Did you hear "Let me let go"?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I hope not to mess with the forum's rules, anyway I am sure that those in the know- know.
I have just listened to the song of this tiltle linked to Michael's name, and have not heard on this forum yet- not that I read everything,.
You might have had a thread on it somewhere.
Anyway, a graet song, a leak.
What do you think?
I listened to it by accident only. It seems it's form October '07. It made my day, well, a horrible week, actually.
Oh My God you must have lived in a cave last year to not know it's Jason Malachi lol
I t made my horrible week (instead of "made my day"?)
There are many wannabes, I know. Again, it ticks all the right boxes as for an Mj song. Sb did a great job. I t could be a good party single, very good, I love it, however all done before.
I have to try hard and stop myself from the question that makes me laugh ever so much, which became kind of iconic now..(What's your source?;))
Yeah, i did not do my search on it yet, which you already did.. glad someone did...Just gives me that 3 mins of enjoyment. What the heck!
I don't even mind. It is a very enjoyable song.
I t made my horrible week (instead of "made my day"?)
There are many wannabes, I know. Again, it ticks all the right boxes as for an Mj song. Sb did a great job. I t could be a good party single, very good, I love it, however all done before.
I have to try hard and stop myself from the question that makes me laugh ever so much, which became kind of iconic now..(What's your source?;))
Yeah, i did not do my search on it yet, which you already did.. glad someone did...Just gives me that 3 mins of enjoyment. What the heck!
I don't even mind. It is a very enjoyable song.

Your posts confuse me! :lmao:
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No I have not managed to read every little post, and nobody should to. I don't feel the need to know every last detail. I have seen and met Michael enough, and have every right to come here anytime and be inquisitive. Be nice. And thanx for all replies. You did good OK? Now, thanks to you I know who Jason Malachi is. Well. sort of. And, again, a nice song!
I t made my horrible week (instead of "made my day"?)
There are many wannabes, I know. Again, it ticks all the right boxes as for an Mj song. Sb did a great job. I t could be a good party single, very good, I love it, however all done before.
I have to try hard and stop myself from the question that makes me laugh ever so much, which became kind of iconic now..(What's your source?;))
Yeah, i did not do my search on it yet, which you already did.. glad someone did...Just gives me that 3 mins of enjoyment. What the heck!
I don't even mind. It is a very enjoyable song.

Its jason Malachi and we already have a thread discussing it
on the front page here if you want to join in - It is a pretty good
song - But It is wrong for people to promote it as Michals and also
Jason needs to find his own groove instead of trying ot sound like MJ
becuase untill he does he will not get respect from the Mj comuunity -
he does have a very nice voice - but he needs to make it his own - and
not try and copy Mj so much ... its not good for his career to do that ..
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QBEE, I totally agree, I cannot say more. But does he really promote them with MJ name? It would be wrong.
As far as it seems we know his name so probably he does not...?
And, oh, he is only just doing what Timberlake and all other are doing, and much better at it, in my opinion. Thanx!
Like it's been said it's Jason Malachi song :)

Im going to move this to Music Makes The World Go 'Round, in case you wanna discuss about the song.

I have to admit the song has a pretty groovy intro :yes: But overall the song is a bit boring for my taste.
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That is all fine.
I thought about it, but really, I did not need much, and my thought was;

I enjoy it/them. Do people realize that he must be a HUUUUGE MJ fan? Obviously, he must have put so much work, stubborness and - up to dispute- creativeness- to make it all happen?
I f that was one of our closest friends, we would say:" Wow, man, what you do is awesome, you are doing so well, I enjoy it", but because it is just a Jason Malachi seem are quick to criticize and despise.
Now I do not know Jason, but I would support him, if that is his dream. So is Timberlakes's and so on..
Thinking of something else, I thought that all the dancers and impersonators should be discouraged like that too, but that is not usually the case. They are usually much more welcome.
Summing up, of course promoting art with some other performer's name is WRONG, but do we have 100% proof that JM did just that? I f we do that's another story.
Well as for the song, as I said all done before, however huge thing for sb other than Mike.