Did MJ have vocale nodules???

Mr. Norway

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello, I was just browsing through The Moder Vocalist Forum, just for fun, and there was a thread with the 100 Most technical rock vocalists. MJ was stupedly enough number 95(!!!) and Prince wasn´t on the list at all and Adam Lambert was numer two (2). Anyways, this thread is not about that.

In that thread there was one poster who said that MJ and Freddie Mercury both had vocal nodules(??). I must admit that I have never heard about vocal nodules before but since they claimed MJ had it I had to check it up, and this is what Wikipedia says:

"A vocal cord nodule is a mass of tissue that grows on the vocal folds (vocal cords). Typically this mass will appear on the junction of the anterior and middle two-thirds of the vocal fold, where contact is most forceful.

A vocal cord nodule reduces or obstructs the ability of the vocal folds to create the rapid changes in air pressure which generate human speech. Symptoms include hoarseness of speech, painful speech production, frequent vocal breaks and reduced vocal range. Vocal fold nodules develop mostly in females in adults, and both genders in children.[1]
The nodules appear as symmetrical swellings on both sides of the vocal cords. The cause of these formations are usually strenuous or abusive voice practices such as yelling and coughing. Persons who are often susceptible are those who use their voice constantly in a loud environment. Examples include teachers, cheerleaders, politicians, actors, preachers, singers, and military drill instructors."

The poster wrote this:

"What is interesting about this is that Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson both had nodules. Yet they are supposedly technically skilled?"

- I must admit that I have never read anywhere that MJ had this nodule thing and can´t remember reading that Seth Riggs has mentioned it either. So has anybody elese heard about this?? Ad if he did have it the wikipedia article says that he would have reduced vocal range. I thought MJ had an AMAZING vocal range?? Any singers or vocal experts out there who can fill me in????
i was wondering does that mean his voice would be different in say ten years? because when you listen to the music over decades it always seems somehow different?? or am i the only one ?
I repeat this post:

According to Seth Riggs, Michael posses a bigger range than Whitney Houston and Christina Aguilera!
So I don't think he had nodules :)

Seth Riggs In the 80's.
He’s a high tenor with a three-and-a-half octave range. He goes from basso low E up to G and A-Flat above high C. A lot of people think its falsetto, but it’s not. It’s all connected, which is remarkable.

Seth Riggs As MJ grow older.
Vocal timbre: Spinto, Countertenor, Baritone
Technically, Michael has one of the finest voices in contempary music. His first advantage is the natural speed of his voice. He has the ability to sing in staccato, and sing complex rhythms in perfect timing. The best recorded example of this is the title track from his 1979 album, Off The Wall.
Michael possesses a 4 (!!!) octave vocal range. (Christina Aguelira has a 3 1/2 octave range, Whitney 3, just to give you an example of great voices). His voice goes from two E's below middle C, to two B's above middle C, or 44 notes. This is an EXTREMELY rare range amongst adult male singers. Essentially, Michael is able to reach octaves that other tenors cannot attain with their natural voice. His voice is NOT falsetto, as many people believe. Of course, MJ does use falsetto, but this is the range of notes he can sing in full voice. If you listen to the butterflies acapella, you can hear that all those high notes are in full voice and not falsetto.

Ingelief;3226378 said:
i was wondering does that mean his voice would be different in say ten years? because when you listen to the music over decades it always seems somehow different?? or am i the only one ?
Probably that's part of growing old. Because I don't hear a big change when I hear "Fly Away" and "Best of Joy" for example :wub:
Michael's voice definitely matured during his later years but it got so much more rich and soulful.
That list you found makes no sense at all!! O_O
he had them i think during the history tour.he came to the uk to get treatment and then went upto scotland think it was that occasion cant quite remember but there were reports of him getting treatment for it at some stage
he had them i think during the history tour.he came to the uk to get treatment and then went upto scotland think it was that occasion cant quite remember but there were reports of him getting treatment for it at some stage

so he had it for a period of time. It makes sense for the History tour.
i would think most singers get them at some time or another its not uncommon
How much more health talk is to happen? I know people wanna get informed, but Jackson's health is as dissected and distorted and everything in between as it is. A line has to start being drawn somehow. *reference 'Tired of this mess, focusing on the message' thread on this forum as well*
Singers and others get vocal nodules from overstressing the voice--screaming, using your voice when it's weak and needs to be rested, pushing too hard, etc. I know several vocalists who have had them. Some have had to go on vocal rest. Others had to have surgery to have the nodules removed, and then stay on vocal rest for about 6 weeks after surgery. No talking or singing, etc. I'd never heard it in relation to Michael, but I see how his voice could easily get overtaxed on tours.