Did you believe he was gonna make it through?

Mothership Connection

Proud Member
Jan 19, 2008
Belgium (French)
Right after I heard the news I did, maybe foolishly. It didn't seem possible that he could go away this easily. Not without a fight. The king of pop dying? The idea seemed completely surreal, as if he was some sort of fictional character that is meant to live on forever.

Then as minutes passed watching CNN it began to sink in that he probably wasn't gonna make it... :(

What did you think of it at the time?
Right after I heard the news I did, maybe foolishly. It didn't seem possible that he could go away this easily. Not without a fight. The king of pop dying? The idea seemed completely surreal, as if he was some sort of fictional character that is meant to live on forever.

Then as minutes passed watching CNN it began to sink in that he probably wasn't gonna make it... :(

What did you think of it at the time?

shock. absolute shock. but isnt this how every beloved legend goes out?
For the first time, I actually hoped what the tabloids said were true. I heard on radio that tabloid sites were saying Michael Jackson wasn't dead after all; he just faked his death. Call me foolish but I just can't accept reality.
I didn't hear the news until he had actually died.

I had never considered a world in which he didn't live though. It never occured to me he would not be there in the sense of living.
For the first time, I actually hoped what the tabloids said were true. I heard on radio that tabloid sites were saying Michael Jackson wasn't dead after all; he just faked his death. Call me foolish but I just can't accept reality.
When someone first told me that he was in a critical state over MSN I almost didn't worry about it cause I directly assumed it was tabloid junk as we're so used to.

I still turned on the TV because you never know... Well this time it wasn't tabloid stories.. :(
same here, i thought it was just made up.... that it was not that serious.... and i told myself he will make it... i was proven wrong after all....
No... As soon as i noticed what was going on on forum, which always deletes rumors like that, i know that it's over.
because of what happened in 1995 i thought hed be out of the hospital in no time.
Then i heard he was in a coma and i thought hed pull through
At first i thought that it was a publicity stunt, and that sometime today there would suddenly be one of his new songs on the radio with lyrics refering to how he'll live forever and an announcement that he's not really dead. This is just too horrible for words. Ticketmaster and Seetickets haven't been in touch yet, so i reckon it'll really sink in then. I can't even cry.
I didn't think what so ever. I was in shock and couldn't believe it. A part of me was terrified, another part was trying to tell me that it was just another false rumour.. but the biggest part didn't think at all. I was in shock for quite a long time before I began to cry and since then I haven't been able to stop. Or well, partly I have, but those attacks just keep on coming over and over.... I still can't believe it.
I could never fathom Michael dying so abruptly. To me it couldn't be anything but a sick hoax. I kept hope until the very last minute, ie when Jermaine made his his statement.
I was told that he had died from a coworker. Then I heard it on the radio. When they gave conflicting reports that he was only hospitalized I held out a little hope but it was faint. I knew this was the real thing.
Yeah I also thought of 1995 and thought maybe he was just dehydrated or collapsed from exhaustion and will be out in no time when I heard he was rushed to the hospital. When I heard he had a cardiac arrest and that his family member said he is in a really bad shape I got really worried and thought it may be something serious after all. Then when there were rumors he had passed away I thought the tabloids are doing their thing and making things up and I kept checking every news site I could to find out what is going on. When TMZ said too that he had didpasssed away but I still didn't believe it. Then when CNN announced after that that Michael was in a coma I was like "That's bad, but at least he is still alive...there is still hope!". But then just as CNN announced that...in about five minutes they said that L.A. Times is now saying that Michael is dead also and I just kept praying it is not true and that they are all wrong. It just didn't seem possible. And when CNN confirmed that the coroner had said Michael has died.....I just lost it. It still feels completely unreal and i cannot understand it. He was gone in like just in a matter of couple of hours. That is what's so shocking to me and what makes it so hard to understand. And all the reports of his doctor having been with him...how could this happen?! :cry: It feels so unreal that he was taken away from all of us so suddenly. I can't stop thinking about his family and especially his children. I can't even imagine what they are going through. Not only are Prince and Paris becoming teenagers, which is hard enough in itself...but they also just lost their daddy so he won't be there to help them through it all. And Blanket...how will he be able to understand that daddy is gone? :cry: I just can't believe or understand any of what happened! Michael loved those children so much, he would have never died without a fight. :cry: :cry: :cry: I'm gonna miss him so much!!! :cry: :cry:
I desperately hoped that he would. Desperately. Its hard to say, indescribable emotions, like I was just in this weird twilight zone where something indescribably horrible was happening.

I wanted to believe he will pull through. Constantly. Even until the end when CNN was the only one not confirming it I held on.

I still find it hard to accept :'(
When I first heard the 'rushed to hospital' news, it didn't even cross my mind that he might not make it through. I figured he'd had a panic attack, since he's had those before before major events, and would be fine with a little R & R. It wasn't until the LA Times reported his death that I realised that, this time, it probably was true. :(
when i heard he was in hospital i thought he maybe broke his leg and i was about to get angry that the concerts had to be rescheduled again... when i learned he was about to die, i felt sorry for the thoughts i had before... :(
I was in shock and didn't want to believe it..at the time when I first heard rumors that he was dead..it was still unconfirmed so some news sources thought that he was seriously ill but still alive....and I held onto that hope...

It wasn't until I heard Jermaine Jackson give his statement that I really believed it...

I haven't had a big cry over it yet...I am still at the stage of feeling numb and empty :( Come back Michael...
Yes I was hoping...until I refreshed cnn site and saw the word "confirmed".