Did Michael Really Bring People Together?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was just re-watching Al Sharpton speak at the memorial and on Bill O Riley. And He always said how Michale bought people all around the world together and what-not. Every time I hear that, I picture a crowd of people of all races and backgrounds randomly getting together and loving each other and singing along and stuff like that.

Has this actually happened? Other than maybe a concert. Has there ever been a moment where people all around the world came together in love and stuff like that?

And I mean before he died.

Just curious.
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It's safe to say that there was the kind of bond among MJ fans all over the world, at least. And there still is that and always will be.

Michael bringing people together, this is the idea that you yourself get to decide to believe. Many outside the fan circle are likely to dismiss it as just fandom caught up in putting on rosy glasses. As a fan, I believe he did bring people together. He did not and could not change the world in a major way, but he did something in the process to do that in his "small" way, as he would humbly say and like the words for the song "In Our Small Way."