Did you guys know this?


Did you guys know this?! Maybe it's just me being over sensitive but it really pisses me off that within 20 minutes from that that they knew Michael had passed away they tear the set down for the show. What the freak....!!! How is that even possible.....???:no::no:

Just ignore the first prat of the video, stupied "journalist"....

I think you misunderstood. This "20 minutes thing" what Karen said does not apply to this show timimg.
Its the This Is It rehearsal "hired" set she's talking about... the set from the movie Michael rehearsed on... 20 minutes... Jesus... :cry:
I don't remember this being on 20/20 - is this an extra part of the interview or something? Maybe I just can't remember it.

It seems incredible to me that the set was being torn down within 20 minutes. It's the rational thing to do I suppose - the concerts aren't going to happen, so why continue paying rent on the equipment? But, it still seems very insensitive. I wonder who made that decision.
The part about the set was terrible but, the journalist really pist me off asking those freaking tabloid damn questions and kept on trying to ask them in a different way so she can be satisfy with the answer to fit her own idea of who MJ was! That was sick!! No wonder it never aired!
I think you misunderstood. This "20 minutes thing" what Karen said does not apply to this show timimg.

I did, how do you mean?
I mean, I know it's not the set for the real show but the one he was on just hours before... :(
The part about the set was terrible but, the journalist really pist me off asking those freaking tabloid damn questions and kept on trying to ask them in a different way so she can be satisfy with the answer to fit her own idea of who MJ was! That was sick!! No wonder it never aired!

Me too and Karen was polite enough to dignify them with a response ans she kept saying "to clear up tabloid rumors once and for all" as if.....
It's the first time it's said out loud that this happened. She told this story on her Facebook last year. And it's a disgrace and makes AEG look like they knew what was about to happen.
I can't imagine this would happen anywhere, everyone should have still been in shock, not realizing what to do. Instead of tearing down the stage right away.
I can explain it with one word:GRIEF.

They were working with Michael, met him almost everyday and now he was suddenly gone.
The reactions on this forum has been in different ways, tears, anger, you can´t take it , you want to hit something, work with your body so you´ll get so tired so you can´t think.
Some people can´t cry to begin with, they want to do something.
I guess those who took down the stage wanted to do something but there was nothing they could do to save Michael.
They could just tear down the stage and try not to think that Michael will never come back.
I remember Kenny talking about when he received the news and told the TII crew and they were all in shock. I also remember that they also had the working Lightman demo that they wanted to show Michael.....................

They (everyone working on TII) said that they got together for a while just to let it sink in and mourn. I wouldn't think that while lasted just 20 minutes!!!!!!!

If people really want to stand up for Michael then:
1.) No Lying.
2.) No Exaggeration.
3.) No Omitting important details.

The more people who try to stand up for Michael, the more inconsistent the information becomes. And as we try harder out find out the truth, the bigger hole we find ourselves in. And we have more riddles and mysteries to solve.

A lot has to be blamed to Michael's siblings and the Estate for not uniting all parties for the common cause, Justice 4 Michael!!!!!
I did, how do you mean?
I mean, I know it's not the set for the real show but the one he was on just hours before... :(

Yeah , I got you now. I was thinking that you ment a different thing. It is OK:)
It is very said really what Karen said. Crazy. Like they were preapared or something....
20 minutes is a very short timing...:(
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Don't wish on other people what you would not want for yourself. Especially so harsh a sentence.
I think you misunderstood. This "20 minutes thing" what Karen said does not apply to this show timimg.

It was a rehearsal set. Not the set for his show
but either way I see no reason to judge taking it down
We dont know all the details or if 20 mins was fact

I didnt think karen was present at the staples at that time
I must have messed that. Did she ever say where she was when
the news came out ??
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Ah, Michael's inherent love/understanding/forgiveness speaking-


when Michael was burned by people he cut them out of his life, too. i think what you are driving at, is an abuse of the word 'forgiveness'. some people use that term to allow themselves to step on someone over and over again. if, for example, a woman is beaten by her husband, over and over, should her forgiveness include pretending like it never happened, to the point, the husband thinks...'hey..i can keep this up, because she doesn't seem to care.'

there is no entity that stops the universal rule, you get back what you put out. even religion has a limit. you forgive. you love. but if someone keeps abusing that forgiveness and love, there is always a day of reckoning. how else do you stop the evil?

there is a balance here, in the understanding of these terms.

if someone forgives me, and i keep beating on them, i am a fool to think i'll go unscathed.

there are people who don't observe the balance, who hold frustrations in, who end up not only taking the frustrations out on someone they don't love..but they take them out on someone they do love. and those frustrations are there.
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It was a rehearsal set. Not the set for his show
but either way I see no reason to judge taking it down
We dont know all the details or if 20 mins was fact

I didnt think karen was present at the staples at that time
I must have messed that. Did she ever say where she was when
the news came out ??

During the 20/20 interview, she said that she was at the Staples Center, waiting for Michael to arrive. If I remember correctly, she saw Kenny in the hall shortly after he was told what happened, and he let her know.
As much as I have heard of show business, tearing down the stage 20 minutes after they found out he died does not surprise me but I don't think that means they knew it would happen. I think that's show business. Hollywood is not famous for respecting anyone so they would tear down something ASAP once they find out it's not going to make money. Kenny didn't order it, neither did the dancers. Judith Hill said in an interview that it was like a stab hearing the crashing down of the stage as they mourned. There are countless stories like this. Judy Garland was fired from mgm after years of her youth making them money, I can name more but getting the details will take time. Let's just remember, it's Hollywood that puts show business above show art.

Did you guys know this?! Maybe it's just me being over sensitive but it really pisses me off that within 20 minutes from that that they knew Michael had passed away they tear the set down for the show. What the freak....!!! How is that even possible.....???:no::no:

Just ignore the first prat of the video, stupied "journalist"....

I don't know. I just think that the set being up may have constantly reminded the players of what could have been, and that it needed to be gotten rid of very soon just to get rid of painful things....I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I don't think they meant to be insensitive, but why keep the set up if the major star is now gone? Although I must admit, they could have waited a day or so...sounded a little cold to do that right away...