did Michael use the same dancers/singers?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hoping to pick the brains of you knowledgeable lot!

I have just watched the bad and dangerous tours this evening :dancin: and am sure that I recognise some faces from both.
Did people return to work with Michael more than once? Anything you know about any of them? Would be fascinated to hear anything/everything you can share.
yes many of the musicians, dancers, crew Michael worked with were "regualar" Some, like Karen Faye, Laveille Smith were with him for over 20 years. Once you worked for Michael, it was pretty much like a seal of approval, and many people who had worked for Michael, went on to work with him many times, and they became very well known and respected in their chosen careers.
before the interent and before I was part of the fan community, I and many other fans used to memorise the inside covers of the albums, the end credits of tv programmmes and concerts, books and magazines etc. Its amazing the information that you can find, which names are metioned again and again, what their jobs are etc
yes, janet does the same thing as well (she uses hers in music videos too.)

mike's backups performed at his memorial. darryl phinnesse who has been with him since bad tour sang 'heal the world'
U mean the We Are The World guy? Yeah you can see him kicking it with Mike during the Bad Tour.. which explains why he started that song on a note I'd never heard before.. he musta been really choked up with emotion. :)
U mean the We Are The World guy? Yeah you can see him kicking it with Mike during the Bad Tour.. which explains why he started that song on a note I'd never heard before.. he musta been really choked up with emotion. :)

yup, that's him. he was part of his 'this is it' backups like the others who were on stage at the closing of the memorial.
That musta been hard tho for real.. one minute you're back performing with someone you consider a friend, the next you're singing at his memorial the same songs you probably would have been doing with him at the shows. Wow. :(
yeah, I felt so much for those performers at the memorial. How wonderful to be able to pay tribute in the best way they can - with their talent that Michael recognized, but also how hard that must have been for them too. It's so hard to sing when you let the emotions flow.
I wonder why he didn't invite Jennifer back? Or did he and she declined? She'd been on all of his tours with him, right?
I wonder why he didn't invite Jennifer back? Or did he and she declined? She'd been on all of his tours with him, right?

jennifer was going to be in 'this is it', i believe. and i believe she was at the memorial. she just didn't perform. but my memory is hazy right now since i haven't been thinking about these things awhile. but jen and him were definitely still on good terms and she said touching things when he passed. (google her if you want to read about it.)
I peeped her twitter page, she did have nice things to say about him. IIRC she said she wasn't doing This is it with him. In the rehearsal footage there is another woman on stage with him. Orianthi? Something like that. Jennifer talks about her on her page. I just don't remember if she said he asked her to do the shows and she said no.. or if he didn't ask at all.
I peeped her twitter page, she did have nice things to say about him. IIRC she said she wasn't doing This is it with him. In the rehearsal footage there is another woman on stage with him. Orianthi? Something like that. Jennifer talks about her on her page. I just don't remember if she said he asked her to do the shows and she said no.. or if he didn't ask at all.

o :doh: i thought she was coming back for 'this is it' and that was the big deal. but it's most probably that i got that mixed up with her saying the nice things after he passed with her actually being on tour. thanks for letting me know. :flowers:
NP. I was just being nosy wondering why he didn't call her for the new gig that's all. Maybe she didn't want to be following him around the stage every night with a heavy ass light show on her head like he had her doing during the Bad Tour. :lol:
NP. I was just being nosy wondering why he didn't call her for the new gig that's all. Maybe she didn't want to be following him around the stage every night with a heavy ass light show on her head like he had her doing during the Bad Tour. :lol:

girl, she came out with a TREE on her head during dangerous :lmao:
:lmao: Honey that thing looked like something out of the enchanted forest.
:lmao: Honey that thing looked like something out of the enchanted forest.

o you mean this bamf over hurr on da left?

Hello! All he needs is some Christmas tree lights and he's good to go! :lol:
omg, ya'll have me DYING laughing :rofl: i was in the middle of crying after the burial thread and BAM ya'll crazy heiffers got me cracking up about jennifer's hair. :toofunny: THANK YOU
Quotes from Jennifer's twitts, Sorry I couldn't resist!!!

@BatsFoMJ Funny man :) My hair was the biggest on earth. Not braggin--just the truth. 2.5 hours to make that happen every show day Karen Faye is a wizard with hair. i couldn't do it on my own. It was her talent + Stiff Stuff hairspray. Still have glue in my lungs....

@NVictoria No I don't keep the big assed hair anymore. Too much maintenance! Thankfully the 80's r long gone!

@AngelaDF My hair scared you? Scared me too when I first looked at it!

@NataliaGuarin Beat It changed over the years. I had a different costiume every tour. Most of the head pieces were lightweight but once they had a 30 pound dragon attached to me that nearly broke my back. People said I looked very unhappy. It was retired thankfully and replaced with lightweight Viking horns. Ah the things they don't prepare you for in music school :)

I guess it is the dragon you're talking about, heartbreakhotelmjj & london??? :D:D:D *rolling on the floor*
hahahhahahhaha omg this thread is still alive and filled with totally on-topic useful info :hysterical: i love it, thanks so much limonali!

and yeah, she's totally talking about dangerous tour because my friends and i just about died when we saw she had a lit up ENT (the lord of the rings tree-ppl) on her head!!

o god i love jennifer batten even more now than ever!

ps. baderasexy, we're totally always here to chase them tears away. :give_heart:
:lmao: @ LOTR Tree People!!!

I read her twitter and was cracking up. Nothing but nice things to say about MJ. Makes me sad. :(