Did Michael Jackson have a real close friends or a good friend?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was talking to my bestfriend about this a day ago. Did MJ have a close friend that would treat him like a person not the superstar he was? Like a buddy to go laugh or sit down have a normal convo? Just like a normal person Would say to a bestfriend.." let's go out crusing in my car" ..let's go out to movies" friends as bestfriend. What you think? I think MJ had people that worked for him. Help him open the door..bizz friends. But he had his kids.. I think that's as close right?
Ricky great question. I think everybody needs that one close friend that they can confide in. In Michael's case im not sure. I think in different stages of his life he had this type of person. Maybe Miko?
I know MJ called and confided in Donny Osmond through the years they've known each other. Donny even invited MJ out to his home in Utah (I think) for some private vacation time. MJ never did take Donny up on that offer though, sad.
Gold- when your that famous and well known and well liked by many, AND sensitive and trusting and kind to everyone ...... its hard to make friends, keep friends and hard to distinguish who the real true ppl are first off ....

I remember in an interview MJ did in the 80s, around Billie Jean was done, MJ said that he was just learning what friendship is, and just getting to know what friends are and friendship and companionship.
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and to add to that- MJ was very insecure. He actually didn't like, almost hated, upsetting the people around him. MJ wanted to make everybody happy and everybody satisified with the choices he made...
no ones listening lol... I'm not saying MJ didn't have 1 friend. I'm saying even with the friends he did have there was still the trust issue.

keep your friends close, but your enemies closer
I think Elisabeth Taylor is really really close to him.

I for one am glad he had her in his life.
Elizabeth was his soul mate, so yes. I agree with that :)

I also think there were probably many people in his life that we didn't know about, that he would rate as great friends.

I have that image in my head of him in a cap in the car with those guys, dancing to R Kelly Ígnition'. That looked very buddy like :)
the question had to be asked, and that may cause wonderment, and i know it might cause discomfort, but i would say no...he's a beautiful soul and he was reaching out, but i still think people had trouble with him being himself..which is probably why he wrote the childhood lyric 'no one understands me'
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someone really close to him? no he didn't...the only people who were truly close to him were the children, but he didn't have an adult friend, like someone he could confide in on a daily basis. he was a lonely man, I think that's why he was so insecure too because he didn't have anyone to turn to for advice
elizabeth was the closest friend he had I agree, but she is sick and old now she couldn't offer the same support anymore

I think everybody needs that one close friend that they can confide in.
yes, we need it like we need air to breathe
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Well, in reality I think friends like that are very rare. I don't think I've even had a friend like that where I could completely and fully confide in them. For Michael, I think Elizabeth Taylor was that person, but like a "buddy buddy" friend, he may have had a few like Brett Ratner and Macaulay Culkin. Of course I'm only going by what I've seen in video footage. Who knows what goes on when the cameras are off. We don't really know what Michael was like in person without the cameras on him. He may have had friends we didn't know of, or he may not have.
elizabeth was the closest friend he had I agree, but she is sick and old now she couldn't offer the same support anymore

I don't know what you mean by this comment? My nan is "sick and old" and she gives me more support than anyone else in my family. I don't doubt that Elizabeth wasn't as much of a friend now as she was 30 years ago when she met him.

I think the only real person who can answer this question is the one person who isn't here to give us the answer. We can all make assumptions, but I really believe there was more to Michael's life than we know about.

Sorry, I don't mean any of that to sound rude or anything :(