Did we contribute to this?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I dont know if this has crossed anyone else's mind, but i personally am feeling guilt right now.

There was so much pressure on Michael to deliver these shows, the best shows ever, to prove to the world, to the media and to satisfy our insatiable appetite for him....

I feel like we wanted so much, that our pressure along with the previous stress of the trials etc, and the constant media, that we killed him in some way.

I dont wanna think like that but its tearing me up that it may be the truth!

God this whole thing is a nightmare. My love to all of you, im so so so sorry that we lost him - gone too soon....
Reading my mind. I feel like its selfishness on our part... it just does. :no:

In reality we'll never know what it truly was, but that doesn't matter right now.
Please, dont do this to yourselves. It isn't true. He wanted to do these shows...and things just didn't work out. There was noone to blame....so please, don't start thinking this way ok?
To be honest, that thought has crossed my mind...

I can't believe that...
This Is It...indeed...
we have seen for years that it has been hard for MJ to follow things up.

He has wanted to get out of this for sometime i think....he has got out of it in the worst possible way

Dont like to say this but Heath Ledger springs to mind

I will miss him so much gutted .. gutted ... gutted
I've felt the same. You can't help but wonder. He always wanted to please us. Though I will not kill myself over it.
I know how you're feeling. I've been thinking about that as well, and you explained it well in your post.

There's no doubt in my mind now that Michael was not ready to do these shows. The rumours about his health never ceased, yet his 'official's continued to rubbish them. It's apparent now that there was indeed truth to these rumours and that Michael was, in a way, pressured into doing shows that no-one was certain he was ready for.

I could be a little off the mark by saying this, but the man didn't die at 50 for no reason. We can't even begin to understand the pressure he felt as an artist with a career that could be untainted with the perfect live shows. It's such a shame and such a waste of life for the most ridiculous reasons.

Perhaps we will learn the details in time. If they release info on the autopsy we may be more illuminated on the exact causes and such.
hell know. u wanna blame someone blame those who got him to do the shows. maybe no one is to blame but we certainly arent
no it wasnt, it was the media and all the accusations... no human can take that kind of stress. They will get what they deserve

My thought are with his 3 children. God Bless them.
We've learned Michael Jackson showed no unusual signs of distress -- he was rehearsing his upcoming concert at the Staples Center in L.A. But, we're told, like other nights of rehearsal, Jackson was both hours late and lethargic.

^^ from dancer according to tmz
Exactly how I feel. I wish I could turn back time and say to him "it's ok if you don't release anything or perform any shows, just be healthy"

Wow. 50 concerts though, and he was 50 years old... and then they were called This Is It. Sorry but i cant help but feel that maybe, just maybe... it was symbolic. :mello: Call me crazy if u want but....
Exactly how I feel. I wish I could turn back time and say to him "it's ok if you don't release anything or perform any shows, just be healthy"


this is exactly how i feel.. i just wish we could turn back the clock :angel:
Wow. 50 concerts though, and he was 50 years old... and then they were called This Is It. Sorry but i cant help but feel that maybe, just maybe... it was symbolic. :mello: Call me crazy if u want but....

Very spooky. Prophetic. My god, i never thought of that.
Now that I have been dragged kicking and screaming out of denial, I too have gone through a huge range of emotions from dispair, to anger watching some of the news, which I have now switched off, to thoughts of wanting something as horrible as you can imagine to happen to those who lied about him, tried to destroy him, to Allgood and Raymone for piling stress on him at this time, and yes to guilt.

We don't know if it was his heart, he could have had a stroke, or an anyurism - but I have no doubt that if it was any of that, the physical effort could have dislodged a tiny clot from an artery and that is all it takes. But if he wasn't aware of any health problem, and I believe AEG that he had an extensive medical which he passed, then if we are rational we should not feel guilty or blame ourselves.

Remember his children were the most important things in his life, and if he had any health problem, he would not have taken the risk. I do believe that money was his main reason for doing this, and the reason he needed to earn some is wholely down to those who stole it from him, either by lying i.e. Chandler and Francia, those who cost him millions of dollars in legal fees, Bain, Allgood etc. the list is endless. Those are the people who pilled the pressure on him to do these concerts. I'm sure that once he decided to do them he was excited and looking forward to them, but also stressed by those who were gleefully hoping he would fail, well now we will never know.

This is just a horrible and cruel twist of fate that he should be taken at this time. I pray that the more vulnerable fans will stay strong, Michael would want us to be strong and support each other through this. Please god he didn't suffer, and his passing was quick.
Michael loved his fans. He wanted to do this for his fans. We did not contribute to this. The media contributed to this because they systematically took everything from him. His reputation, his beloved Neverland, etc. They put him under so much pressure.
Michael is and was a perfectionist...so there isn't any doubt he pushed himself hard for these shows, he'd always given 1000% in everything he did we all know that...so wanting to please everyone from fans, people in the biz, you name it probably were all contributing factors. Aside from personal health issues which none of us know enough to conclude anything definitively, so we need to wait for those answers.This is OT, but I need to get it off my chest....I don't understand people coming forward to talk of his passing who haven't really associated with him in years among others and just want to get their two cents in....why bother? It makes me so angry and is very disrespectful imo!!!! He's not been gone for just a few hours and everyone and their brothers are coming forward and speculating about not just his death, but all the other crap that has gone on and not been reported fairly or accurately...and they are still at it. Can't say I am surprised though....just saddened and angry for him, his children and his family. I think it really hasn't hit me...I am on a rollercoaster of emotions, on top of that I lost my grandmother last week, and my grandfather is probably not far behind. When it rains it pours... :sad:
someone on fox just said he was found "around" packets of prescription drugs..

My suspicions right.. another Heath Ledger
Michael is and was a perfectionist...so there isn't any doubt he pushed himself hard for these shows, he'd always given 1000% in everything he did we all know that...so wanting to please everyone from fans, people in the biz, you name it probably were all contributing factors. Aside from personal health issues which none of us know enough to conclude anything definitively, so we need to wait for those answers.This is OT, but I need to get it off my chest....I don't understand people coming forward to talk of his passing who haven't really associated with him in years among others and just want to get their two cents in....why bother? It makes me so angry and is very disrespectful imo!!!! He's not been gone for just a few hours and everyone and their brothers are coming forward and speculating about not just his death, but all the other crap that has gone on and not been reported fairly or accurately...and they are still at it. Can't say I am surprised though....just saddened and angry for him, his children and his family. I think it really hasn't hit me...I am on a rollercoaster of emotions, on top of that I lost my grandmother last week, and my grandfather is probably not far behind. When it rains it pours... :sad:

Yes, I have been angry about that too. People just feed off his fame. Scum.
someone on fox just said he was found "around" packets of prescription drugs..

My suspicions right.. another Heath Ledger

No information has been released, those are just rumors. Just buy into it right off the bat, we'll find out soon.
Well we have to wait to see the coroner's report first and foremost. However we ALL contributed to building Michael Jackson up to what he was. Still shocked
In some way I thing we did, and I don't mean it in the bad way it's just that everybody has some fault, from the tabloids that scrambled to get his picture ( even in his last moments) to the ppl around him that pushed him to do shows and perform and try to take advantage of him as much as possible and even us, in our love for him, always wanting to see him...

God will take care of him now.:angel: