus I liked the simplicity of it and the shoes to go with it were amazing! Seen them all at the exhibiton and it really is amazing seeing it so close. Makes me so sad that Michael never even got to do one show. The world was robbed.
Yes they looked cooool.
But I can't imagine how Michael would have fit in the Lightning man with those strange over the top shoulders for the first costume. Without the shouldersthe jacked looks better to me. And would have been easily to dance with and not looking funny with it on, i think.
Yes they looked cooool.
But I can't imagine how Michael would have fit in the Lightning man with those strange over the top shoulders for the first costume. Without the shouldersthe jacked looks better to me. And would have been easily to dance with and not looking funny with it on, i think.

I agree...I loved the outfit...but the shoulders were too much...Although, Mike would have rocked it anyways....he looks good in everything
Billie Jean outfit would have been OFF THE HOOK....it would have been truly amazing...I wish we could have seen him in that....
I remember when Zaldy was saying how Michael was just like, gaping at the mirror when he put the Billie Jean outfit on and saw it light up..
I wish I could've been there to see that!!
I remember when Zaldy was saying how Michael was just like, gaping at the mirror when he put the Billie Jean outfit on and saw it light up..
I wish I could've been there to see that!!

i know..me too! *sigh* it would have been an incredible show...
Zaldy gave the billie jean lighting up costume idea to lady gaga for her tour!
Zaldy gave the billie jean lighting up costume idea to lady gaga for her tour!

really?? that's kinda not cool....

Why Zaldy? Why?
It's something only Michael would have rocked in.

Zaldy is a legend. TII has shown the world that Michael knows exactly what a world class designer should be able to do.

I bet everyone with money has been knocking on Zaldy's door since watching TII. At the very least, every artist with enough money will want him for their costumes. I can see him becoming the new giant of super high quality bespoke designer clothing.

I personally would almost anything to get my hands on one of those costumes!!!!
I saw them at the o2 exhibition and most of them were absolutelly awful. Michael wouldn't be able to move in the one with huge pads on the shoulders. No wonder he wanted Michael Bush in his team.
He might be a legend, but it just not right to see a costume that could be worn by michael for an other artist.

Very, Very, Very True!!!!!!.......Michael would never do that any artist that had passed away!!!!
I saw them at the o2 exhibition and most of them were absolutelly awful. Michael wouldn't be able to move in the one with huge pads on the shoulders. No wonder he wanted Michael Bush in his team.

I absolutely agree with you micah!
When I saw the suit for the light man and BOW, I said myself: Why are those suits so heavy? He needs to move freely on stage. I mean, 10 pounds a jacket c'mon, give me a break!
Zaldy didn't experiment with new textures for the fabrics as Michael Bush have done; he just added ridiculous stuff (J5 suit, lot of Swarovsky crystals on the light man suit.)
I don't see Michael wearing the light man suit, it's not masculine enough.

I just loved the Thiller suit and Billie Jean suit, those are kick ass ( I admit he made improvements in those costumes) and the HTW jacket is ok.
I loved the Billie Jean and Thriller outfits--totally original and totally Michael, IMHO. I thought that white t-shirt for Billie Jean was really really cool and stylin'. That being said, I can't imagine that it would be easy to dance (or even to move quickly) in the Swarovski-studded outfits. Something with that many crystals is heavy. And the shoulder adornments? I know that some of Michael's past costumes were heavier than regular clothing, but geez.
The one for Man in the Mirror made me sick...
However, I liked the one for Billie Jean.
Actually, they are too detail, maybe they are very hard to design technically, but they lack spirit...
I really like the Billie Jean, Jackson 5 medley and Thriller costumes, that Zaldy designed for Michael. The white t-shirt with the MJ logo he designed for Michael is supercool, I'd like one for myself !
I agree with some others, I loved the costumes, but a lot of them just weren't very practical to move in.

Like that jacket he designed for BOW, I mean if I would have the money, that jacket would be hanging in my closet right now, but how on earth was petite Michael going to be able to move in a 10 pound heavy jacket? That's just too heavy to dance in, especially for someone his size and maybe even age.

And the HTW/WATW jacket, like Zaldy said..it's all metal so it's making sound. It was making a lot of noise around his wrists, not cool at all. His wrists and arms are very close to the microphone. The sounds of the jacket would mix up with his voice in the mic.

And then you had the WBSS outfit, which looked weird imo. Again, too many things that make the outfit heavy like the crystals. On top of that, Michael would be wearing those huge shoulder pads (which apparantly don't weigh a lot) which look very ''loose'' to me. Michael would be moving, jumping, dancing a lot during WBSS and it wouldn't suprise me if one of those shoulderpads would come off during his movements, it doesn't look like they are very good attached to the outfit imo.

I liked the Thriller outfit, it looked like Zaldy moved some light and flexibel fabric. It looks a lot more practical than some of the Thriler jackets Michael had worn before. It looked cool and hot, I want one in my closet asap!
I also liked what he did with the loafers and pants.

I loved the J5 suit, altough it didn't really fit the J5 theme imo. I'd expected the WATW/HTW jacket to be J5 and the purple suit to be for Dangerous or something. I think it's a little bit to dark for the J5 theme. Especially when I look at the decor they were going to use, which was all orange/yellow/retro, the purple suit would have looked horrible with that background.
But I loved it, it would have looked so good on Michael!!

I liked the MITM jacket, but just not for that performance. I prefer Michael singing it with just some simple plain longsleeve button up, instead of wearing a swarovski beaded jacket. It would have take away the message he was trying to bring across I think. Like when Beyonce was singing ''Halo'' for Hope for Haiti in a $8000 Balmain jacket. I was like ''Damn girl, you're singing for people who are poor right now, but you are wearing a $8000 jacket. You could have spend that money on those children who need it right now''.
We, as fans, know what kind of person Michael is and that he is always helping people. But it would make no sense for people who are just casual fans of his music and don't know anything about his social work, for him to stand up on that stage wearing a swarovski beaded jacket that is probably worth $5000 or something to sing how he cannot deny the poor and hungry, while the price of that jacket would probably be enough to feed a small country in Africa, just saying.

I like a lot of the things Zaldy designed, they just don't really look practical for an artist like Mike. He needs to move a lot, I already thought those knee pads he wore during the HIStory tour were not practical, and the outfits Zaldy designed are even more complex.
That heavy jacket for BOW would have make Michael tired, causing him to have less energy for his next performances.
BJ would have been kick ass of course, but I don't really think that Zaldy really thought about how much Michael was going to move. He was constantly busy with being ''innovative, because that's what Michael was all about'', but I think he got a little bit overcaught with it. He was constantly trying to come up with things that look different; adding crystals (crystals are always hard to work with, because they make a fabric ''heavy''), making huge shoulder pads...Michael is no Gaga. He doesn't need to look ''different'' to rock that stage. I think a lot of the thing Zaldy designed just wouldn't have worked on stage and with Michael movements. All of the jacket seem kinda heavy and hard to dance in to me, except for the Thriller outfit and BJ. And I just felt really bad for Michael Bush as well..

Excuse me, I'm on a roll right now. :p
I like what Michael Bush designed for MJ..I think the Zaldy guys work is a bit over the top!
Maybe I'm paranoic but I really believe Zaldy was imposed to work with Michael and also to me it's not ethical what he did revealing that secret to Gaga.

Those knee pads for HIStory are very light in comparisson to what Zaldy designed.
All of the costumes sucked and thank god MJ didint get to wear them honestly , i mean that WBSS costume , the captain EO inspired one was wack , i know MJ said the shoulders were important but not like this , I'm sure Mike wasnt convinced but anyways , the HTW , MIM and BOW sucked big time , the only 3 that were cool were the Billie jean out fit (even Mj was speechless when he tried it on , he just stood there and said nothing) , the SC and Thriller outfits cause they were close to the classic original thing.